
a a a


出版社: 南京大學出版社; 第1版 (2008年10月1日)
叢書名: 掃清障礙學口語
平裝: 365頁
正文語種: 簡體中文, 英語
開本: 32
ISBN: 9787305052439
條形碼: 9787305052439
尺寸: 20.8 x 14.8 x 2.2 cm
重量: 440 g




1 a back number
2 a bad egg
3 a bag of bones
4 a baker's dozen
5 a bear for
6 a bed of roses
7 a big fish
8 a big heart
9 a bird
10 a bit
11 a bitter pill to swallow
12 a black eye
13 a black sheep
14 a blank cheque
15 a blood-bath
16 a blue-stocking
17 a body blow
18 a bone to pick
19 a boy of a girl
20 a brain storm
21 a bread-and-butter letter
22 a brick
23 a Briton
24 a broken reed
25 a budding
26 A bull in a china shop
27 a bull of Bashan
28 a butter mountain
29 a call box
30 a case in point
31 a case of the pot calling the kettle black
32 a cat
33 A eat has Nine Lives.
34 a cat-o'nine-tails
35 a cat's paw/a catspaw
36 a chain-srrioker
37 A change is as good as a rest.
38 a chapter of accidents
39 a chip in broth
40 a chip on one's shoulder
41 a Christmas stocking
42 a cock and bull story
43 a cock sparrow
44 a cog in the wheel
45 a colt
46 a copy-cat
47 a crocodile
48 a crook
49 a cross in life
50 a crown of thorns
51 a crumb of comfort
52 a cup and saucer
53 a dark horse
54 a day's grace
55 a dead shot
56 a death's head at the feast
57 a deep one
58 a desk general
59 a devil of a job
60 a dog(lying) in the manger
61 a-dollar-a year man
62 a drawing card
63 a drop in the bucket
64 a dry old stick
65 a fair-haired boy
66 a fair treat
67 a family tree
68 a fancy man
69 a far cry
70 a far cry from sth
71 a fat chance
72 a feather in sb's cap
73 a few sticks of furniture
74 a figure of fun
75 a fire-bug
76 a flash in the pan
77 a flea bite
78 a flea in sb's ear
79 a fly in the ointment
80 a flying dog
81 a flying pig
82 a fly on the wheel
83 a foreign body
84 a fork in the road
85 a frame up
86 a full house
87 a gay dog
88 a ginger group
89 a glass jaw
90 A glass of port, and look slippy.
91 a gold-digger
92 a golden opportunity
93 a gold-mine
94 a good bedside manner
95 a good few
96 a good lay
97 a good mixer
98 a good shot
99 A Good Show!
100 a(/the) good thing to do
101 a good time girl
102 a gooseberry
103 a grass widow
104 a great idea
105 a green hand
106 a green winter
107 a green wound
108 a grey area
109 a hairy story
110 a half-backed girl
111 a handful
112 a hard nut to crack
113 a hat trick
114 a hatchet job
115 a hate boat
116 a head on beer
117 a heart of oak
118 a heart of stone
119 a heart-throb
120 a heart-to-heart talk
121 a hearty person
122 a ben party
123 a hen-pecked husband
124 a high-brow
125 a highly coloured report
126 a hill of beans
127 a hole-corner affair
128 A home from home 1
129 a home 1etter
130 a(/the)hot item
131 a(/the)hot line
132 a hotbed
133 a household word
134 a Jack at a pinch
135 a jail-bird
136 a jay-walker
137 a key industry
138 a knee-jerk reaction
139 a knowledge box
140 a knuckle head
141 a lame duck
142 a land of milk and honey
143 a 1atch-key child
144 a late bird
145 a 1aunch window
146 a 1azy bones
147 a leap in the dark
148 A leopard never changes its spots
149 a licence to print money
150 a life support system
151 a litter bug
152 A little friend has come
153 a load off one'S mind
154 a lucky dog
155 a lump in one'S throat
156 a male chauvinist pig
157 a man(/woman)after my own heart
158 a man of blood
159 a man of fashion
160 a man of few words
161 a man of his word
162 a man of straw
163 a man on horseback
164 a mess of potage
165 a matter of life or death
166 a millstone about sb's neck
167 A miss is as good as a mile
168 a mixed bag
169 a mole
170 a mom and pop store
171 a monkey
172 a mouthful
173 a mule
174 a must
175 a near thing
176 a new lease of life
177 an eye-opener
178 a nice-to-have information
179 a night owl
180 A NO 1
181 A nod as good as a wink to a blind bat
182 a pain in the neck
183 a past master
184 A penny for your thoughts?
185 a perfect picture
186 A piece of cake 1
187 a piece of one'S mind
188 a piece of skirt
189 a pig
190 a pig in the middle
191 a plum job
192 a plummy voice
193 a political animal
194 a pot hunter
195 a pot shot
196 a pot-belly
197 a pot-boiler
198 A pretty kettle of fish!
199 a private eye
200 a puppy
201 a question of time
202 a quiz show
203 a rabbit
204 a race against time
205 a rainy day
206 a rat
207 a red cent
208 a red-letter day
209 a right arm
210 a road-hog
211 a rogue elephant
212 a Roman nose
213 a rough diamond
214 a round robin
215 a run on the bank
216 a running battle
217 a sandwich course
218 a sandwich man
219 a scapegoat
220 a scarlet woman
221 a seat of learning
222 a sheep
223 a shot in the eye
224 a shoulder to cry on
225 a shrinking violet
226 a sight for sore eyes
227 a sign of the times
228 a silent partner
229 a Silver Jubilee
230 a silver tongue
231 a sink of iniquity
232 a sitting duck
233 a skeleton at the feast
234 a skeleton in the cupboard
235 a skeleton key
236 a slap on the wrist
237 a slice of the cake
238 a slip of the tongue
239 a sly dog
240 a small fortune
241 a smart article
242 a snake in the grass
243 a solid hour
244 a special student
245 a specific remedy for
246 a square peg in a round hole
247 a star
248 a step in the right direction
249 a stony stare
250 a stool-pigeon
251 a storm in a tea-cup
252 a stormy petrel
253 a strain on one's nerve
254 a straw in the wind
255 a straw poll
256 a string to it
257 a sure draw
189 a pig
190 a pig in the middle
191 a plum job
192 a plummy voice
193 a political animal
194 a pot hunter
195 a pot shot
196 a pot-belly
197 a pot-boiler
198 A pretty kettle of fish!
199 a private eye
200 a puppy
201 a question of time
202 a quiz show
203 a rabbit
204 a race against time
205 a rainy day
206 a rat
207 a red cent
208 a red-letter day
209 a right arm
210 a road-hog
211 a rogue elephant
212 a Roman nose
213 a rough diamond
214 a round robin
215 a run on the bank
216 a running battle
217 a sandwich course
218 a sandwich man
219 a scapegoat
220 a scarlet woman
221 a seat of learning
222 a sheep
223 a shot in the eye
224 a shoulder to cry on
225 a shrinking violet
226 a sight for sore eyes
227 a sign of the times
228 a silent partner
229 a Silver Jubilee
230 a silver tongue
231 a sink of iniquity
232 a sitting duck
233 a skeleton at the feast
234 a skeleton in the cupboard
235 a skeleton key
236 a slap on the wrist
237 a slice of the cake
238 a slip of the tongue
239 a sly dog
240 a small fortune
241 a smart article
242 a snake in the grass
243 a solid hour
244 a special student
245 a specific remedy for
246 a square peg in a round hole
247 a star
248 a step in the right direction
249 a stony stare
250 a stool-pigeon
251 a storm in a tea-cup
252 a stormy petrel
253 a strain on one's nerve
254 a straw in the wind
255 a straw poll
256 a string to it
257 a sure draw

