首播日期: (美國東部時間)2013-07-14 晚10點
集數: 9
單集片長: 60
又名: 新聞間軼事 / 新聞中心
IMDb連結: tt2288440
名稱 :新聞編輯室第二季
主演 :傑夫·丹尼爾斯艾米莉·莫迪默
狀態 :第4集
No. in series | No. in season | Title | Directed by | Written by | Original air date | U.S. viewers (millions) |
11 | 1 | "First Thing We Do, Let's Kill All the Lawyers" | Alan Poul | Story by: Ian Reichbach andAaron Sorkin Teleplay by: Aaron Sorkin | July14,2013 | 2.22 |
Will describes the events of the past year while in a deposition with lawyer, Rebecca Halliday (Marcia Gay Harden). Reese Lansing is denied entry to aHousecommittee hearing on copyright protection. Jim Harper assigns himself as ACN's correspondent for theMitt Romney presidential campaignto get away from Maggie because of his feelings for her. To replace him, Mac calls Jerry Dantana (Hamish Linklater), a producer for ACN's D.C. bureau. Maggie is living with Don, but the two break up after Don discovers a video of Maggie declaring her love for Jim (in the Season 1 finale) posted online. Will is in trouble with the public after calling the Tea Party "the American Taliban," which is why Reese was ejected from the committee hearing. Cyrus West, one of the panelists for News Night , gives Jerry Dantana a tip about a black ops mission calledOperation Genoa. Takes place between August 23 and September 12, 2011. | ||||||
12 | 2 | "The Genoa Tip" | Jeremy Podeswa | Story by: Dana Ledoux Miller & Adam R. Perlman and Aaron Sorkin Teleplay by: Aaron Sorkin | July21,2013 | 1.88 |
Jim meets Hallie Shea (Grace Gummer), an embedded reporter with the Romney campaign. Charlie Skinner takes Will off the 9/11 tenth anniversary story because of his American Taliban comment, and Will is condemned on the House floor as a result. Maggie and Sloan track down the person who posted the youtube video of Maggie's confession about Jim in front of the Sex and the City bus and make a deal with her to take it down. However, Maggie's best friend Lisa, (Kelen Coleman) soon discovers the video and decides to end their friendship. Maggie wants to do a story in Africa and pitches it to Mac. Don tries to convince Will to strengthen coverage of theTroy Davisexecution. Jerry Dantana tells Mac about Operation Genoa, a mission conducted by Marine Special Operations (MARSOC) to rescue two captured Marines by usingsaringas against the enemy. Neal is arrested while filming anOccupy Wall Streetprotest leading to Will going to the police station to bail him out. Takes place between August 25 and September 21, 2011. | ||||||
13 | 3 | "Willie Pete" | Lesli Linka Glatter | Story by: Michael Gunn & Elizabeth Peterson and Aaron Sorkin Teleplay by: Aaron Sorkin | July28,2013 | 1.80 |
Will meets with Nina Howard, a gossip columnist, to convince her not to publish a story about him being taken off the 9/11 anniversary broadcast. Jerry and Mac meet with Gunnery Sergeant Eric Sweeney who confirms the Genoa story. They take the story to Charlie Skinner. Maggie prepares to leave for Africa. Neal struggles to convince Mac to do a story on Occupy Wall Street (OWS), but Mac is eventually convinced and allows Neal to find an OWS member for an on-air interview with Will. On the Romney press bus, Jim voices his disgust at the limited answers he receives from the Romney campaign spokespeople, and the lack of questions being asked by the other reporters. Hallie musters the courage to start asking hard questions after Jim's rant. Jim and Hallie, along with a third reporter, Stillman, are kicked off the press bus after Jim fails to convince the rest of the reporters to take a stand with them. Jerry assembles a team to continue researching Genoa and their search eventually leads to a source who seems to have described the entire event onTwitter. Takes place between September 23 and September 30, 2011. | ||||||
14 | 4 | "Unintended Consequences" | Carl Franklin | Aaron Sorkin | August4,2013 | 1.62 |
Rebecca Halliday interviews Maggie about the events of the past year. Maggie and another producer, Gary (Chris Chalk) leave for Africa. They go to an orphanage in Uganda to do a PR story about the work of US troops. While there, Maggie befriends a little boy named Daniel. After the soldiers leave and the reporters are left at the orphanage overnight, gunmen arrive and Daniel is shot and killed while Maggie is carrying him on her back as they evacuate. Will interviews Shelly ( Aya Cash ), one of the Occupy Wall Street protesters and embarrasses her on air. Jerry and Neal learn that she knows a person who may have knowledge of Genoa, but she won't lead them to the person until Will apologizes. Jerry and Neal find the person they were looking for and he gives them a report he wrote for an NGO, where he documents the use of chemical weapons. Jim is insulted by the Romney Campaign's spokesperson, Taylor Warren (Constance Zimmer), and is offered a 30 minute one on one with Mitt Romney, but gives it to Hallie. Takes place between September 30 and October 3, 2011. The last scene skips several months into the future where Maggie cuts her hair due to the events that occurred in Africa. | ||||||
15 | 5 | "News Night with Will McAvoy" | Alan Poul | Aaron Sorkin | August11,2013 | 1.82 |
Will learns that his father has died.Bombs explode in Syriaand a couple pretending to be victims of the blast prank call the station. Nude photos of Sloan are leaked online by a disgruntled former boyfriend. She confronts him, punches him in the face, and takes a photo. ARutgersstudent, about to be interviewed by Will, posts on Twitter that he will announce he is gay while on the show and Mac stops him from going on. Don tries to correct a statement he made to a reporter at WorldNetDaily . A confidential source gives Charlie a cargo manifest from Operation Genoa that contains a classified item, which Charlie believes is sarin gas. Jim suspects Maggie (who is still shaken from her ordeal in Africa) is drunk at work. Takes place on March 16, 2012. | ||||||
16 | 6 | "One Step Too Many" | Julian Farino | Aaron Sorkin | August18,2013 | 1.89 |
The staff has its first Red Team meeting about Operation Genoa. Charlie Skinner says the story is not ready to air. The team finds another source for the Genoa story, former USMC Gen. Stomtonovich (Stephen Root). Charlie and Mac go to Maryland to meet with him and he agrees to be interviewed. Jerry conducts the interview alone after Gen. Stomotonovich asks Maggie to leave the room due, as he was not told in advance she would be present and has not had her checked out. Gen. Stomtonovich affirms the existence of sarin gas and his belief that its use may sometimes be justified, but does not say that it was used during Operation Genoa. On his return, Jerry edits the raw footage of the interview so that it appears the General said that sarin gas was used during the operation. After the interview, the staff holds a second Red Team meeting, where Charlie Skinner says the story still isn't ready to air. Hallie arranges a double date for her and Jim with her friend and Neal. To Jim's dismay Taylor Warren, the Romney campaign spokesperson, tags along. Warren later reveals that she was recently fired. Will is concerned about his likability with the audience, has a focus group done, and at Nina Howard's urging, attempts to change his public image. Several months later, ACN gets a call from a Lance Corporal, thought to be dead, who was a member of the MARSOC team on Operation Genoa. Later, Charlie recounts his recollection of events to Rebecca Halliday and reveals that the story about Operation Genoa was not true. Takes place between March 21 and August 25, 2012. | ||||||
17 | 7 | "Red Team III" | Anthony Hemingway | Aaron Sorkin | August25,2013 | 1.47 |
The staff is being interviewed by Rebecca Halliday and recount how they all failed to discover the Genoa story was false. Flash back to a few months ago: the third Red Team meeting is being conducted and Will is presented the story. Will reveals that he heard the same story from a source. Charlie says that the story is ready to air. ACN airs the story on September 9, 2012. The next day, revelations from various sources cause the staff to start questioning the story's accuracy. Mac is suspicious and reviews the tape of the interview with the General. She discovers that Jerry edited it and fires him. It is revealed that in addition to the edited interview, Cyrus West (the first source) has political ambitions and exaggerated Operation Genoa, Eric Sweeney (the second source) is discovered to have a traumatic brain injury, Charlie's source provided him with a fake manifest in order to get back at him for firing his son, who is dead; the Lance Corporal, who was interviewed by Mac, was asked leading questions and merely repeated what he heard from Mac and other sources in the interview. Meanwhile,riots are beginning in Cairo because of an American film insulting Islamand aterrorist attack on the American consulate in Benghazi occurs. Will, Charlie, and Mac are all prepared to hand in their resignations to AWM CEO, Leona Lansing, but she rejects them. Takes place between September 9 and September 11, 2012. | ||||||
18 | 8 | "Election Night, Part I" | Jason Ensler | Aaron Sorkin | September8,2013 | 1.76 |
Will, Charlie, and Mac are trying to convince Leona and her son Reese to accept their resignations. Taylor Warren, formerly with the Romney campaign, is on the ACN election night panel. She gives Maggie a tip about a candidate in California who has condemnedTodd Akin, but made a similarlycontroversial statementseveral years ago about rape and abortion. The candidate's staff, in order to get ACN to not run the story, gives them a tip that CIA DirectorDavid Petraeuswill resign because of an affair and that the Commander of US Forces in Afghanistan will be investigated for a relationship with aFlorida socialite, who was receiving harassing e-mails fromPetraeus' mistress. Sloan discovers a supposedly autographed copy of her book was sold at a charity auction, but she did not actually sign it and asks Neal to track down the buyer. Mac asks Neal to fix the information listed on her Wikipedia page which wrongly states that she was President of theOxford Unionwhen she actually went to Cambridge , but he has trouble finding an outside source to confirm the information. Don is told by Rebecca Halliday that he will be named in a separate lawsuit by Jerry Dantana. Jim accidentally calls a race too early and spends the night watching it, hoping he will end up being correct. Will tells Mac that she will be fired at the end of the election night show. Takes place onElection Night, November 6, 2012. | ||||||
19 | 9 | "Election Night, Part II" | Alan Poul | Aaron Sorkin | September15,2013 | 1.67 |
ACN decides to proceed with the story about the candidate in California instead of the Petraeus story. Leona decides to let Reese make the decision on whether to accept the resignations of Will, Charlie, and Mac. Will learns that senior staff will also resign as a result of Genoa and tries to convince them not to. Hallie believes that Maggie cut her own hair and tells Jim of her concern. Jim discovers that his ex-girlfriend (Maggie's roommate, Lisa) has a second job working for a caterer at the campaign watch party. He meets with Lisa and encourages her to return to speaking terms with Maggie. Sloan realizes that Don was the one who bought the book, gives him a signed copy, and kisses him. To fix Mac's Wikipedia page, Neal proposes a plan for Jim to give Hallie an article Neal has written under Hallie's name to confirm that Mac was President of theCambridge Union. Hallie writes the article herself as a gift from "new media". Reese decides not to accept Will, Charlie, and Mac's resignations, but Will and Charlie have already decided not to resign. Maggie and Lisa talk. Will asks Mac to marry him and she says yes. The ACN staff celebrates. Takes place on Election Night, November 6, 2012. |

格蕾絲·古默(Grace Gummer)將在《新聞編輯室》(The Newsroom)中出任循環角色。 影后梅麗爾·斯特里普(Meryl Streep)的女兒將在這部HBO劇集第二季里飾演記者海莉·希亞(Hallie Shea)。
在這部亞倫·索金(Aaron Sorkin)執筆的劇集中,她扮演的記者將報導共和黨總統候選人羅姆尼的大選過程,並將在多集中出現。 格蕾絲曾出演過尼克台的《巨大》(Gigantic),還在今年早些時候客串了NBC台的《名聲大噪》(Smash)。
今年9月,26歲的她參演了ABC台新劇《零點時刻》(Zero Hour),飾FBI探員。該劇預計於明年春季播出。
由她的姐姐麥米·古默(Mamie Gummer)主演的新劇《宅女醫生》正在CW台播出,麥米在其中飾演一名醫學院學生。
據此前報導,帕頓·奧斯瓦爾頓(Patton Oswalt)和蘿絲瑪麗·德維特(Rosemarie DeWitt)也將加入《新聞編輯室》第二季。
角色 | 演員 | 備註 |
Will McAvoy | 傑夫·丹尼爾斯 | ---- |
Mackenzie MacHale | 艾米莉·莫迪默 | ---- |
Jim Harper | 小約翰·加拉赫 | ---- |
Margaret Jordan | 艾麗森·皮爾 | ---- |
Don Keefer | 托馬斯·薩多斯基 | ---- |
Neal Sampat | 戴夫·帕特爾 | ---- |
Sloan Sabbith | 奧立薇婭·瑪恩 | ---- |
Charlie Skinner | 薩姆·沃特森 | ---- |
傑夫·丹尼爾斯 飾演:Will McAvoy 《晚間新聞》主播
艾米莉·莫迪默 飾演:Mackenzie MacHale 《晚間新聞》執行製片人
小約翰·加拉赫 飾演:Jim Harper 《晚間新聞》高級節目製片人
艾麗森·皮爾 飾演:Margaret Jordan 《晚間新聞》聯合製片人
托馬斯·薩多斯基飾演:Don Keefer 《晚間新聞》公關顧問
戴夫·帕特爾 飾演:Neal Sampat 《晚間新聞》新聞寫手
奧立薇婭·瑪恩 飾演:Sloan Sabbith 《晚間新聞》經濟評論主持人
薩姆·沃特森 飾演:Charlie Skinner ACN新聞網新聞部部長
簡·方達 飾演:Leona Lansing ACN新聞網母公司(AWN)CEO
喬·泰尼 飾演:Wade 《晚間新聞》特派記者
大衛·克魯霍爾特茲飾演:Jacob Habib Will的私人心理醫生
Will McAvoy(傑夫·丹尼爾斯)是一位資深新聞節目主持人,為ACN電視網八點檔旗艦節目《晚間新聞》帶來超高收視率,因為飛揚跋扈、剛愎自用,引發過團隊成員的不滿,於是集體被挖角。由此他不得不帶領一批全新的團隊成員,重振《晚間新聞》的旗鼓。同時,Will也是個憤世嫉俗的牛人,對當今美國的弊端揭露得一針見血,只要在鏡頭前收起了臭脾氣,他便所向披靡。
McAvoy的老闆、ACN電視網新聞部部長Charlie Skinner(薩姆·沃特森),他是ACN電視網新聞部部長,繫心如明鏡的牛人,有卓越的眼光與新聞理想,知道該如何拯救一檔新聞節目,眼光更是準得驚人,這才將Will用在了刀刃上,同時也竭力維護這檔節目中的所有人才。別看老爺子平常愛裝糊塗,時常偷偷在辦公室用電腦打牌什麼的,卻早已決意將新聞節目結構推倒重組,締造一波又一波的收視高峰。
MacKenzie McHale(艾米莉·莫迪默)這位拿過兩座皮博迪獎盃的女強人,其父親當年是柴契爾夫人的駐聯合國大使,在美國出生的她是不折不扣的愛國主義者。作為《晚間新聞》這檔節目的“二把手”,她處處彰顯“頭兒”的風範,雖然私人感情處理得一團糟,對新聞的敏感度異常犀利,能打中事件的七寸,也扣緊了“新聞”的“新鮮度”與“關鍵點”,開拓了一片精彩的新聞報導之天地。
Jim Harper、Margaret Jordan、Don Keefer、Neal Sampat和Sloan Sabbith組成了。他們一開始合作得並不十分愉快,但他們很快達成了一個共識:他們要做一檔最優秀的電視新聞節目,他們要正確地報導電視新聞。
Jim Harper(小約翰·加拉赫),雖然他是被McHale趕鴨子上架的高級節目製片人,卻非常有手段,知道利用線人來收羅新聞情報,擅長應付一切突發事件,也曾服過兵役。某種意義上來講,Jim頗有“扮豬吃老虎”的味道,總是用一張娃娃臉迷惑眾生,最後卻能擋下所有的風波。
Jim十分迷戀同事Margaret Jordan(艾麗森·皮爾),資歷尚淺的聯合製片人Margaret Jordan從實習生乾到轉正,雖然經驗不足,但辦事認真,也敢於表達想法,也正在努力克服自己的恐懼症。這女孩善良、聰明、敢於承擔,具備“晨間劇女主角”的熱血特質。
Margaret的男朋友Don Keefer(托馬斯·薩多斯基),這位對Will一直不滿的執行製片,勉為其難加入這個團隊,對Will和McHale都有點兒瞧不起,在《晚間新聞》幹活純屬“友情贊助”,但經驗老道,能力卓越,同時他還是Margaret的男友。
Neal Sampat(戴夫·帕特爾),每部劇中總要有一位高智商天才,《新聞編輯室》中這個偉大任務就給了“貧民窟的百萬富翁”了,他負責維護Will的部落格,收集網上情報,具備超強記憶力,能完美地分析事件,通過大學裡製作物理模型的經驗給你精確解釋油井爆炸的嚴重後果,系罕見的編輯室天才少年。
Sloan Sabbith(奧立薇婭·瑪恩)則是ACN電視網的經濟新聞評論家。高智商美女,經濟學研究生、博士生及博士後,在經濟領域有15年的造詣,拒絕華爾街投資銀行四百萬年薪的工作,為了新聞理想一直在電視台奮鬥,非常有個性以及魅力。曾經因為日本核泄露等級的事件,在節目上直接用日語逼問日本方面的發言人而差點導致事業觸礁。她是Mac的“閨蜜”。保持single是因為“男人都被我的高智商嚇跑了”,實則上跟唐會比較配對。