
Readin Readin Readin




UNIT ONEText Environment for Educational Use of Professional Engineering Software (Ⅰ)Reading Material A Environment for Edueational Use of Professional Engineering Software (Ⅱ)Reading Material B Environment for Educational Use of Professional Engineering Software (Ⅲ)UNIT TWOText Computer-aided Analysis and DesignReading Material A Preliminary Analysis ModelsReading Material B Using Computers for Final AnalysisUNIT THREEText Preliminary DesignReading Material A Tabulation of Preliminary Design DataReading Material B Preliminary Design ConsiderationsUNIT FOURText Masonry Infilled FramesReading Material A Masonry (Ⅰ)Reading Material B Masonry (Ⅱ)UNIT FIVEText The Dome Shell and the Structural Behavior of Dome ShellsReading Material A Types of DomesReading Material B Introduction of DomesUNIT SIXText The Long-span StructuresReading Material A GrandstandsReading Material B HangarsUNIT SEVENText Structural Systems to Resist Lateral Loads (Ⅰ)Reading Material A Structural Systems to Resist Lateral Loads (Ⅱ)Reading Material B Structural Systems to Resist Lateral Loads (Ⅲ)UNIT EIGHTText Load of High-rise BuildingReading Material A Special Design Considerations (Ⅰ)Reading Material B Special Design Considerations (Ⅱ)UNIT NINEText Offshore Structures——Marine Environments and Corrosion ProtectionReading Material A Methods of Assessing Corrosion Rate at Time of Site InvestigationReading Material B Importance of Assessing the Rate of Corrosion and Site InvestigationsUNIT TENText Introduction to Elastic Lateral Buckling of BeamsReading Material A Buckling of Simply Supported Beams in Non-uniform BendingReading Material B Introdution to Design of I-Beams with Web PerforationsUNIT ELEVENText Industrial-type Buildings (Ⅰ)Reading Material A Industrial-type Buildings (Ⅱ)Reading Material B Design Methods of Single-story Rigid FramesUNIT TWELVEText SlipformsReading Material A Building Components and Construction MethodsReading Material B Lift SlabsUNIT THIRTEENText FootingsReading Material A Loads, Bearing Pressure, Footing Size (Ⅰ)Reading Material B Loads, Bearing Pressure, Footing Size (Ⅱ)UNIT FOURTEENText Foundation Systems——Types and When to ConsiderReading Material A Shallow FoundationsReading Material B Are piles Necessary and What Determines Choice?UNIT FIFTEENText Introduction to Prestressing (Ⅰ)Reading Material A Introduction to Prestressing (Ⅱ)Reading Material B Why Use Prestressed Concrete?UNIT SIXTEENText Design PhilosophiesReading Material A Earthquake Design Concepts (Ⅰ)Reading Material B Earthquake Design Concepts (Ⅱ)Appendix Ⅰ VocabularyAppendix Ⅱ Translation for ReferenceAppendix Ⅲ Key to Exercises


