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宋迪,女,電子科技大學機械電子工程學院副教授,研究方向為形狀記憶合金循環變形及疲勞失效行為,包括宏微觀損傷機理分析及表征,基於物理機理的損傷演化及疲勞壽命預測模型,基於晶體塑性的細觀本構模型等。 。


2004.9~2008.7 哈爾濱工業大學,航天學院,工程力學專業,工學學士

2008.9~2010.7 哈爾濱工業大學,航天學院,工程力學專業,工學碩士

2010.9~2015.9 西南交通大學,力學與工程學院,固體力學專業,工學博士

2012.9~2013.9 德國Siegen大學,土木工程系,聯合培養博士生

2015.9 至今 電子科技大學,機械電子工程學院,講師


1. Di Song, Guozheng Kang*, Qianhua Kan, Chao Yu, Chuanzeng Zhang, Non-proportional multiaxial transformation ratchetting of super-elastic NiTi shape memory alloy: Experimental observations. Mechanics of Materials, 2014, (70), 94-105. (SCI, IF=2.651).

2. Di Song, Guozheng Kang*, Qianhua Kan, Chao Yu, Chuanzeng Zhang, The effect of martensite plasticity on the cyclic deformation of super-elastic NiTi shape memory alloy. Smart Materials and Structures, 2014, (23), 015008. (SCI, IF=2.909).

3. Di Song, Guozheng Kang*, Qianhua Kan, Chao Yu, Chuanzeng Zhang, Experimental Observations on Uniaxial Whole-life Transformation Ratcheting and Low-cycle Stress Fatigue of Super-elastic NiTi Shape Memory Alloy Micro-tubes. Smart Materials and Structures, 2015, (24), 075004. (SCI, IF=2.909)

4. Di Song, Guozheng Kang*, Qianhua Kan, Chao Yu, Chuanzeng Zhang, Damage-based Life Prediction Model for Uniaxial Low-cycle Stress Fatigue of Super-elastic NiTi Shape Memory Alloy Micro-tubes. Smart Materials and Structures, 2015, (24), 085003. (SCI, IF=2.909)

5. Di Song, Guozheng Kang*, Qianhua Kan, Chao Yu, Chuanzeng Zhang, Non-proportional Multiaxial Whole-life Transformation Ratchetting and Fatigue Failure of Super-elastic NiTi Shape Memory Alloy Micro-tubes. International Journal of Fatigue, 2015, (80), 372-380. (SCI, IF=2.899)

6. Di Song, Guozheng Kang*, Qianhua Kan, Chao Yu, Chuanzeng Zhang, Multiaxial Low-Cycle Fatigue Failure Mechanism of Super-elastic NiTi Shape Memory Alloy Micro-tubes. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2016, (665), 17-25. (SCI, IF=3.094)

7. Di Song, Guozheng Kang*, Qianhua Kan, Chao Yu, Chuanzeng Zhang, Effects of Peak Stress and Stress Amplitude on Multiaxial Transformation Ratchetting and Fatigue Life of Superelastic NiTi SMA Micro-tubes: Experiments and Life-prediction Model. International Journal of Fatigue, 2017, (96), 252-260.(SCI, IF=2.899)

8. Di Song, Guozheng Kang*, Qianhua Kan, Chao Yu, Chuanzeng Zhang, Non-proportional multiaxial fatigue of super-elastic NiTi shape memory alloy micro-tubes: Damage evolution law and life-prediction model. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2017, (131-132), 325-333. (SCI, IF=2.884)。

9. Di Song*, Guozheng Kang, Qianhua Kan, Chao Yu. Observations on the Residual Martensite Phase of NiTi Shape Memory Alloy Micro-tubes under Uniaxial and Multiaxial Fatigue-loadings. ASME-IMECE 2016, Phoenix, United States,11-17, Nov.2016.(EI)



