出版社: 世界圖書出版公司; 第1版 (2011年4月1日)

外文書名: an introduction to difference equations(third edition)
平裝: 539頁
正文語種: 英語
開本: 24
isbn: 9787510033070
條形碼: 9787510033070
商品尺寸: 22.2 x 14.6 x 2.4 cm
商品重量: 699 g
品牌: 世界圖書出版公司北京公司
preface to the third edition
preface to the second edition
preface to the first edition
list of symbols
1 dynamics of first-order difference equations
1.1 introduction
1.2 linear first-order difference equations
1.2.1 important special cases
1.3 equilibrium points
1.3.1 the stair step (cobweb) diagrams
1.3.2 the cobweb theorem of economics
1.4 numerical solutions of differential equations
1.4.1 euler's method
1.4.2 a nonstandard scheme
1.5 criterion for the asymptotic stability of equilibrium points
1.6 periodic points and cycles
1.7 the logistic equation and bifurcation
1.7.1 equilibrium points
1.7.2 2-cycles
1.7.3 22-cycles
1.7.4 the bifurcation diagram
1.8 basin of attraction and global stability (optional)
2 linear difference equations of higher order
2.1 difference calculus
2.1.1 the power shift
2.1.3 the antidifference operator
2.2 general theory of linear difference equations
2.3 linear homogeneous equations with constant coefficients
2.4 nonhomogeneous equations: methods of undetermind coefficeints
2.4.1 the method of variation of constants (parameters)
2.5 limiting behavior of solutions
2.6 nonlinear equations transformable to linear equations
2.7 applications
2.7.1 propagation of annual plants
2.7.2 gambler's ruin
2.7.3 national income
2.7.4 the transmission of information
3 systems of linear difference equations
3.1 autonomous (time-invariant) systems
3.1.1 the discrete analogue of the putzer algorithm.
3.1.2 the development of the algorithm for an
3.2 the basic theory
3.3 the jordan form: autonomous (time-invariant) systems revisited
3.3.1 diagonalizable matrices
3.3.2 the jordan form
3.3.3 block-diagonal matrices
3.4 linear periodic systems
3.5 applications
3.5.2 regular markov chains
3.5.3 absorbing markov chains
3.5.4 a trade model
3.5.5 the heat equation
4 stability theory
4.1 a norm of a matrix
4.2 notions of stability
4.3 stability of linear systems
4.3.1 nonautonomous linear systems
4.3.2 autonomous linear systems
4.4 phase space analysis
4.5 liapunov's direct, or second, method
4.6 stability by linear approximation
4.7 applications
4.7.1 one species with two age classes
4.7.2 host-parasitoid systems
4.7.3 a business cycle model
4.7.4 the nicholson-bailey model
4.7.5 the flour beetle case study
5 higher-order scalar difference equations
5.1 linear scalar equations
5.2 sufficient conditions for stability
5.3 stability via linearization
5.4 global stability of nonlinear equations
5.5 applications
5.5.1 flour beetles
5.5.2 a mosquito model
6 the z-transform method and volterra difference equations
6.1 definitions and examples
6.1.1 properties of the z-transform
6.2 the inverse z-transform and solutions of difference equations
6.2.1 the power series method
6.2.2 the partial fractions method
6.2.3 the inversion integral method
6.3 volterra difference equations of convolution type: the scalar case
6.4 explicit criteria for stability of volterra equations
6.5 volterra systems
6.6 a variation of constants formula
6.7 the z-transform versus the laplace transform
7 oscillation theory
7.1 three-term difference equations
7.2 self-adjoint second-order equations
7.3 nonlinear difference equations
8 asymptotic behavior of difference equations
8.1 tools of approximation
8.2Poincare's theorem
8.2.1 infinite products and perron's example
8.3 asymptotically diagonal systems
8.4. high-order difference equations
8.5 second-order difference equations
8.5.1 a generalization of the poincare-perron theorem.
8.6 birkhoff's theorem
8.7 nonlinear difference equations
8.8 extensions of the poincare and perron theorems
8.8.1 an extension of perron's second theorem
8.8.2 poincare's theorem revisited
9 applications to continued fractions and orthogonal polynomials
9.1 continued fractions: fundamentalrecurrenceformula
9.2 convergence of continued fractions
9.3 continued fractions and infinite series
9.4 classical orthogonal polynomials
9.5 the fundamental recurrence formula for orthogonal polynomials
9.6 minimal solutions, continued fractions, and orthogonal polynomials
10 control theory
10.1 introduction
10.1.1 discrete equivalents for continuous systems
10.2 controllability
10.2.1 controllability canonical forms
10.3.10bservability canonical forms
10.4stabilizationby state feedback (design via pole placement)
10.4.1 stabilization of nonlinear systems by feedback
10.5 observers
10.5.1 eigenvalue separation theorem
a stability of nonhyperboli fixed points of maps on the real line
a.1 local stability of nonoscillatory nonhyperbolic maps
a.2 local stability of oscillatory nonhyperbolic maps
a.2.1 results with g(x)
b the vandermonde matrix
c stability of nondifferentiable maps
d stable manifold and the hartman-grobman-cushing theorems
d.1 the stable manifold theorem
d.2 the hartman-grobman-cushing theorem
e the levin-may theorem
f classical orthogonal polynomials
g identities and formulas
answers and hints to selected problems
maple programs