



姓 名: 徐永生 性 別:
研究方向: 物理海洋、海洋遙感 職 稱: 研究員/博導
部 門: 海洋環流與波動重點實驗室


徐永生,博士,‘百人計畫’研究員,博士生導師。1997年獲得復旦大學物理學碩士學位;2006年獲得美國羅德島大學物理海洋學博士學位。曾任美國地球物理學會會議分會主席。2011年12月作為中科院“百人計畫”引進國外傑出人才回國工作,2013年入選青島創新領軍人才。回國前在美國加州理工學院NASA噴氣推進實驗室(JPL)從事物理海洋和海洋遙感等方面的研究工作,曾參加過ECCO2、Jason-2、OSTM、SWOT等知名目,期間利用高度計衛星觀測對海洋中地轉湍流的研究曾入選美國航空航天局(NASA) 2010年度對外展示性成果。



主要從事物理海洋和海洋遙感方面的研究,近期主要成果包括:用衛星高度計和散射計數據檢驗了經典地轉渦流理論,發現並解釋了全球海洋中不符合經典理論預測的區域;發現了去除衛星高度計儀器噪音影響的方法,從而解決了衛星高度計觀測中長期存在的“速度功率譜藍移”的問題;發現海洋中非潮汐高頻信號的混疊效應對高度計觀測中尺度過程的影響,並提出了解決方法;提供了海盆尺度水體本徵震盪的觀測證據;在研究中尺度海洋垂直耦合過程中引入典型相關分析方法,並因此發現了海洋上層和深層中尺度渦的相互作用現象;發展了一套降低氣候模式系統誤差引起的偏差的方法,改善了預測未來極端天氣事件變化的能力;揭示了海洋表面和海底能量影響海洋內部混合的穿透深度;用Argo浮標結合衛星觀測揭示了北太平洋經向熱輸運;發現海流中的Coriolis-Stokes效應,改善了用衛星觀測反演流的精度。以上成果發表在JPO、JGR、GRL、OceanModeling、DSR、Climatic Change,Jtech等國際知名期刊。


1.徐永生, 高樂, 張雲華. 2016, 美國新一代測高衛星SWOT及對我國寬刈幅干涉衛星的發展借鑑, 遙感技術與套用, CSCD,In Press.
2. Ge, L.,Xu, Y.*, and B. Yin (2016),Comparisons of sea surface height variability derived by pressure-sensor-equipped inverted echo sounders and satellite altimetry in Japan/East Sea, Marine Sciences, 40(2), 128-135,doi:10.11759/hykx20130328001. 
3.Hui, Z.,Y. Xu*(2016), The impact of wave-induced Coriolis-Stokes forcing on satellite-derived Ocean Surface Currents,J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 121(1), 410-426,doi:10.1002/2015JC011082.

4.Yang,T., Y. Xu*(2015), Estimation of the time series of the meridional heat transport across 15{degree sign}N in the Pacific Ocean from Argo and satellite data, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 120(4), 3043-3060.

5. Li, Y., Y. Xu*(2014), Penetration depth of diapycnal mixing generated by wind stress and flow over topography in the northwestern Pacific, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 119, 5501-5514,doi:10.1002/2013JC009681.

6. Si, Z., Y. Xu* (2014), Influence of the Pacific Decadal Oscillati on Regional Sea Level Rise in the Pacific Ocean from 1993 to 2012, Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology,32(6):1414-1420,doi:10.1007/s00343-014-3363-4.

7. Zhang, X.,and Y. Xu*(2015), Design and Implementation of Adaptive Noise Canceler Based on RLS Algorithm,Recent Advances in Mathematical and Computational Methods, ISSN: 2227-4588, ISBN: 978-1-61804-302-3,286-289.

8. Zhang, X.,and Y. Xu*(2015), A New Method of CDOM Absorption in China East Coastal Waters, Recent Researches in Applied Informatics, ISSN: 1790-5109, ISBN: 978-1-61804-313-9,118-122.

9. Zhang, X., Zheng, Z., I. Asanuma, Y. Xu* (2014), A new kind of hybrid filter based on the intersecting cortical model and the improved Extremum-and-Median filter, Artificial Life and Robotics, 19(2),115-119,doi: 10.1007/s10015-013-0141-x.

10. Zhang, X., Zheng, Z., I. Asanuma2, Y. Xu* (2013), A New Kind of Super-Resolution Reconstruction Algorithm Based on the ICM and the Constrained Cubic Spline Interpolation, Information -An International Interdisciplinary Journal, 16(11),8027-8036.

11. Yan, X., Li, Y., and Y. Xu* (2014), Analysis of temporal-spatial variations of urbulent diapycnal mixing in the northwestern Pacific, Oceanologia etLimnologia Sinica, 45(6), 1148-1157,doi:10.11693/hyhz20140100041.

12. Xu, Y., L-L Fu (2012), The effects of altimeter instrument noise on the estimation of the wavenumber spectrum of sea surface height, J. Phys. Oceanogr.42,2229-2233.

13. Xu, Y., L-L. Fu, and R. Tulloch (2011), The global characteristics of the wavenumber spectrum of ocean surface wind,J. Phys. Oceanogr, 41, 1576–1582.

14. Xu, Y., L-L Fu (2011), Global variability of the wavenumber spectrum of oceanic mesoscale turbulence,J. Phys. Oceanogr.41, 802-809.

15. Xu, Y., Z-L. Yang (2012), A method to study the impact of climate change on variability of river flow: an example from the Guadalupe River in Texas, Climatic Change,113,956-976 DOI:10.1007/s10584-011-0366-4.

16. Xu, Y., D.R. Watts, and J.H. Park (2008), De-Aliasing of Large-Scale High-Frequency Barotropic Signals from Satellite Altimetry in the Japan/East Sea.J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 25, 1703-1709.

17. Xu, Y., J. Li, and S. Dong (2009), Ocean circulation from satellite altimetry: progresses and challenges, in Ocean Circulation and El Nino, edited by John A. Long and David S. Wells, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, ISBN: 978-1-60692-084-8.

18. Xu, Y., (2010), Sea level variability from satellite altimetry and field measurements,VDM Publishing, Inc., Saarbrücken, ISBN-10:3639017765.

19. Xu, Y., R. B Scott (2008), Subtleties in forcing eddy resolving ocean models with satellite wind data,Ocean Modeling, 20, 240-251.

20. Xu, Y., D. R. Watts, M. Wimbush, and J.-H. Park (2007), Fundamental-mode basin oscillations in the Japan/East Sea,Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L04605, doi: 10.1029/2006GL028755.

21. Xu, Y., D. R. Watts, and M. Wimbush (2009), Coupled patterns between fields of dynamic height and bottom pressure in the Japan/East Sea, Ocean Science Journal, 44 :35-42, doi:10.1007/s12601-009-0005-4.

22. Scott, R.B., Y. Xu (2009), An update on the wind power input to the surface geostrophic flow of the World Ocean, doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2008.09.010, Deep-Sea Res. I, 50, 295–304.


