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張雅雄(Ya-xiong Zhang)

男,博士,碩士生導師,2005年於西北大學獲博士學位,主要研究領域為化學計量學及色譜與毛細管電泳分離分析方法研究。目前所從事的主要研究方向為多元校正與分辯、基於自然行為的化學計量學方法、統計學習理論、化學體系模式識別、藥物及重要生化物質的構效關係研究、分析儀器信號處理、化學過程模擬等化學計量學研究的熱點、前沿研究方向。近年來,參與兩項國家自然科學基金研究,先後在《Talanta》、《Chem. Intell. Lab.Syst. 》、《化學學報》、《分析化學》和《計算機與套用化學》等國內外重要刊物上發表論文10餘篇。


 [1]. Yaxiong Zhang , hua Li , Aixia Hou , Josef Havel, Artificial neural networks based on genetic input selection for quantification in overlapped capillary electrophoresis peaks, Talanta, 65 (2005) 118-128.
[2]. Yaxiong Zhang, Hua Li, Josef Havel, Modeling of the relationship between electroosmotic flow and separation parameters in capillary zone electrophoresis using artificial neural networks and experimental design, Talanta, 65 (2005) 853-860.
[3]. Yaxiong Zhang, Hua Li, Aixia Hou, Josef Havel, Artificial neural networks based on principal component analysis input selection for quantification in overlapped capillary electrophoresis peaks, Chem. Intell. Lab.Syst. accepted and in press.
[4]. Hua Li, Ya Xiong Zhang, Lu Xu, The study of the relationship between the new topological index Am and the gas chromatographic retention indices of hydrocarbons by artificial neural networks, Talanta, 67 (2005) 741-748.
[5]. 李 華, 張雅雄 Pavala Polá?ková1 Josef Havel1,人工神經元網路法提高毛細管電泳藥物控制分析準確度的研究, 化學學報 60 (7) (2002) 1264-1268.
[6]. 張雅雄, 李 華, Josef Havel.人工神經元網路方法在毛細管電泳和色譜分析中的套用, 分析化學 32(5) (2004) 673-678.


