別名:最高檔完美的路途英文名:Top Gear: The Perfect Road Trip
導演: Phil Churchward
主演: 理察·哈蒙德 傑里米·克拉克森
七天,超過1000英里20輛,兩艘船,一輛機車和一個夢想......完美的客場之旅。目的:選擇交通工具的理想模式,從義大利威尼斯朝聖加索爾在法國的每條腿 - 家庭對傳奇的街道賽道和大獎賽的起源。在路上,我們準備採取的軌道在蒙扎 - 義大利一級方程式賽車的故鄉。我們嘗試得到注意的道路上當然在摩納哥的布加迪,蘭博基尼和福特T型車。巡航運河在威尼斯後,我們走上停機坪和好看的東西 - 這要歸功於法拉利F12的Berlinetta和賓士SLS黑色。扔在一個帕加尼HUAYRA ,保時捷Cayman S和GT3以及阿斯頓馬丁的Vanquish百年紀念版,賓利V8敞篷車,勞斯萊斯幻影雙門轎跑車和臉部彎曲的BAC單聲道一切似乎很完美的給我們。
還有文化了。一個全力以赴的努力得到了伯明罕漢堡男孩品嘗義大利和法國的美味佳肴 - 包括章魚和一個舊陽台。 那么它的時間來打開暖氣更是與頂面齒輪的比賽...和最壞的沒收電視的歷史。最後我們前往歷史悠久的行進過程中加索爾。當然,沒有什麼能破壞我們的完美的客場之旅。
Seven days, more than 1,000 miles, 20 cars, two boats, a motorbike and one dream...The Perfect Road Trip.The aim: to select the ideal mode of transport for each leg of a pilgrimage from Venice, Italy to Pau in France – home to a legendary street circuit and the origins of Grand Prix racing. On the way we prepare by taking to the track at Monza – the home of Italian Formula One. We try to get noticed on the road course in Monaco in a Bugatti, a Lamborghini and a Model T Ford. After cruising the canals in Venice we take to the tarmac and things look Good - thanks to the Ferrari F12 Berlinetta and Mercedes SLS Black. Throw in a Pagani Huayra, Porsche Cayman S and a GT3 as well as the Aston Martin Vanquish centenary edition, Bentley V8 convertible, Rolls Royce Phantom coupe and the face-bending BAC Mono all seems pretty perfect to us.
There’s culture too. An all-out effort to get the Birmingham burger-boy to savour the culinary delights of Italy and France – including octopus and an old balcony.
Then it’s time to turn up the heat even more with a Top Gear race... and the worst forfeit in television history.
Finally we head to the historic road course in Pau. Surely nothing could spoil our Perfect Road Trip...
Jeremy Clarkson & Richard Hammond