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《文金國際》是國內頗具影響力的中英文雙語雜誌,內容包括房產、藝術、旅遊、美食及奢侈品及國內外頂級品牌最新資訊。以最卓越的表現形式和時尚的設計風格,為您呈現最領先的國際生活方式。讓您的生活與世界同步!It is a bilingual magazine, which is powerful in domestic market, including real estate, art, travel, gourmet food, luxury and the latest news about top brands in the world. With excellent representation and fashion design, we show you the leading international lifestyle. In step with the world!
《文金國際》讀者群體集中為高端人群,大部分為在華的外籍人士、外企高管及高素質、高消費能力的企業白領和商旅人士。我們結合《品味生活Lifestyle》讀者定位及自身資源優勢,深度分析了解客群讀者的生活形態,並依此採取多形式、多渠道的立體化發行模式,使雜誌迅速、精準的發行到潛在讀者活動區域。確保雜誌發行的精準、有效。Most of wenjinguoji readers are high-end group, such as foreigners in china, foreign enterprise executives, white-collar workers and business travelers with well educated and high consumption. we consider the reader location and our advanced resource,and analysis the readers’ life form, then distribute our magazine with various ways and channels, in order to make the magazine distributed to the latent readers quickly and exactly. Make sure the whole distribution is exactly and effective.


