
張明芳:女,電子科技大學副教授。研 究 方 向:土地利用/覆被變化(例如森林干擾/變化)對水文及水資源的影響、氣候變化對水資源的影響、流域生態系統保護與管理。


博士 (2008年9月至2013年5月),加拿大大不列顛哥倫比亞大學 (奧肯那根校區) 地球-環境-自然地理系環境科學專業


科 研 成 果:








1) Zhang, M. and X. Wei (2013), Alteration of hydrological regimes caused by large-scale forest disturbance, Ecohydrology, DOI: 10.1002/eco.1374 (SCI IF 2.775)

2) Zhang, M. and X. Wei (2012), The cumulative effects of forest disturbance on streamflow in a large watershed in the central interior of British Columbia, Canada, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 16, 2021–2034, 2012 doi:10.5194/hess-16-2021-2012(SCI IF 3.148)
3) Zhang, M., X. Wei, P. Sun and S. Liu (2012), The effect of forest harvesting and climatic variability on runoff in a large watershed: the case study in the Upper Minjiang River of Yangtze River basin, Journal of Hydrology,
4) Zhang, M., Q. Ren, X. Wei, J. Wang, X. Yang and Z. Jiang (2011), Climate Change, Glacier Melting and Streamflow in the Niyang River Basin, Southeast Tibet, China, Ecohydrology, 4(2), 288-298,doi: 10.1002/eco.206(SCI IF 2.775)
5) Wei, X., and M. Zhang (2010), Quantifying streamflow change caused by forest disturbance at a large spatial scale: A single watershed study, Water Resources Research, 46, W12525, doi:10.1029/2010WR009250 (並列第一作者, SCI IF 3.149)
6) Wei, X., and M. Zhang (2010), Research Methods for Assessing the Impacts of Forest Disturbance on Hydrology at Large-Scale Watersheds, in Landscape Ecology and Forest Management: Challenges and Solutions in a Changing Globe, edited by J. Chen, L. Chao, R. Lafortezza, pp. 119–147, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg.
7) Yao, Y, T. Cai, X. Wei, M. Zhang and C. Ju (2011), Effect of forest recovery on summer streamflow in small forested watersheds, Northeastern China, Hydrological Processes, doi: 10.1002/hyp.8204 (SCI IF 2.497)
8) Zhou, G., X. Wei, L. Luo, M. Zhang, Y. Li, Y. Qiao, H. Liu and C. Wang (2010), Forest recovery and river discharge at the regional scale of Guangdong province, China. Water Resources Research, 46, w09503, doi:10.1029/2009WR008829 (SCI IF 3.149)


