
Lesson Lesson Lesson


出版社: 復旦大學出版社; 第1版 (2005年11月1日)
平裝: 321頁
正文語種: 簡體中文
開本: 16
ISBN: 7309047753
條形碼: 9787309047752
尺寸: 22.8 x 17 x 1.2 cm
重量: 363 g




Lesson One
Text A
Private Space
Key Words and Expressions
Language Points
keys to Exercises
Translation of the Text and Dialogues
Text B
Psychological Space
Language Points
Key to Exercises
Translation of the Text
Lesson Two
Text A
Time Across Cultures
Key Words and Expressions
Language Points
Keys to Exercises
Translation of the Text and Dialogues
Text B
A Cultural Difference: Being on Time
Language Points
Translation of the Text
Lesson Three
Text A
Hard Life for Millionaires
Key Words and Expressions
Language Points
Keys to Exercises
Text B
Translation of the Text and Dialogues
Everybody Can Do Something
Language Points
Key to Exercises
Translation of the Text
Lesson Four
Text A
Fashion and status
Key Words and Expressions
Language Points
Keys to Exercises
Translation of the Text and Dialogues
Text B
The Language of Clothes
Language Points
Key to Exercises
Translation of the Text


