

本協會由常務理事會、職能部門、項目小組和所有會員組成。常務理事會由會長、副會長以及各職能部門部長組成。 職能部門分為組織部、外聯部、秘書部、宣傳部,並設立了環教小組。各部門都是由部長與幹事組成,下設會員興趣小組。各部門小組分工合作、緊密聯繫,為協會活動的順利舉行提供了必要條件。
協會在成立兩年的情況下,雖未舉辦過具有規模的大型活動,但也堅持做著協會本身的一些常規活動,如廣藥環保日的系列調查活動、電影會和校內環保知識宣傳。除此之外,還積極與外界合作聯繫,曾承辦過李根先生關於黃河源的講座、吳方笑薇女士的“三E”培訓會和環教交流會等。而在校外,環教小組多次在中國小開展環教活動。協會也曾舉辦過一次三下鄉活動,這次活動我們在梅州鄉村地區進行公宣、調研和義教等活動,並結合學院特色做了藥品健康知識的宣傳。我們信奉“從小做起,積少成多”, 堅持傳播我們的綠色夢想。通過這些活動,我們以微薄的力量為廣藥學子傳遞無限的環保意識,在外也在部分中小學生心中種下了綠色的種子。
Dyeing Green environmental protection association was founded on June 5, 2006, and is the only environmental protection association in Guangdong Pharmaceutical University.
As an environmental protection power, the association is aiming at spreading green consciousness .Over the past 2 years, the association takes “establish the green Guangdong Pharmaceutical University, welcome the better future” as an objective, and has organized various kinds of activities both inside and outside of the school. After 2 years of attempt, the Dyeing Green environmental protection association has developed into an influencing and practical school group.
In the coming future, Dyeing Green environmental protection association is trying to develop itself into a big family of environmental protection fans, hoping that every college students who deep in love for nature can realize their dreams of doing the environmental protection job. Apart from this , the association will always focus on developing a series of foothold campus, face society's environmental protection public welfare propaganda and will be ready for the environment education activity in middle and primary school. What’s more, the association will , taking the school’s actual problems into consideration, make great efforts to develop new development direction for diversify activities , so that the green consciousness can be spread all over the school campus, and the school environment will be better and better!




