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(1) 2000/3~2005/9: 華中科技大學環境科學與工程學院,講師
(2) 2004/10~2005/9:新加坡國立大學化學系,博士後研究員
(3) 2005/10~2007/6: 美國通用電氣研發中心,分析科學家
(4) 2007/7~2010/12: 日本國立廣島大學工學研究科,助理教授
(5) 2010/12~至今:東華大學化學化工與生物工程學院,副教授


主要工作圍繞在毛細管電泳(Capillary Electrophoresis,CE)及微流體晶片電泳(Microchip Electrophoresis, MCE)的分離濃縮技術展開。在分離濃縮機理研究,以及將濃縮方法在DNA、蛋白質、複雜生物樣品(人體唾液和尿液)、環境樣品、稀土金屬的套用分析上,並且取得了一些成果。在國際著名分析化學期刊上發表文章17篇,包括 Analytical Chemistry (IF 5.21)、Electrophoresis (IF 3.08)、J. Chromatogr. A (IF 4.10)、Talanta (IF 3.29)、Biomicrofluidics (IF 2.90)、J. Sep. Sci. (IF 2.55)等。研究興趣為CE和MCE在生物/藥物/環境污染/食品分析等領域的套用基礎研究。
(1) Electrokinetic Supercharging (EKS) 的濃縮機理和套用方法研究。EKS方法是Takeshi Hirokawa教授提出和命名的,它是將樣品的電動進樣和過渡等速電泳結合起來,可以高效實現樣品的線上濃縮。目前EKS方法已經得到了世界電泳研究者的認可,並且被廣泛套用。研究內容涉及電動進樣的高效化以及合適的緩衝體系開發。
(2) 開發CE和MCE對生物大分子的分離技術。目前在大部分生物和醫學領域,平板凝膠電泳還是生物學和醫學研究著的主要工具。相對於平板凝膠電泳技術,CE和MCE的分離速度更快、定量更準確。在毛細管和晶片上採用Capillary Gel Electrophoresis (CGE)或者Capillary Isoelectric Focusing (cIEF)技術,能夠更好更快提供所需信息。
(3) 複雜樣品中目標成分的CE分離、分取、和鑑定。對人體的健康和疾病的早期診斷,離不開分離分析方法的進步。目前主要是採用侵入性採樣的血分析。人體唾液和尿液中的微量成分也能夠對人體的健康變化作出反應,但是這類樣品成分複雜,高濃度的基體干擾,以及目標物濃度較低,所以在分析過程中需要高分離能,並且靈敏的方法。


[1] Zhongqi Xu, Kentaro Nakamura, Andrei R. Timerbaev, Takeshi Hirokawa, Another Approach toward over 100 000-Fold Sensitivity Increase in Capillary Electrophoresis: Electrokinetic Supercharging with Optimized Sample Injection, Anal. Chem. 83, 398 (2011).
[2] Zhongqi Xu, Noboru Okabe, Akihiro Arai, Takeshi Hirokawa, Investigation of the pH gradient formation and cathodic drift in microchip isoelectric focusing with imaged UV detection, Electrophoresis 31, 3558 (2010).
[3] Zhongqi Xu, Kenji Murata, Akihiro Arai, Takeshi Hirokawa, Band-broadening suppressed effect in long turned geometry channel and high-sensitive analysis of DNA sample by using floating electrokinetic supercharging on a microchip, Biomicrofluidics 4, 014108 (2010).
[4] Zhongqi Xu, Jiro Okada, Andrei R. Timerbaev, Takeshi Hirokawa, Sensitive profiling of biogenic amines in urine using CE with transient isotachophoretic preconcentration, J. Sep. Sci. 32, 4143 (2009).
[5] Zhongqi Xu, Eiji Koshimidzu, Takeshi Hirokawa, Electrokinetic sample injection for high-sensitivity capillary zone electrophoresis (2): A study on improving the repeatability and applications in atmospheric pollutants, Electrophoresis 30, 3534 (2009).
[6] Zhongqi Xu, Toshiaki Esumi, Natsuki Ikuta, Takeshi Hirokawa, High-sensitive analysis of DNA fragments by capillary gel electrophoresis using transient isotachophoresis preconcentration and fluorescence detection, J. Chromatogr. A 1216, 3602 (2009).
[7] Zhongqi Xu, Andrei R. Timerbaev, Takeshi Hirokawa, High-sensitivity capillary and microchip electrophoresis using electrokinetic supercharging preconcentration: Insight into the stacking mechanism via computer modeling, J. Chromatogr. A 1216, 660 (2009).
[8] Zhongqi Xu, Takayuki Doi, Andrei R. Timerbaev, Takeshi Hirokawa, Sensitive determination of anions in saliva using capillary electrophoresis after transient isotachophoretic preconcentration, Talanta 77, 278 (2008).
[9] Zhongqi Xu, Yousuke Nakamura, Takeshi Hirokawa, Impact of reservoir potentials on the analyte behavior in microchip electrophoresis: Computer simulation and experimental validation for DNA fragments, Electrophoresis 26, 383 (2005).
[10] Zhongqi Xu, Tsutomu Nishine, Akihiro Arai, Takeshi Hirokawa, Performance of electrokinetic supercharging for high-sensitivity detection of DNA fragments in chip gel electrophoresis, Electrophoresis 25, 3875 (2004). 請點擊東華大學,化生學院,師資力量,副教授中尋找聯繫方式。(編輯:王永樂,張煊學生李旭東)


