

orthern orthern 20acres

戶縣 寧家堡村南2街
Ningjiabao is located about 10 km south of Huxian county, northern foot of Qinling. There are 85 residents in the village, a total of 285 people, a total of 4 main street of the village. The village is located about 200 meters west of the Pangguang town government, next Pangguang town middle school, and The center kindergarten of Pangguang town.戶縣龐光鎮寧家堡村位於戶縣縣城以南約10公里,秦嶺北麓。全村85戶居民,共285人,村內共4條主幹街道。村莊位於龐光鎮政府以西約200米處,毗鄰龐光鎮中學,龐光鎮中心幼稚園。由於2010年開始的經濟開發,全村居民均已由農村戶口轉為城鎮戶口,村民多以外出打工為生。村中除村民自建大型彈花櫃一處(魏師彈花櫃),無其它企業。現任黨委書記魏小平,村長魏繼福。在黨委書記及村長的帶領下,全村村民眾志成城,努力打造社會主義新農村。2013年村委會擬在位於村東的大約20畝空地上,籌資建設寧家堡村農貿市場。市場建成後,由村民自行經營,但所有權屬村集體所有,不得自行出賣。該農貿市場落成後,將成為方圓10里以內最大的農產品集散市場,方便了周圍村落居民的日常生活,也為寧家堡村居民以後的基本生活提供了保障。Ningjiabao is located about10 km south of Huxian county, northern foot of Qinling. There are 85 residentsin the village, a total of 285 people, a total of 4 main street of the village.The village is located about 200 meters west of the Pangguang town government,next Pangguang town middle school, and The center kindergarten of Pangguangtown. Due to the economic development began in 2010; the village residents haverural residents to become city residents, villagers more to go out to work fora living. In addition to the villagers' self-built the spent shells cabinet,there’s no other enterprise in the village. Incumbent party secretary WeiXiaoping, Village chief Wei Jifu, under the leadership of the party secretaryand village head, village villagers surmount, and strive to build a newsocialist countryside. 2013 village committee proposed on approximately 20acres of vacant land located in the Village, financing for construction The Ningjiabaofarmers market. After the completion of the market, operated by the villagersthemselves, but ownership village collective, shall not sell. After thecompletion of the farmers market, within a radius of 10 miles will be thelargest agricultural distribution market. Facilitate the daily life ofresidents of the surrounding villages, but also for the future life Ningjiabaoresidents provide a guarantee.


