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1989. 07-1991. 11 河南區域地質調查隊 技術員

1991. 12-1993. 08 寧夏石嘴山礦務局第二煤礦 技術員

1999. 08-2005. 12 中國科學院地質與地球物理研究所 助理研究員

2006. 02-2007. 02 澳大利亞科廷科技大學 訪問學者

2005.12-現在 中國科學院地質與地球物理研究所 副研究員








1.國家自然科學基金面上項目“遼北地區二疊紀侵入岩的岩石成因與大陸地殼生長與再造演化” (主持人,2009年1月-2011年12月)


3.國家基礎科研規劃(973項目) 《華北大陸邊緣造山過程與成礦》二級課題“華北陸緣增生過程中的成礦作用和找礦前景”( 研究骨幹,2007年1月-2010年12月)



28. Zhang XH, Xue FH, Yuan LL, Ma YG, Wilde SA. 2012. Late Permian appinite-granite complex from northwestern Liaoning, North China Craton: Petrogenesis and tectonic implications. Lithos

27. Zhang, X.H., Yuan, LL, Xue, FH, Zhang, YB. 2012. Contrasting Triassic ferroan granitoids from northwestern Liaoning, North China: magmatic monitor of Mesozoic decratonization and a craton-orogen boundary. Lithos

26. Zhang, X.H., Gao, Y.L., Wang, Z.J., Liu, H., Ma, Y.G. 2012. Carboniferous appinitic intrusions from the northern North China craton: geochemistry, petrogenesis and tectonic implications. Journal of the Geological Society (London)

25. Zhang X.H., Wilde, S.A., Zhang H.F, Zhai, M.G. 2011. Early Permian high-K calc-alkaline volcanic rocks from northwest Inner Mongolia, North China: geochemistry, origin and tectonic implications. Journal of the Geological Society (London)

24. Zhang X.H., Mao Q, Zhang H.F., Zhai M.G., Yang YH, Hu Z. 2011. Mafic and felsic magma interaction during the construction of high-K calc-alkaline plutons within a metacratonic passive margin: the Early Permian Guyang batholith from the northern North China Craton. Lithos

23. Zhang X.H., Zhang, H.F., Jiang, N., Wilde, SA. 2010. Contrasting Middle Jurassic and Early Cretaceous mafic intrusive rocks from western Liaoning, North China craton. Geological Magazin

22. Zhang X.H., Zhang, H.F., Jiang, N., Zhai, M.G., Zhang, Y.B. 2010. Early Devonian alkaline intrusive complex from the northern North China Craton: a petrologic monitor of post-collisional tectonics. Journal of the Geological Society (London),

21. Zhang X.H., Zhang HF, Wilde SA, Yang YH, Chen HH. 2010. Late Permian to early Triassic mafic to felsic intrusive rocks from North Liaoning, North China: Petrogenesis and implication for Phanerozoic continental growth. Lithos

20. 張曉暉,翟明國. 2010. 華北北部古生代大陸地殼增生過程中的岩漿作用與成礦效應. 岩石學報. [Zhang, X.H., Zhai, M.G., 2010. Magmatism and its metallogenetic effects during the Paleozoic continental crustal construction in northern North China: an overview. Acta Petrologica Sinica

19. Zhang XH, Zhang HF., Zhai, M. G, Wilde, SA, Xie LW. 2009. Geochemistry of the Middle Triassic gabbros from the northern Liaoning, North China: origin and tectonic implications. Geological Magazine

18. Zhang XH, Wilde, SA, Zhang, HF, Tang YJ, Zhai, MG. 2009. Geochemistry of hornblende gabbros from Sonidzuoqi, Inner Mongolia, North China: implication for magmatism during the final stage of suprasubduction zone ophiolite formation. International Geology Review

17. Zhang XH, Zhang HF, Tang YJ, Wilde SA. 2008. Geochemistry of Permian bimodal volcanic rocks from central Inner Mongolia, North China: Implication for Tectonic setting and Phanerozoic continental growth in Central Asian Orogenic belt. Chemical Geology,

16. Zhang XH, Mao Q, Zhang H. F. Wilde, SA. 2008. A Jurassic peraluminous leucogranite from Yiwulüshan, western Liaoning,North China Craton: Age, origin and tectonic significance. Geological Magazine,

15. 張曉暉, 王輝. 2005. 遼北法庫構造岩系的SHRIMP年代學研究. 岩石學報, [Zhang X.H., Wang H. 2005. Zircon SHRIMP geochronology of the Faku tectonites in the northern Liaoning Province: Implications for the northern boundary of the North China Craton. Acta Petrologica Sinica

14. Zhang XH, Liu Q, Wang H, Ma YJ. 2005. Geology, fluid inclusions, isotope geochemistry, and geochronology of the Paishanlou Gold Deposit, North China craton. Ore Geology Review

13. Zhang XH, Wang H, Li TS. 2005. 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of the Faku tectonites: implications for the tectonothermal evolution of the Faku block, Northern Liaoning. Science in China (D), [張曉暉,王輝,2004,遼北法庫構造岩系的40Ar/39Ar年代學研究,中國科學(D輯)

12. Zhang XH, Wang H, Ma YJ. 2003. 40Ar/39Ar age constraints on two NNE-trending ductile shear zones from Yanshan orogen, North China. International Geology Review,

11. Zhang XH, Li TS, Pu ZP. 2002. 40Ar/39Ar ages of Louzidian-Dachengzi ductile shear zone near Chifeng, Inner Mongolia and their tectonic significance. Chinese Science Bulletin, [張曉暉,李鐵勝,蒲志平,2002,內蒙赤峰婁子店-大城子韌性剪下帶的40Ar-39Ar年齡及其構造意義. 科學通報,

10. Zhang XH, Li TS, Pu ZP. 2002. 40Ar/39Ar Thermochronology of two ductile shear zones from YiwuLüshan, West Liaoning: age constraints on the Mesozoic tectonic events. Chinese Science Bulletin, . [張曉暉,李鐵勝,蒲志平,2002,遼西醫巫閭山兩條韌性剪下帶的40Ar-39Ar年齡:中生代構造熱事件的年代學約束,科學通報

9. Zhang XH, Li TS. 2001. Comprehensive constraints on the tectono-sedimentary setting of late Paleozoic turbidites of the Kamuste area, eastern Junggar, Xinjiang. Science in China, series D [張曉暉, 李鐵勝,2001,新疆東準噶爾喀姆斯特地區晚古生代濁積岩沉積構造環境分析,中國科學(D輯)

8. 張曉暉, 2003, 實現科學數據共享的基石語言—XML的理論與套用,中國基礎科學

6. 張曉暉,吳亞萍. 2001. 利用模糊神經網路進行砂土液化勢評價. 工程地質學報

5. 張曉暉,王輝,戴福初. 2000. 基於關係矩陣和模糊集合的斜坡穩定性綜合評價. 岩石力學與工程學報,

4. 張曉暉, 王輝, 黃鼎成. 1999. 補充RQD值的幾類岩體質量評價圖,地質科技情報

3. 張曉暉. 1998. 新疆喀姆斯特晚古生代沉積相研究. 新疆地質

2. 張曉暉,王輝. 1998. 可持續發展下的地質環境與工程建設關係研究. 地球科學進展

1. 張曉暉, 黃志全. 1998. 地理信息系統在城市地質災害評價中的套用. 中國地質災害與防治學報


