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出版社: 武漢大學出版社; 第1版 (2008年1月1日)
平裝: 270頁
正文語種: 簡體中文
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787307059962
條形碼: 9787307059962
尺寸: 23.6 x 16.8 x 1.2 cm
重量: 340 g


《專業外語系列教材·醫學英語教程》是根據國家教育部大學英語教學大綱的要求所編寫的。全書共分10個單元,每個單元分醫學術語學和課文閱讀兩部分。 醫學術語學部分突出醫學英語辭彙的前綴、後綴、詞根的介紹和分析,並編寫相應構詞練習。通過醫學英語構詞法的分析和學習,使學生理解醫學英語術語構成的特殊性和規律性。在練習中和課文的學習中加深對構詞法的掌握和運用,以便擴大醫學英語辭彙量,達到事半功倍的目的。 每個單元的課文閱讀部分包括三篇相互關聯的短文,其內容包含流行病學、免疫學、解剖學、組織胚胎學、基因、生理學、病理學、傳染病學、勞動衛生、社會學、醫學心理學和倫理學等。另外,該書還附有總辭彙表,方便讀者查詢。


Unit One
Section Ⅰ Medical Terminology
Section Ⅱ Readings
Text A Plague
Text B The Death of Young King Edward VI
Text C The Major Infectious Diseases in the World——To Treat or Not to Treat
Unit Two
Section Ⅰ Medical Terminology
Section Ⅱ Readings
Text A The Human Body
Text B Organs and Diseases
Text C The Structure of Human Body
Unit Three
Section Ⅰ Medical Terminology
Section Ⅱ Readings
Text A Biology of Blood
Text B ABO Blood Group System
Text C Common Medical Tests
Unit Four
Section Ⅰ Medical Terminology
Section Ⅱ Readings
Text A Smoking cessation
Text B Smoking Cessation
Text C Problems Resulting from the irresponsible Use of Alcohol
Unit Five
Section Ⅰ Medical Terminology
Section Ⅱ Readings
Text A puberty
Text B Hypersomnia and intoxicant Parasomnia
Text C Sleep Apnea Syndromes
Unit Six
Section Ⅰ Medical Terminology
Section Ⅱ Readings
Text B immunodeficiency
Text C Autoimmune Hepatitis
Unit Seven
Section Ⅰ Medical Terminology
Section Ⅱ Readings
Text A Written Self-help Treatments for Depression
Text B Integrating Psychological Care into General Medical Practice
Text C The Powerful Placebo and the Wizard of Oz
Unit Eight
Section Ⅰ Medical Terminology
Section Ⅱ Readings
Text A Human Cloning and Genetic Modification——The Basic Science You Need to Know
Text B Baby Needs a New Set of Genes
Text C Scientists Trying to Make Old Cells Young
Unit Nine
Section Ⅰ Medical Terminology
Section Ⅱ Readings
Text A Bacteria: Friend or Foe?
Text B Plasmodium Parasites
Text C Are Viruses Alive?
Unit Ten
Section Ⅰ Medical Terminology
Section Ⅱ Readings
Text A Medical Ethics
Text B No Mercy in Florida
Text C An Ethical Market in Human Organs
Appendix Ⅰ Vocabulary
Appendix Ⅱ English-Chinese Conunon Medical Glossary


