
張淑蘭,山東大學政治學與公共管理學院教授,博士,碩士生導師,中國南亞學會理事。主要研究與教學領域: 亞非拉政治與外交,南亞政治經濟與外交,環境政治,組織理論與實踐,政黨政治。


1 、《印度拉奧政府經濟改革研究》,新華出版社2003年

張淑蘭老師 張淑蘭老師

2 、《印度的環境政治》,山東大學出版社2010年


1、《印度政黨政治中的左翼政黨問題研究》 國家社科基金項目

2、《印度的環境政治》 山東大學青年成長基金後期資助項目



Shulan Zhang got her Doctor Degree from History Department of PekingUniversity in June 2002. From December 2010, She has been a full Professor of Schoolof Political Scienceand Public Administration, ShandongUniversity. She is also a m ember of Chinese Federation of South Asian Studies and Association of Asian Scholars.

印度環境政治 印度環境政治

As a Chinese scholar, she was a Senior Associate Membership of St Antony’s College, Oxford University,UK, from 1October, 2006 to 30September, 2007. She was also an Asian Fellowship, a Visiting Scholar in the Center for East Asian Studies, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India, from January 192008 to July 172008.

She has been teaching the courses of Global History, Politics and Diplomacy of the Third World for B.A students, Diplomacy of Contemporary China, Issues of Modern International Relations and Issues of South Asian Political Economy for Master students. She has been mainly doing research on India, especially on India’s political economy and diplomacy, environmental politics and party politics. She has published two Chinese monographs, more than twenty articles in Chinese Core Journals, also has translated and published one English book and two English articles into Chinese.


