2007.7-現在 北京師範大學教授
1997.7-2007.6 北京師範大學數學系副教授
2003.10—2005.6 瑞典Karolinska Institutet 博士後
1983.9-1990.7 北京師範大學數學系本科、碩士學習
1.李洪興, 尤飛,彭家寅, 曾文溢,基於某些模糊蘊涵運算元的模糊控制器及其回響函式, 自然科學進展,2003,13(10):1073~1077
2. Wenyi Zeng, Yu Shi, Note on interval-valued fuzzy set, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 3613, 2005, 20-25,2nd International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, Aug 27-29, 2005,Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, Part 1, Proceedings : 20-25, 2005, (SCI)
3. Wenyi Zeng, Hongxing Li, Weimin Ye, On the weighted interval approximation of a fuzzy number, 8th Joint Conference on Information Sciences (JCIS 2005), JUL 21-26, 2005,Proceedings of the 8th Joint Conference on Information Sciences, Vol. 1-3, 176-179, 2005 (ISTP)
4.Ioannis Rouvelas, Wenyi Zeng, Mats Lindblad, Pernilla Viklund, Weimin Ye, Jesper Lagergren, Survival after surgery for oesophageal cancer: a population-based study, Lancet Oncology, Vol.6, No.11, 2005, 864-870 (SCI)
5. Wenyi Zeng,Hongxing Li, Inner product truth-valued flow inference, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, vol.13 (6), 2005,601-612, (SCI)
6. Wenyi Zeng, Hongxing Li, Note on “Some operations on intuitionistic fuzzy sets”, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 157(2006), 990-991 (SCI)
7. Wenyi Zeng, Hongxing Li, Inclusion measures, similarity measures and the fuzziness of fuzzy sets and their relations, International Journal of Intelligence Systems, 21(2006), 639-653 (SCI)
8. Wenyi Zeng, Hongxing Li, Relationship between similarity measure and entropy of interval valued fuzzy sets, Fuzzy Sets and Systems,157(2006), 1477-1484 (SCI)