其“大和堂”註冊商標是紫砂業界的著名品牌。大和堂的創辦與建設曾得到我國工藝美術大師呂堯臣,陶藝名人高級工藝師吳鳴、凌錫苟、邱玉林、毛國強等鼎力支持與幫助。在此,我們表示衷心感謝!“品質、品位、品牌”是大和堂人追求的目標和歸宿。公司成立三年來,在浙江烏鎮、深圳、梅州等各地有加盟連鎖店十幾家,同時在宜興風景區有茶葉基地和紫砂學工實踐基地,每年吸引成千上萬的遊客和大、中院校學生來宜興大和堂制壺、品壺並感受紫砂的神奇魅力。“踏遍宜興壺覓處、品壺有緣大和堂” 歡迎有志從事紫砂藝品的公司、企業、個體工商戶和個人加盟大和堂,連鎖銷售大和堂產品,互利互惠、共謀發展;歡迎社會各界收藏和使用大和堂紫砂藝品。Da He Tang Purple-sand Pottery Arts&Crafts Co., Ltd specializes in the design,production and sale of pottery. “Da He Tang” is registered brand that enjoys high reputation for its good credibility and top quality products. The birth of the company was supported by many masters of craft and artisan like Lv Yaochen, Wu Ming, Ling Xigou, Qiu Yulin, Mao Guoqiang and etc. We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all of them.
“High-quality, Fine-taste, Leading-brand”is the principle and ultimate goal that we are pursuing. Since its foundation in 2006, the company has opened dozens of chain stores in Wuzhen of Zhejiang Province, Shenzhen of Guangdong Province and etc. It also has the tea production base and the purple-sand tea-pot making base which attract thousands of tourists and college students to come for a visit and experience the magic of pottery art.
All enterprises, company private-run enterprises and individuals are welcome to our company for future cooperation on the basis of mutual prosperity.
江蘇宜興市中國陶都陶瓷城H2幢106-108號 深圳市羅湖區蓮塘畔山路梧桐山新居店鋪114號深圳分公司