先後完成國家、科學院及地方相關科技項目近十項,建立了我國第一個沼澤濕地資料庫。目前主持的與本研究內容相關的項目有: 國家自然科學基金“基於粗集的多源遙感濕地空間分類知識發現研究”;國家“十一五”科技支撐重點項目課題“濕地資源監測與評估技術研究”專題“三江平原濕地變化遙感監測研究”;科學院知識創新工程項目群課題“濕地景觀變化模擬與預測”。
(1) 基於新型硬體架構的複雜地理計算平台,參與,國家級
(2) 數字城市,主持,省級
(3) 濕地黑土資料庫,參與,國家級
(4) 濕地空間分類,主持,國家級
與美國The University of Oklahoma 的May Yuan 教授; 加拿大 University of Calgary的M. L. Gavrilova 教授;以及澳大利亞Griffith University 的Pat Dale 教授和 Roger Crop教授有著密切合作研究關係。
在多源遙感分類方法、GIS空間格局分析、GIS幾何建模等領域做出了突出成績: 提出了空間格局矢量分析理論,並基於數學形態理論,提出了自然條件下濕地格局消長模擬方法,這為景觀格局形成與演化的矢量分析提供了理論依據,該理論發表在國際SCI期刊《Ecological Modelling》;拓展了著名的歐拉公式,建立了GIS拓撲關係廣義歐拉公式,闡明了拓撲要素中點、線、面和群的定量關係和性質,為空間格局景觀要素關係計算奠定了重要理論基礎,該成果發表在SCI期刊《中國科學》上;發展和深化了目前多源遙感分類領域常用的決策樹、粗集、證據推理方法,並已經有很多相關成果發表在SCI期刊《 Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing》、《 Computers & Geoscience》上。目前已經出版專著2本,發表學術論文超過90篇,其中21篇為SCI檢索論文。
(1) 3S支持下的中國典型沼澤濕地景觀時空動態變化研究吉林大學出版社,2008
(2) 百年濕地,century wetlands,吉林大學出版社,2004
[1] Li, H.P., Zhang, S.Q., Sun, Y., Gao, J. (2011). Land cover classification with multi-source data using evidential reasoning approach. Chinese Geographical Science ,21(3): 312-321.
[2] Zhang, Y.H., Zhang, S.Q., Su, L.Y., Yu, W.H. (2010). Ayalysis of dessication trend at zhalong wetland in heilongjiang, China. In, 4th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, iCBBE 2010, June 18, 2010 - June 20, 2010 (p. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society; Sichuan University; Wuhan University). Chengdu, China: IEEE Computer Society.
[3] Chen, C., Liu, C.Y., Zhang, S.Q.(2010). Atmospheric Correction of Remote Sensing Imagery Based on the Surface Spectrum's Vector Space. Science in China Series D-Earth Sciences (Accepted) ,.
[4] Chen, C., Liu, C.Y., Zhang, S.Q., Gao, J.Y. (2010). Atmospheric Adjacency Effect Correction of ETM Images. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis ,30(9): 2529-2532.
[5] Na, X.D., Zhang, S.Q., Li, X.F., Yu, H.A.,Liu, C.Y. (2010). Improved Land Cover Mapping using Random Forests Combined with Landsat Thematic Mapper Imagery and Ancillary Geographic Data. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing ,76(7): 833-840.
[6] Liu, L.F., Zhang, S.Q.(2010). Three-dimensional flight path planning by artificial immune algorithm. In, 2010 6th International Conference on Natural Computation, ICNC'10, August 10, 2010 - August 12, 2010 (pp. 2876-2880). Yantai, Shandong, China: IEEE Computer Society.
[7] Yu, H., He, Z.W., Pan, X., Zhang, S.Q., Kong, B. (2010). Wetlands spatial-temporal evolution simulation using Multi-Agent System: A case study in China. In, Biomedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI), 2010 3rd International Conference on (pp. 2438 - 2441). Yantai.
[8] Zhang, S.Q., Zhang, J.Y. (2010). Theoretical analytics of stereographic projection on 3D objects' intersection predicate. International Journal of Geographical Information Science ,24(1): 25-46.
[9] Pan, X., Zhang, S.Q., Zhang, H.Q., Na, X.D., Li, X.F. (2010). A variable precision rough set approach to the remote sensing land use/cover classification. Computers & Geosciences ,36(12): 1466-1473.
[10] Li, X.F., Zhang, S.Q., Pan, X., Dale, P., Cropp, R. (2010). Straight road edge detection from high-resolution remote sensing images based on the ridgelet transform with the revised parallel-beam Radon transform. International Journal of Remote Sensing ,31(19): 5041-5059.
[11] Liu, C.Y., Zhang, S.Q., Jiang, H.X., Hou, Y.Q., Su, L.Y., Li, X.F., Pan, X., Wen, Z.F. (2010). Habitat Changes for Breeding Waterbirds in Yancheng National Nature Reserve, China: A Remote Sensing Study. Wetlands ,30(5): 879-888.
[12] Yu, H., Zhang, S.Q., Kong, B. (2009). Vector Distance Algorithm for Optimal Segmentation Scale Selection of Object-oriented Remote Sensing Image Classification. 2009 17th International Conference on Geoinformatics, Vols 1 and 2: 743-748.
[13] Zhang, S.Q., Na, X.D., Kong, B., Wang, Z.M., Jiang, H.X., Yu, H., Zhap, Z.C., Li, X.F., Liu, C.Y., Dale, P. (2009). Identifying Wetland Change in China's Sanjiang Plain Using Remote Sensing. Wetlands ,29(1): 302-313.
[14] Na, X.D., Zhang, S.Q., Zhang, H.Q., Li, X.F., Yu, H., Liu, C.Y. (2009). Integrating TM and Ancillary Geographical Data with Classification Trees for Land Cover Classification of Marsh Area. Chinese Geographical Science ,19(2): 177-185.
[15] Li, X.F., Zhang, S.Q., Liu, Q., Zhang, B., Liu, D.W., Lu, B.B., Na, X.D. (2009). Fast Segmentation Method of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image. Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves ,28(2): 146-150.
[16] Liu, L.F., Zhang, S.Q.(2009). Voronoi Diagram and GIS-based 3D Path Planning. 2009 17th International Conference on Geoinformatics, Vols 1 and 2: 1100-1104.
[17] Chen, C., Liu, C.Y., Zhang, S.Q.(2009). Research on Pixel Decomposition of Quick Bird-Spectrum Band Images. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis ,29(11): 3117-3120.
[18] Pan, X., Zhang, S.Q., Li, X.F., Liu, C.Y. (2009). Classification of remote sensing images based on -torrent rough set. Wuhan Daxue Xuebao (Xinxi Kexue Ban)/ Geomatics and Information Science of WuhanUniversity ,34(Compendex): 1240-1244.
[19] Fu, X.Y., Dale, P.E.R., Zhang, S.Q.(2008). Evolving neural network using variable string genetic algorithm for color infrared aerial image classification. Chinese Geographical Science ,18(2): 162-170.
[20] Yu, H., Zhang, S.Q.(2008). Application of high resolution satellite imagery for wetland cover classification using object-oriented method. In, Proceedings of the international conference of society for photogrmmetry and remote sensing, Beijing, China (pp. XXXVII: 521-526).
[21] Na, X.D., Zang, S.Y., Zhang, S.Q.(2008). Grassland degradation track based on remote sensing technology in Daqing, northestern China. Beijing Linye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of BeijingForestryUniversity ,30(Compendex): 108-115.
[22] Li, X.F., Zhang, S.Q., Han, F.W., Qin, X.W., Yu, H. (2008). Road extraction from high-resolution remote sensing images based on multiple information fusion. Cehui Xuebao/Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica ,37(Compendex): 178-184.
[23] Zhang, Y.H., Zhang, S.Q., Su, L.Y., Ning, J. (2008). Temporal changes in landscape of Zhalong Wetland. In, 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, iCBBE 2008, May 16, 2006 - May 18, 2006 (pp. 4426-4430). Shanghai, China: Inst. of Elec. and Elec. Eng. Computer Society.
[24] Lu, X.N., Deng, W., Zhang, S.Q.(2007). Multiple time-scale characteristics of runoff variations in middle reaches of HuolinRiver and their effects. Chinese Geographical Science ,17(2): 143-150.
[25] Duan, H.T., Zhang, B., Song, K.S., Wang, Z.M., Zhang, S.Q.(2006). Hyperspectral remote sensing of chlorophyll-a in the Chagan Lake, China. Huanjing Kexue/Environmental Science ,27(Compendex): 503-507.
[26] Li, J.P., Zhang, B., Zhang, S.Q., Wang, Z.M. (2006). An algorithm on extraction of saline-alkalized land by image segmentation based on ETM+ image. Computational Science and Its Applications - Iccsa 2006, Pt 1 ,3980: 885-894.
[27] Wang, Z.M., Zhang, B., Li, X.Y., Song, K.S., Liu, D.V., Zhang, S.Q.(2006). Using CropSyst to simulate spring wheat growth in black soil zone of northeast China. Pedosphere ,16(3): 354-361.
[28] Zhang, S.Q., Zhang, J.Y., Li, F.,Cropp, R. (2006). Vector analysis theory on landscape pattern (VATLP). Ecological Modelling ,193(3-4): 492-502.
[29] Wang, Z.M., Zhang, B., Zhang, S.Q., Li, X.Y., Liu, D.W., Song, K.S., Li, J.P., Li, F., Duan, H.T. (2006). Changes of land use and of ecosystem service values in Sanjiang Plain, northeast China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment ,112(1-3): 69-91.
[30] Wang, Z.Q., Zhang, B., Yang, G., Wang, Z.M., Zhang, S.Q.(2005). Responses of Wetland Eco-Security to Land Use Change in Western Jilin Province, China. Chinese Geographical Science ,15(4): 330-336.
Zhang, S.Q., Zhang, J.Y., Zhang, B. (2004). Deduction and application of generalized Euler formula in topological relation of geographic information system (GIS). Science in China Series D-Earth Sciences ,47(8): 749-759.