

《實用大學英語(第1冊)(學生用書)》主要內容簡介:《實用大學英語》是由長期從事一線教學的大學英語教師結合多年的教學經驗,以教育部頒發的《高職高專教育英語課程教育基本要求》為依據,充分考慮高職學生的基礎和特點而編寫的內容實用、形式創新的一套高職高專教材。《實用大學英語》分為兩冊,《實用大學英語(第1冊)(學生用書)》為第一冊。全書共8個單元,供一學期使用.每一單元包括聽說(Listening&Speaking)、課文(Passages)、語法(Grammar),寫作(Writing)和輕鬆一刻(Enjoy yourselves)五個板塊。每個板塊都圍繞單元的主題,結合高職高專學生學習和今後工作需要,設有專項訓練。


《實用大學英語(第1冊)(學生用書)》主要內容簡介:《實用大學英語》是由長期從事一線教學的大學英語教師結合多年的教學經驗,以教育部頒發的《高職高專教育英語課程教育基本要求》為依據,充分考慮高職學生的基礎和特點而編寫的內容實用、形式創新的一套高職高專教材。《實用大學英語》分為兩冊,《實用大學英語(第1冊)(學生用書)》為第一冊。全書共8個單元,供一學期使用.每一單元包括聽說(Listening&Speaking)、課文(Passages)、語法(Grammar),寫作(Writing)和輕鬆一刻(Enjoy yourselves)五個板塊。每個板塊都圍繞單元的主題,結合高職高專學生學習和今後工作需要,設有專項訓練。


Unit One College Education

Section 1 Listening & Speaking

Section 2 Passage One

The Second Oldest College Graduate In the World

Section 1 Passage Two

Photographic Memory Professor

Section 3 Grammar

Section 4 Writing

Section 5 Enjoy yourselves

Unit Two Travel

Section 1 Listening & Speaking

Section 2 Passage One

Tourism in China

Section 2 Passage Two

Travel plans

Section 3 Grammar

Section 4 Writing

Section 5 Enjoy yourselves

Unit Three Culture

Section 1 Listening & Speaking

Section 2 Passage One

American Society

Section 2 Passage Two

The Role of Culture in Development

Section 3 Grammar

Section 4 Writing

Section 5 Enjoy yourselves

Unit Four Food

Section 1 Listening & Speaking

Section 2 Passage One

American Food Style

Section 2 Passage Two

Finding a Balance

Section 3 Grammar

Section 4 Writing

Section 5 Enjoy yourselves

Unit Five Hobby

Section 1 Listening & Speaking

Section 2 Passage One

Collecting ——as a Serious Hobby

Section 2 Passage Two

How to Find a Hobby

Section 3 Grammar

Section 4 Writing

Section 5 Enjoy yourselves

Unit Six Sports and Outdoor Activities

Section 1 Listening & Speaking

Section 2 Passage One

Allen Iverson to Retire from the NBA Again

Section 2 Passage Two

Enjoy the great outdoors!

Section 3 Grammar

Section 4 Writing

Section 5 Enjoy yourselves

Unit Seven Intemet

Section 1 Listening & Speaking

Section 2 Passage One

21st Century. Newspapers vs. lnternet

Section 2 Passage Two

Internet Surfing

Section 3 Grammar

Section 4 Writing

Section 5 Enjoy yourselves

Unit Eight News

Section 1 Listening & Speaking

Section 2 Passage One

Germany unveils new "psychic" octopus and he's French

Section 2 Passage Two

Britain being "overrun" by street signs

Section 3 Grammar

Section 4 Writing

Section 5 Enjoy yourselves


Words and Expressions

Phrases and Expressions






This story took place several years ago but I still vividly remember it like it was yesterday.At that time we all realized that we encountered a brilliant man who was called photographicmemory professor.

One day as we listened to his ramblings about the material on our next test, he promptlystopped and asked one of the students a question on what he had been talking about. She madlystarted flipping through the pages on which she had been diligently writing every word he hadspoken. He gave her a few moments and then stopped her with another question of what she wasdoing rather than answering his request. She replied, "I'm trying to find where I wrote the noteson what you asked me about."



