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簡 介



2002-2007年 浙江大學固體力學專業 博士
1998-2002年 浙江大學工程力學系 本科


2011年至今 浙江大學套用力學研究所 副教授
2010-2011年 浙江大學套用力學研究所 助理研究員
2008-2010年 浙江大學建築工程學院結構工程研究所 博士後




1. Huan, R H, Deng, M L, Zhu, W Q. Optimal control strategies for stochastically excited quasi partially integrable Hamiltonian systems. Acta. Mech. Sin., 2007, 23: 311-319.
2. Huan, R H, Zhu, W Q, Wu, Y J. Nonlinear stochastic optimal bounded control of hysteretic systems with actuator saturation. Journals of Zhejiang University SCIENCE. 2008, 9: 351-357.
3. Wu, Y J, Huan, R H. First-passage failure minimization of stochastic Duffing-Rayleigh-Mathieu system. Mechanics Research Communications. 2008, 35: 447-453.
4. Huan, R H, Wu, Y J, Zhu, W Q. Stochastic optimal bounded control of MDOF quasi non-integrable Hamiltonian systems with actuator saturation. Archive of Applied Mechanics. 2009, 79: 157-168.
5. Huan, R H, Chen L C, Jin W L, Zhu, W Q. Stochastic optimal control of partially observable nonlinear quasi Hamiltonian systems with actuator saturation. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica. 2009, 22: 143-151.
6. Li X P, Liu Z H, Huan R H, Zhu W Q. Asymptotic lyapunov stability with probability one of quasi linear systems subject to multi-time-delayed feedback control and wide-band parametric random excitation. Archive of Applied Mechanics. 2009, 71:1051-1061.
7. Huan, R H, Zhu, W Q. Stochastic optimal control of quasi integrable Hamiltonian systems subject to actuator saturation. Journal of Vibration and Control, 2009, 15: 85-99.
8. Huan, R H, Ying, Z G, Jin, W L, Zhu, W Q. Minimax optimal control of uncertain quasi-integrable Hamiltonian systems with time-delayed bounded feedback, Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics. 2010, 25:245-248.
9. Huan, R H, Li, X P, Jin W L, Zhu W Q. Optimal bounded semi-active control of hysteretic systems with MR damper. Advances in Structural Engineeing. 2010, 13: 1199-1205.
10. Chen, L C, Huan, R H, Zhu, W Q. Feedback maximization of reliability of MDOF quasi integrable-Hamiltonian systems under combined harmonic and white noise excitations. Journals of Zhejiang University SCIENCE. 2009, 10: 1245-1251.
11. Li, X P, Huan, R H, Wei, D M. Feedback minimization of the first-passage failure of a hysteretic system under random excitations. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics.2010, 25:271-278.
12. Wu, YJ, Feng CS, Huan RH. Optimal Bounded Control for Stationary Response of Strongly Nonlinear Oscillators under Combined Harmonic and Wide-Band Noise Excitations. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. doi:10.1155/2011/635823, 2011.
13. Huan RH, Pan GF, Zhu WQ. An averaging method for time-delayed strongly nonlinear systems subjected to harmonic excitations. Applied Mathematics and Computation. Submitted.
14. 宦榮華,潘國鋒,金偉良,朱位秋. 計及列車車體隨機振動影響時受電弓的隨機動力回響. 鐵道學報,32(3):39-42, 2010.
15. 宦榮華,潘國峰,蘇光輝, 劉天賦, 朱位秋,計及接觸線垂向不平順的弓網耦合動力學分析.鐵道學報,ACCEPT.
16. Huan R.H, Zhu WQ. Stochastic optimal control of MDOF quasi non-integrable Hamiltonian systems with actuator’s saturation. The 2nd International Conference on Dynamics, Vibration and Control, Beijing, 2006, August 23-26.
17. Zhu W Q, Huan R H. Recent advances in nonlinear stochastic optimal control of quasi Hamiltonian systems. The sixth International Conference on Vibration Engineering. Dalian, 2008, June 4-5
18. Huan, R H, Zhu W Q. Active vibration control of high-speed pantograph under action of locomotive vibration. The third International Conference on Dynamics, Vibration and Control, 2010, May 12-14.
19. Huan RH, Pan GF, Zhu WQ. Dynamicis of pantograph-catenary system considering local singularities of contact wire with critical wavelengths. The 1st International Workshop on High-speed and Intercity Railways (IWHIR 2011). Shenzhen and Hong Kong. 2011, July 19-22.




