(Canada, Mcmaster University,ECE,Ph.D)
(Canada,Carleton University,Department of Electronics,Professor and Chair )
研究工程師(Research Engineer),1988-1990,加拿大,Optimization Systems Associates, Inc.
助理教授(Assistant Professor),1990-1995,加拿大,卡爾頓(Carleton)大學電子系
副教授(Associate Professor),1995-1999,加拿大,卡爾頓(Carleton)大學電子系
相比較那些非常耗時的電磁或者物理器件模擬工具,張齊軍教授套用神經網路可以在很少的時間內得到微波元器件的數據。這些快速的模型加快了電路設計和最佳化的過程。這一貢獻使得分離的CAD工具能夠互相連線起來,大大降低了原本異常昂貴的軟體開發成本。即使在元器件理論還不完善的條件下,僅僅利用測量數據即可很快完成建模。隨著不斷努力的工作,基於神經網路的微波建模已經由晦澀難懂變成被為人們所接受,有關這一領域的研究也由零發展到全世界,在加拿大、美國、歐洲和亞洲等地多所大學都已經開展了相關的研究,其重要研究成果已經成為科學界同僚們在這個領域研究的奠基石。這項新技術也被Nortel, Motorola, NIST, Agilent, Com Dev, TDK等業界公司所採用。另外,NCMS(美國國家製造科學中心)工業協會、AEPT(先進嵌入式無源元件技術)工業聯盟也採用了這一新技術用於先進嵌入式無源元件的研究。
張齊軍教授最早套用現有的商用工具來進行非線性電路設計,主要依靠以最最佳化為目的諧波平衡(harmonic balance)模擬。由於張齊軍教授在理論和軟體方面的創新,微波電路設計者們現在可以在設計中進行非線性電路最最佳化。作為諧波平衡模擬和最佳化中伴隨電路靈敏度分析(Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis)理論的發明人,以及高速電路分散式互連線最最佳化理論的創始人,張齊軍教授將這些理論帶入到新一代的設計工具和技術,使得設計者們在設計中可以更準確的預測和控制高頻電子行為,所進行的研究工作給全球高頻和微波電路設計領域帶來巨大影響。
2009-2011 面向高頻器件和通訊子系統設計的認知模型和最佳化方法,“加拿大國家自然科學與工程戰略基金”
2009-2011 針對高頻器件和通訊子系統多層面設計的認知模型最佳化方法,“加拿大RIM公司Research-In-Motion”
2009-2013 高頻電子器件及其子系統的高級建模和最佳化方法“加拿大國家自然科學與工程發明基金”
2008-2009 高頻電子器件和信息網路系統的建模和最佳化方法,“加拿大安大略省基金”
2008-2008 高頻高速器件及通信網路系統的計算平台模型及最佳化方法,“加拿大國家自然科學與工程研究基金”
2008-2008 基於神經區間映射的場效應管建模,“美國飛思卡爾基金”
2007-2009 高頻電路與系統混合域的高性能設計算法“加拿大國家自然科學與工程戰略基金”
2006-2008 高頻器件和通信子系統的神經區間映射建模技術,“Com Dev Ltd.”
2006-2008 高頻器件和通信子系統的神經區間映射建模及引擎技術,“加拿大國家自然科學與工程戰略基金”
2010 High dimensional neural network technique and applications to microwave filter modeling IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech.
2010 Smart modeling of microwave devices IEEE Microwave Magazine
2010 Simple and effective extrapolation technique for neural-based microwave modeling IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters
2009 A new training approach for parametric modeling of microwave passive components using combined neural networks and transfer functions IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech.
2009 A broadband and parametric model of differential via holes using space-mapping neural network IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters
2009 A new training approach for robust recurrent-neural-network modeling of nonlinear circuits IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech.
2009 Microwave noise modeling for PHEMT using artificial neural network technique Int. J. RF and Microwave CAE
2008 Statistical neuro-space mapping technique for large-signal modeling of nonlinear devices IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech.
2008 Neural network inverse modeling and applications to microwave filter design IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech.
2008 Automated time domain modeling of linear and nonlinear microwave circuits using recurrent neural networks Int. J. RF and Microwave CAE
2008 Neuro-space mapping technique for semiconductor device modeling Optimization and EngineeringL.
2006 An adjoint sensitivity technique for dynamic neural network modeling and design of high-speed interconnectInternational Journal on RF and Microwave CAE
2006 State-space dynamic neural network technique for high-speed IC applications: modeling and stability analysis IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech.
2005 Efficient analytical formulation and sensitivity analysis of neuro-space mapping for nonlinear microwave device modeling IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech.
2010 ANN and space mapping for microwave modelling and optimization IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium
2009 Neural network EM-field based modeling for 3D substructure in finite element method IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium
2008 Robust training of microwave neural network models using combined global/local optimization techniques IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium
2008 Particle with Ability of Local search Swarm Optimization: PALSO for Training of Feedforward Neural NetworksIEEE Int. Joint Conf.on Neural Networks
1. Fellow of IEEE,2006
2. Research Achievement Award, Carleton University, 2010.
3. Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers 副主編
4. IEEE微波協會(IEEE MTT Society) CAD 技術委員會成員
5. IEEE Trans.Microwave Theory and Techniques 編委
6. International Journal of RF and Microwave CAE 編委(出版商: John Wiley)
7. 客座教授天津大學
8. 客座教授武漢大學
9. Organizer and Chair of Focus Session on "CAD Techniques and Methodologies: Future Directions", IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (Los Angeles, California) June 2010.
10. Co-Organizer and Co-Chair of Focus Session on "Advances in Active Device Modeling", IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (Los Angeles, California) June 2010.
11. Workshop Organizer and Chair for IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS): IMS-2005 (Long Beach, California, June 2005), IMS-2008 (Atlanta, Georgia, June 2008).
12. Short Course Organizer/Instructor for IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium:IMS-2007 (Honolulu, Hawaii, June 2007).
13. Technical Session Chair/co-Chair for IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium: IMS-2005, IMS-2006, and IMS-2009.