

《普通高等教育"十一五"國家級規劃教材·新世紀高等院校英語專業本科生系列教材:聽力教程4(學生用書)(第2版)(修訂版)》對原教程內容作了適當調整和補充:縮減了全書長度,將其縮減至15單元;替換了部分文章;更新了相當數量的新聞內容;修訂了部分練習及答案。在使用時,希望學生能夠運用在前兩冊里學到的聽力技巧及策略進行自主聽力練習。另外,通過Listening for Gist練習,希望學生能夠掌握判斷關鍵字的能力。 點擊連結進入新版: 新世紀高等院校英語專業本科生教材(十二五)聽力教程(第2版)4學生用書(附光碟)




Unit 1
Section One Tactics for Listening
Section Two Listening Comprehension
Section Three News
Section Four Supplementary Exercises
Unit 2
Section One Tactics for Listening
Section Two Listening Comprehension
Section Three News
Section Four Supplementary Exercises
Unit 3
Section One Tactics for Listening
Section Two Listening Comprehension
Section Three News
Section Four Supplementary Exercises
Unit 4
Section One Tactics for Listening
Section Two Listening Comprehension
Section Three News
Section Four Supplementary Exercises
Unit 5
Section One Tactics for Listening
Section Two Listening Comprehension
Section Three News
Section Four Supplementary Exercises
Unit 6
Section One Tactics for Listening
Section Two Listening Comprehension
Section Three News
Section Four Supplementary Exercises
Unit 7
Section One Tactics for Listening
Section Two Listening Comprehension
Section Three News
Section Four Supplementary Exercises
Unit 8
Section One Tactics for Listening
Section Two Listening Comprehension
Section Three News
Section Four Supplementary Exercises
Unit 9
Section One Tactics for Listening
Section Two Listening Comprehension
Section Three News
Section Four Supplementary Exercises
Unit 10
Section One Tactics for Listening
Section Two Listening Comprehension
Section Three News
Section Four Supplementary Exercises
Unit 11
Section One Tactics for Listening
Section Two Listening Comprehension
Section Three News
Section Four Supplementary Exercises
Unit 12
Section One Tactics for Listening
Section Two Listening Comprehension
Section Three News
Section Four Supplementary Exercises
Unit 13
Section One Tactics for Listening
Section Two Listening Comprehension
Section Three News
Section Four Supplementary Exercises
Unit 14
Section One Tactics for Listening
Section Two Listening Comprehension
Section Three News
Section Four Supplementary Exercises
Unit 15
Section One Tactics for Listening
Section Two Listening Comprehension
Section Three News
Section Four Supplementary


Genghis Khan (meaning "Universal Ruler") (1162-1227) Mongolian warrior-ruler who consolidated nomadic tribes into a unified Mongolia and whose troops fought from China's Pacific coast to Europe's Adriatic Sea,creating the basis for one of the greatesst continental empires of all timeMartin Luther(1483-1546) German priest who sparked the Reformation.He urged the reform of the Roman Catholic Church.
Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948) Preeminent leader of Indian nationalism and prophet of nonviolence in the 20th century.In the 1930s-he campaigned to end discrimination against India's untouchable class.India achieved dominion status in 1947,but the partition of the subcontinent into India and Pakistan was a great disappointment to Gandhi.In January 1948 he was shot and killed by a young Hindu fanatic.
Winston Churchill (1874-1965) Soldier,politician and finally Prime Minister,Winston Churchill was one of Britain's greatest 20th-century heroes.Churchill served as Prime Minister from 1940-1945 and again from 1951-1955.During World War II,he committed himself and the nation to an all-out war Until victory was achieved,and his great eloquence,energy and indomitable fortitude made him an inspiration to his countrymen.
Charles de Gaulle (1890-1970) The dominant political leader and grand figurehead of France during and after World War Ⅱ.In World War Ⅱ,De Gaulle formed the Free French forces and led the provisional government that ruled France after it was retaken from Germany.Proud,stubborn,and charismatic,he insisted on France's right to pursue an independent path from both Europe and the United States.


