Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 The Colony and the Chinese Community
2.1 Hong Kong as ' a Part of China'
2.2 Growing and Floating: Chinese Population
2.3 The Chinese Community: Social Structure
2.4 Between the Chinese and the Europeans: a Chasm
Chapter 3 The Chinese Community and the Chinese Dialects
3.1 The Chinese Ethnic Groups
3.2 The Chinese Ethnic Groups and the Chinese Ethnic Dialects
3.3 EV and Cantonese as a Common Language
3.4 Cantonese and Its Varieties in Early Hong Kong
Chapter 4 The Chinese Community and English
4.1 Church Schools and Chinese Learning English
4.2 Government Schools and Chinese Learning English
4.3 The Government and Chinese Learning English
4.4 Chinese Rejecting English: Power and Culture
Chapter 5 The Chinese Community and Chinese Pidgin English
5.1 CPE: from Canton and Macao to Hong Kong
5.2 The Users of CPE
5.3 CPE : Language Acquisition
5.4 Function of CPE
5.5 The Decline of CPE
Chapter 6 Conclusion