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《座艙壓力》(Cabin Pressure)是BBC4號電台自2008年起播出的廣播喜劇系列,共五季,已於2014年12月完結。故事主要圍繞著一家私人航空公司展開(這個公司只有一架飛機),而故事的主角則是這架飛機上的四位個性怪異且搞笑的機組人員。他們在世界各地飛來飛去,經歷了很多奇奇怪怪的事情。


錄音現場 錄音現場

《座艙壓力》(Cabin Pressure)是BBC4號電台自2008年起播出的廣播喜劇系列,共五季,已於2014年12月完結。故事主要圍繞著一家私人航空公司展開(這個公司只有一架飛機),而故事的主角則是這架飛機上的四位個性怪異且搞笑的機組人員。他們在世界各地飛來飛去,經歷了很多奇奇怪怪的事情。可以說每集都笑點滿滿,是典型的英式幽默,劇本寫得非常的優秀。


座艙壓力[BBC廣播劇] 座艙壓力[BBC廣播劇]
Martin Crieff 演員本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇
座艙壓力[BBC廣播劇] 座艙壓力[BBC廣播劇]
Douglas Richardson 演員Roger Allam
座艙壓力[BBC廣播劇] 座艙壓力[BBC廣播劇]
Carolyn Knapp 演員Stephanie Cole
女老闆。離婚後得到了一架飛機,於是就成立一個私人航空公司——“MJN Air”(“My Jet Now”)。是一位很強勢且毒舌的老太太。
座艙壓力[BBC廣播劇] 座艙壓力[BBC廣播劇]
Arthur Shappey 演員John Finnemore


01 Abu Dhabi Helsinki Qikiqtarjuaq Christmas Special TimbuktuZurich-1 
02 Boston Gdansk Paris  Uskerty Zurich-2  
03 Cremona Ipswich Newcastle Vaduz 
04 Douz Johannesburg Ottery St Mary Wokingham
05 Edinburgh Kuala Lumpur Rotterdam Xinzhou
06 Fitton Limerick St Petersburg Yverdon-les-Bains


第一季 01

MARTIN: Blessed.

DOUGLAS: Ah, yes, of course. May!

MARTIN: Hmm, yup. Cant!

ARTHUR: Here we are, gents. Coffee with nothing in it. Tea with everything in it. Great cabin address, Douglas? I love cargo flights.

DOUGLAS: Thank you, Arthur.

MARTIN: Ooh, Eno?

DOUGLAS: Ooh, Eno?

MARTIN: Ooh, Eno.

DOUGLAS: Ah..yes! Sewell.

ARTHUR: Oh, what are we playing?

MARTIN: Brians of Britain.

ARTHUR: Then there must be loads of them! Uh, um..

DOUGLAS: Well, not to worry, as they come to you.

ARTHUR: Oh, who's that guy? Hm, oh, gray haired, did that game show, "Can I have a P please, Bob?" Uh..what's his name?

DOUGLAS: Your hope being that it was Brian..?

ARTHUR: Yeah, Brian..Uh..Brian..

MARTIN: Bob Holness. It was Bob Holness.

ARTHUR: That's it! Oh..Well, does he count anyway?

DOUGLAS: Does Bob Holness count in our list of people called Brian. What the hell, yes, he does. Well done!

第二季 04


ARTHUR: (on intercomm) Ladies and gentlemen, as you can see, our onboard transit process today has now reached its ultimate termination.

CAROLYN: He means we've landed.

ARTHUR: Yes. So as yourselves prepare for disemboarding, if I could kindly ask you to kindly ensure you retain all your personal items about your person throughout the duration of the disembarcation.

CAROLYN: He means take your stuff with you.

ARTHUR: In concluding, it's been a privilege for ourselves to conduct yourselves through the in-flight experience today, and I do hope you'll refavor ourselves with the esteem of your [forth-looking?] custom going forward.

CAROLYN: No idea.


