
◆演 員:Dr. Ann Bellowes... LILI TAYLOR
Dr. James LeCroix... DEREK RIDDELL
Dr. Taj Kalid... MIDO HAMADA
Fred Smedresman... KEVIN CHAMBERLIN
Attorney Barry White... DEVON GUMMERSALL
◆國 家:美國 LIFETIME電視台
◆語 言:英語
簡 介
"State of Mind" centers around New Haven Psychiatric Associates, a rambling Victorian house turned office building for a group of therapists, a newly minted lawyer and an eccentric office manager, all of whom have personal problems as interesting as those of their eclectic and offbeat patients and clients. The series takes a unique perspective on sex, life, love, death, family and friends, incorporating complex personalities and an endless curiosity about human beings.
在紐哈芬的一家維多利亞式建築里,生活著幾位心理醫生、一個新晉律師和一個古怪的職場經理,他們在為客人解決各種各樣的心理毛病的同時,自身也陷入了稀奇古怪的問題之中。在這部由著名演員Lily Taylor領銜主演的電視劇集裡,心靈世界與現實生活都被放大,關於性、關於愛、關於生命、關於死亡、關於家人、關於朋友……似乎還不止,人人都是複雜的個體,生活永遠充滿糾纏,而多變的人性正是你觀望世界的一個契口……