



彭鴻娟為廣東省珠江學者“特聘教授”及廣東省“千百十人才工程”省級培養對象。從事的主要研究方向包括:1.病原與宿主細胞的相互作用研究:研究弓形蟲Pru株速殖子和緩殖子基因組的甲基化,從表觀遺傳學角度解釋速殖子與緩殖子的相互轉化機制;從弓形蟲與宿主的互作解釋弓形蟲感染及免疫逃避的機制; 2. 新發蟲媒病防控:利用昆蟲病毒和真菌對昆蟲特異性感染的特點,將外源毒力基因引入並構建重組昆蟲病毒和真菌以提高其致病性,套用於蚊媒的防控;研究昆蟲真菌感染對蚊媒媒介能量的影響。




1. “弓形蟲與瘧原蟲入侵引起宿主細胞骨架重組相關GTP酶不同定位的觀察(通訊作者:彭鴻娟)”被評為2012年度F5000論文。(2012) 2. 日本血吸蟲病新基因的鑑定、篩選及套用,廣東省科技進步三等獎 (2005),排名第一。

教學成果: 2017.11 獲廣東省教育教學成果一等獎“慕課時代《醫學寄生蟲學》線上精品課程建設與改革實踐”,第一完成人; 2016.12 獲南方醫科大學“第三屆本科教學優秀教師”稱號,獎勵10.0萬元。 2015.04 全國高等學校微課大賽醫學組二等獎及風采獎 2014.09,2015.07 南方醫科大學教學優秀一等獎,2010.07 南醫優秀教師。

國家發明專利:1. 一種生物殺蟲劑篩選模型及其製備方法和套用;發明人:彭鴻娟,陳曉光,顧金保;專利號:ZL 2006 1 0122057.4; 專利授權時間:2010.8;專利申請國:中國;2. 一種毒殺蚊幼蟲的雙價重組球孢白僵菌及其製備方法;發明人:彭鴻娟、廖啟彬, 等。專利號:201510176572X; 專利申請國:中國


1.“十二五”國家重點音像出版物規劃教材《醫學寄生蟲學視聽教材》,彭鴻娟 (主編) 人民衛生出版社,2013年, ISBN:9787887663504

2.“十三五”全國高等學校醫學規劃教材《人體寄生蟲學》, 彭鴻娟 (主編) 中國醫藥科技出版社,2016年, ISBN: 9787506782203

3.《人體寄生蟲學彩色圖譜》,彭鴻娟 (主編) 西安交通大學出版社,2016, ISBN 978-7-5605-9317-3

4.“十二五”全國高等學校醫學規劃教材《醫學寄生蟲學》彭鴻娟 (副主編) 高等教育出版社,2012, ISBN:9787040364477

5.“十二五”普通高等教育本科國家級規劃教材《醫學寄生蟲學》,彭鴻娟 (副主編) 北京大學醫學出版社,2013 ISBN: 9787565907265


1. “弓形蟲ROP18在宿主生理活性下的互作蛋白組篩選及其調控宿主細胞凋 亡機制的研究”海外及港澳學者合作研究基金項目,18.0萬元

2. "弓形蟲ROP18結合宿主NMI抑制IFN‐γ依賴抗感染機制的研究" , 國家自然科學基金面上項目(81772217),2018.01-2021.12,66.0萬元

3. “畜禽重要胞內寄生原蟲的寄生與免疫機制研究”國家重點研發專項(2017YFD0500400) 子課題, 2018.01-2021.12, 70.0萬元

4. "新發突發烈性傳染病防控及治療新技術研究"廣州市健康醫療協同創新重大專項(201604020011)分題,2016.08-2018.08, 主持:唐時幸/彭鴻娟,108.0萬元

5. “宿主細胞互作蛋白介導的弓形蟲ROP18毒力機制研究”, 國家自然科學基金面上項目(81572012),2016.1-2019.12,66.0萬元

6. “宿主細胞互作蛋白介導的弓形蟲ROP18毒力機制研究”,廣東省自然科學基金重點項目(2016A030311025),2016.06-2019.05,30.0萬元

7. “宿主細胞信號水平弓形蟲感染機制的研究”國家自然科學基金面上項目(81271866)2013.1-2016.12,70.0萬元

8. “宿主細胞RacGTP酶及其相關信號通路在弓形蟲入侵過程中的作用機制研究” 國家自然科學基金面上項目 (81071377),2011.1-2013.12, 32.0萬

9. “衛生害蟲蛻皮激素類似物殺蟲劑篩選模型的建立及套用”, 國家自然科學基金面上項目 (30471503)2005.01-2007.12 21.0萬

10. “日本血吸蟲雌蟲SSH消減文庫的構建及雌性特異基因篩選”,國家自然科學基金青年項目(30200240)2003.1-2005.12 19萬

11. “Identification of novel genes from constructed cDNA library of Schistosoma japonicum cercariae with EST strategy”聯合國發展開發署/世界銀行/世界衛生組織熱帶病研究和培訓特別規劃署基金資助(ID No.A00690)2001.10-2002.9,1.0萬美元



1.Peng H-J(#),Henkels KM(#),Mahankali M,Marchal C,Bubulya P,Dinauer MC,Gomez-Cambronero J(*),The dual effect of Rac2 on phospholipase D2 regulation that explains both the onset and termination of chemotaxis. Mol Cell Biol.2011.4.15,31(11):2227~2240

2.Peng H-J(#),Henkels KM(#),Mahankali M,,Dinauer MC.,Gomez-Cambronero J(*),Evidence For Two Crib Domains In Phospholipase D2 (Pld2) That The Enzyme Uses to Specifically Bind to The Small Gtpase Rac2. J Bio.Chem.2011.3.1,286(18):16308~16320

3.Peng H-J(#),Chen X-G(#),Lindsay DS(*),A Review: Competence, Compromise, And Concomitance-Reaction Of The Host Cell To Toxoplasma Gondii Infection And Development. J Parasitol,2011.8.01,97(4):620~628

4.Peng H-J(#),Zhang C(#),Wang C-M,Chen X-G(*),Current Status and Challenge of Human Parasitology Teaching in China. Pathog Glob Health,2012.12.11,106(7):386~390

5.Peng H-J,Lai H-B,Zhang Q-L,Xu B-Y,Zhang H,Liu W-H,Zhao W,Zhou Y-P,Zhong X-G,Jiang S,Duan J-H,Yan G-Y,He J-F(*),Chen, Xiao-Guang,A local outbreak of dengue caused by an imported case in Dongguan China.BMC Public Health,2012.1.26,12(1):83


1.Xia, Jing, Kong, Ling, Zhou, LiJuan,等. Genome-Wide Bimolecular Fluorescence Complementation-Based Proteomic Analysis ofToxoplasma gondiiROP18’s Human Interactome Shows Its Key Role in Regulation of Cell Immunity and Apoptosis:[J]. Frontiers in Immunology, 2018, 9:61. IF:6.4

2.Wei H, Jiang S, Chen L, He C, Wu S, Peng H(*) Characterization of Cytosine Methylation and the DNA Methyltransferases of Toxoplasma gondii. Int J Biol Sci. 2017; 13(4):458-70. doi:10.7150/ijbs.18644. IF:3.9

3.Na R-H(#),Zhu G-H(#),Luo J-X,Meng X-J,Cui L,Peng H-J(*),Chen X-G(*),Gomez-Cambronero J,Enzymatically active Rho and Rac small-GTPases are involved in the establishment of the vacuolar membrane after Toxoplasma gondii invasion of host cells,BMC Microbiol.2013.5.30,13(125):1~16

4.He C, Chen AY, Feng XS, Wei HX, Jiang SC, Xia J, Deng SQ, Wang XJ, Peng H-J(*)Phosphoproteome of Toxoplasma gondii Infected Host Cells Reveals Specific Cellular Processes Predominating in Different Phases of Infection. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2017. 97(1):236–244

5.He C, Kong L, Zhou L, Xia J, Wei H, Liu M, Peng H(*) Host Cell Vimentin Restrains Toxoplasma gondii Invasion and Its hosphorylation Is Partly Regulated by TgROP18 Interaction. Int J Biol Sci. 2017; doi:10.7150/ ijbs.21247. IF3.9

6.Xia J, Cheng XY, Wang XJ, Peng H-J(*) Association between Toxoplasma gondii types and outcomes of human infection: a review and meta-analysis. Acta Microbiologica et Immunologica Hungarica. 2017. 016 DOI:10.1556/030.64.2017.016

7.Shen SQ(#),Wei HX(#),Fu YH,Zhang H,Mo QY,Wang XJ,Deng SQ,Zhao W,Liu Y,Feng XS,Chen W,Peng H-J(*) Multiple Sources of Infection and Potential Endemic Characteristics of the Large Outbreak of Dengue in Guangdong in 2014.Sci Rep. 2015.11.23,5:16913.

8.Huang Q, Hu L, Liao QB, Xia J, Wang QR, Peng H-J(*). Spatio-temporal analysis of the malaria epidemic in mainland China, 2004-2014. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2017. 97(2):504-513

9.Deng SQ, Cai QD, Deng MZ, Huang Q, Peng HJ(*). Scorpion neurotoxin AaIT-expressing Beauveria bassiana enhances the virulence against Aedes albopictur mosquitoes. AMB Express. 2017.7:121

10.Zhou LJ,Xia J,Wei HX,Liu XJ,Peng H-J(*) Risk of drug resistance in Plasmodium falciparum malaria therapy-a systematic review and meta-analysis. Parasitol Res. 2017.2.15,116(2):781-788

11.Zhang H. He Z, Zeng W, Peng H(*) Roles of Interferons in Pregnant Women with Dengue Infection: Protective or Dangerous Factors," Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology, vol. 2017, doi:10.1155/2017/1671607.

12.Li XL(#),Wei HX(#),Zhang H,Peng H-J(*),Lindsay DS(*),A Meta Analysis on Risks of Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes in Toxoplasma gondii Infection,PLos One.2014.5.15,9(5):E97775

13.Wei HX(#),Wei SS(#),Lindsay DS(*),Peng H-J(*) A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Efficacy of Anti-Toxoplasma gondii Medicines in Humans,PLos One.2015.9.22,10(9): e0138204.

14.Wei HX(#*),He Cheng(#),Yang PL,Lindsay DS,Peng H-J(*) Relationship Between Cat Contact and Infection by Toxoplasma gondii in Humans:A Meta - Analysis. Parasitol Res,2016.2.10,83(1):11~19

15.Wu X-B,Na R-H,Wei S-S,Zhu J-S,Peng H-J(*) Distribution of tick-borne diseases in China. Parasit Vectors.2013.4.23,6(119):1~8

16.Wang XJ,Wei HX,Jiang SC,He C,Xu XJ,Peng H-J(*) valuation of aminotransferase abnormality in dengue patients: A meta analysis. Acta Tropica. 2015.12.30,156(2016):130~136

17..Xia J,Jiang SC,Peng H-J(*) Association between Liver Fluke Infection and Hepatobiliary Pathological Changes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.PLos One. 2015.7.17,10(7):e0138204


1.Pengcheng Liu, Hong-Juan Peng,Jinsong Zhu. Juvenile hormone-activated phospholipase C pathway enhances transcriptional activation by the methoprene-tolerant protein. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015;112(15):E1871-9. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1423204112.

2.Chen XG, Jiang X, Gu J, Xu M, Wu Y, Deng Y, Zhang C, Bonizzoni M, Dermauw W, Vontas J, Armbruster P, Huang X, Yang Y, Zhang H, He W, Peng H, Liu Y, Wu K, Chen J, Lirakis M, Topalis P, Van Leeuwen T, Hall AB, Jiang X, Thorpe C, Mueller RL, Sun C, Waterhouse RM, Yan G, Tu ZJ, Fang X, James AA. Genome sequence of the Asian Tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus, reveals insights into its biology, genetics, and evolution. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015 Oct 19. pii: 201516410.

3.Mahankali M, Peng H-J, Henkels KM, Dinauer MC, Gomez-Cambronero J. Phospholipase D2 (PLD2) is a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) for the GTPase Rac2. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011, 108(49):19617-22. 4.Madhu Mahankali, Peng H-J, COX D, Gomez-Cambronero J. The Mechanism Of Cell Membrane Protrusion Formation Relies On A Phospholipase D2 (Pld2), Grb2 And Rac2 Association. Cell Signalling. 2011,23(8):1291-8.

5.Henkels KM, Short S, Peng H-J, Gomez-Cambronero J. PLD2 has both enzymatic and cell proliferation- inducing capabilities, that are differentially regulated by phosphorylation. Biochem. Biophys.Res.Commun. 2009, 389(2):224-228.

6.Henkels KM, Peng H-J, Frondorf K, Gomez-Cambronero J. A comprehensive model that explains the regulation of Phospholipase D2 (PLD2) activity by phosphorylation- dephosphorylation. Mol Cell Biol. 2010, 30(9):2251-2263.

7.Gu J-B, Dong Y-Q, Peng H-J, Chen X-G. A Recombinant AeDNA Containing the Insect-Specific Toxin, BmK IT1, Dispalyed and Increasing Pathogenicity on Aedes albopictus. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2010, 83(3):614-623.2010.

8.Gu J, Liu M, Deng Y, Peng H, Chen X. Development of an efficient recombinant mosquito densovirus-mediated RNA interference system and its preliminary application in mosquito control. PLoS One. 2011,6(6):e21329.

9.Zhang H, Li W, Wang J, Peng H, Che X, Chen X, Zhou Y. NS1-based test supplying a diagnostic utility for confirming dengue infection: a Meta-analysis. Plos One 2014, PII:S1201-9712(14)01438-6, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijid. 2014.02.002

10.Puthiyakunnon S, Yao Y, Li Y, Gu J, Peng H, Chen X. Functional characterization of three MicroRNAs of the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus. Parasit Vectors.2013, 6(1):230. doi: 10.1186/1756-3305-6-230.

11.Zhang H, Zhou Y, Peng H, Zhang X,n Zhou F,Liu Z and Chen X. Predictive symptoms and signs of severe dengue disease for patients with dengue fever: A meta-analysis. BioMed Research International. 2014:359308.


