社會兼職: 中國光學學會高級會員
Optics Letters、Optics Express、Photonics Technology Letters、Measurement Science and Technology、Appied Optics、Smart Materials and Structures、Sensors、Optical Fiber Technology、Sensors Letters、Optics and Laser Technology、Chinese Optics Letters、Optoelectronics Letters、Journal of Electronics(China)、Photonic Sensors、光學學報、中國雷射、光電子雷射、強雷射與粒子束等刊物審稿人
科研項目、成果、獲獎、專利等情況: 主持項目:
國家自然基金項目2項(11004110, 11274182)、中央高校基本科研業務費項目1項、橫向項目1項。
國家自然基金重點項目1項(60736039)、國家自然科學基金項目1項(60778043, 10704043, 11174155)、國家科技部973計畫項目1項(2010CB27605)。
[1] Hao Zhang, Bo Liu, et al., "Photonic generation of microwave signal using a dual-wavelength single-longitudinal-mode distributed Bragg reflector fiber laser", Optics Communications, 2009, 282 : 4114-4118 (SCI 496RA;
[2] Hao Zhang, Yanli Jin, et al., "L-band all-optical gain-clamped EDFA by utilizing C-band backward ASE", Optics Communications, 2006, 260 (1): 150-154 (SCI 028PJ;
[3] Hao Zhang, Ling Yu, et al., "Noise figure improvement of a double-pass erbium-doped fiber amplifier by using a HiBi fiber loop mirror as ASE rejecter", Optics Communications, 2005, 244: 383-388 (SCI 889HG;
[4] ZHANG Hao, XIONG Ling-Yun, et al., "A room-temperature multiwavelength erbium-doped fibre laser by exploiting polarization hole-burning", Chinese Physics Letters, 2005, 22 (1): 122-124 (SCI 890IV)。
[5] Hao Zhang, Bo Liu, et al., "Acoustic dispersion measurement for a single-mode-fiber-based acoustooptic tunable filter excited by flexual acoustic wave", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2012, 54 (5): 1281-1285 (SCI: 907QA;
[6] Hao Zhang, Bo Liu, and Chenglai Jia, "Fiber birefringence measurement based on a beat-frequency-interrogated multilongitudinal-mode distributed Bragg reflector erbium-doped fiber laser", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2012, 54 (3): 702-707 (SCI 879MG;
[7] Hao Zhang, Bo Liu, and Chenglai Jia, "An active strain sensing system based on single-longitudinal-mode distributed Bragg reflector fiber laser and its applications in the measurement of erbium-doped fiber birefringence", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2011, 53 (11): 2508-2512 (SCI 821OX;
[8] Hao Zhang, Bo Liu, et al., "Photonic generation of microwave signals by exploiting fiber birefringence effect in single-longitudinal-mode distributed Bragg reflector fiber lazer", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2010, 52 (3): 535-540 (SCI 553JW;
[9] Hao Zhang, Jianhua Luo, et al., "Polarimetric multilongitudinal-mode distributed Bragg reflector fiber laser sensor for strain measurement", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2009, 51 (11): 2559-2563 (SCI 493ZJ;
[10] Hao Zhang, Lingyun Xiong, et al., "A room temperature dual-wavelength erbium-doped fiber laser operating in the L-band", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2005, 45 (1): 12-15。
[11] Hao Zhang, Qingying Dou, et al., "Gain and noise figure improvement of a reflective L-band EDFA by using a short length of preamplification EDF", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2005, 45 (1): 60-62 (SCI 905SM;
[12] Hao Zhang, Qingying Dou, et al., "L-band all-optical gain-clamped erbium-doped fiber amplifier via ASE reflection technique", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2006, 48 (5): 852-854 (SCI 032XM;
[13] Hao Zhang, Bo Liu, et al., "Acoustic frequency dependence of transmission characteristics in fiber acoustic gratings", Optica Applicata, 2011, 41 (4): 817-823 (SCI: 911FM;
[14] Hao Zhang, Bo Liu, et al., "Temperature-insensitive displacement sensor based on high-birefringence photonic crystal fiber loop mirror", Optica Applicata, 2010, 40 (1): 209-217 (SCI 595XL;
[15] 張昊,於嶺等,“一種結構新穎的L 波段摻鉺光纖雷射器”,光學學報,2004, 24 (7): 929-931。
[16] Hao Zhang, Ling Yu, et al., "Wavelength-tunable erbium-doped fiber laser with FBG and HiBi fiber loop mirror as reflectors", Chinese Optics Letters, 2004, 2 (1): 9-11。
[17] 張昊,劉波等,“一種有源光纖折射率的新型測量方法”,光學學報,2010, 30 (s1): 213-1-5。
[18] Hao Zhang, Bo Liu, et al., "Multilongitudinal-mode fiber laser temperature sensor and its applications in the temperature dependence of fiber birefringence", Proceedings of SPIE, ACP2011, 2011, 8311。
[19] Hao Zhang, Ling Yu, et al., "A novel method to improve noise figure for double-pass L-band EDFA," Proceedings of SPIE, APOC2004, 2005, 5623: 799-802。
[20] Hao Zhang, Bo Liu, et al., "An all-fiber electric voltage sensor based on high birefringence fiber loop mirror", Proceedings of SPIE, APOC2004, 2005, 5623: 817-820。
[21] Hao Zhang, Yange Liu, et al., "Novel all-fiber variable optical attenuator based on high birefringence fiber loop mirror", Proceedings of SPIE, 2004, 5279: 456-460。
[22] Hao Zhang, Ling Yu, et al., "Discretely tunable all-fiber Fabry-Perot laser based on birefringence fiber loop mirror and fiber Bragg grating", Proceedings of SPIE, 2004, 5680: 849-852。
[23] Zhang Hao, Wang Shuangxia, et al., "Design of an active curvature sensor based on multi-longitudinal-mode erbium-doped fiber laser", 南開大學學報(自然科學版), 2010, 43 (4): 1-6。
[24] Zhang Hao, Liu Bo, et al., "A novel all-optical automatic gain-clamped erbium-doped fiber amplifier incorporating Hi-Bi fiber Bragg grating", 南開大學學報(自然科學版), 2009, 42 (1): 80-83。
[25] Zhang Hao, Yuan Shuzhong, et al., "A double-pass erbium-doped fiber based broadband ASE source by utilizing C-band ASE compensation", 南開大學學報(自然科學版), 2006, 39 (5): 10-13。
[26] 張昊,劉艷格等,“用級聯的M-Z干涉儀實現EDFA增益平坦化的模擬研究”,南開大學學報(自然科學版),2004,37 (3): 12-16。
[1] Bo Liu, Hao Zhang*, "Polarimetric distributed Bragg reflector fiber laser sensor array for simultaneous measurement of transverse load and temperature", Optical Fiber Technology, 2011, 17: 619-625 (SCI: 844AV;
[2] Hongguang Dong, Hao Zhang*, et al., "Improvement of coupling efficiency for acoustooptic tunable filter and its prospects in sensing applications", Sensor Letters, 2012, 10 (7): 1502-1506 (SCI: 031TA;
[3] Jian Liu, Hao Zhang*, et al., "Temperature measurement based on photonic crystal modal interferometer", Frontiers of Optoelectronics in China, 2010, 3 (4): 418-422。
[4] Xiaoyi Dong, Hao Zhang*, et al., "Tilted fiber Bragg gratings: principle and sensing applications", Photonic Sensors, 2011, 1 (1): 6-30。