動穩定性與流動控制、微尺度流體力學、計算流體力學等。1989-1997年參加了兩項國家自然科學基金重大項目的研究,主要從事鈍物體繞流尾跡特性與控制的研究。1998 年以來負責和參加了國家自然科學基金面上項目6項,中科院創新方向性項目2 項,主要從事旋轉射流的穩定性與數值模擬、多流體界面數值模擬與並行算法、微尺度流動、生物運動流體力學等方面的研究。
在國內外學術期刊和重要學術會議上發表學術論文60餘篇,其中,在權威的國際流體力學刊物Physics of Fluids上發表論文5 篇,在Journal of Fluid Mechanics,Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans,Physics Review E等國際著名刊物上發表論文多篇,並被國際同行在J. Fluid Mech.和Physics of Fluids 等權威刊物上多次引起。合作撰寫了專著《旋渦流動的穩定性》。
Ma DJ,Sun DJ,Yin XY. Solution of the 2d shallow water equations with source terms in surface elevation splitting form. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids,2007. (in press)
Qin FH,Sun DJ,Yin XY. Perturbation analysis on gas in a straight micro-channel. Physics of Fluids,2007,19,027103.
Ma DJ,Sun DJ,Yin XY. Multiplicity of steady states in cylindrical Rayleigh-Bernard convection.Physics Review E,2006,74,037302.(SCI: 089HD)
Cai Y,Ma DJ,Sun DJ,Yin XY. The numerical simulation of two dimensional interface breakup. Progress in Natural Science,2006,16⑸: 554-558. (SCI: 068EV,EI: 06249938664)
Ma DJ,Sun DJ,Yin XY. Axisymmetric breaking to travelling waves in the cylinder with partially heated sidewall. Chinese Physics Letter,2006,23 ⑹: 1515-1518. (SCI : 054Ⅵ)
Ma DJ,Sun DJ,Yin XY. A global stability analysis of the wake behind a rotating circular cylinder. Chinese Physics Letter,2005,22⑻:1964-1967. (SCI: 953AY)
Sun L,Mu M,Sun D,Yin X. Passive mechanism of decadal variation of thermohaline circulation. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans,2005,110 (C7),C07025. (SCI: 951PM)
Hu J,Sun D J,Hu G H,Yin X Y. Secondary instabilities of linearly heated falling films. Progress in Natural Science,2005,15⑶:205-212. (SCI: 926YC,EI:05169052976)
Hu J,Hu G H,Sun D J,Yin X Y. Instability of liquid film flowing down a linearly heated plate. Progress in Natural Science,2003,13⑻: 568-572. (SCI: 708GJ,EI:03357616020)
Sun DJ,Hu GH,Gao Z,Yin XY. Stability and temporal evolution of a swirling jet with centrifugally unstable azimuthal velocity. Physics of Fluids,2002,14⑾. (SCI: 603AQ,EI: 02507266796)
Qin FH,Sun DJ,Yin XY. Discussion about the similarity of micro-scale gas flows. International Journal of Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation,2002,3(3-4): 573-576. (SCI: 574RR)
Hu G H,Sun D J,Yin X Y,Tong B G. Studies on stability and dynamics of a swirling jet. Acta Mech. Sinica,2001,17⑶: 237-244. (SCI: 466MP,EI: 02096871541)
Hu G H,Sun D J,Yin X Y. A numerical study of dynamics of a temporally evolving swirling jet. Physics of Fluids,2001,13⑷: 951-965. (SCI: 411KN,EI: 02096876653)
Yin,X Y,Sun D J,Wei M J,Wu J Z. Absolute and convective instability character of slender viscous vortices. Physics of Fluids,2000,12⑸: 1062-1072. (SCI: 303VT,EI: 00055167516)
Hu,G.H.,Sun,D.J.,Yin,X.Y.. On the topological bifurcation of flows around a rotating circular cylinder. Acta Mechanica Sinica,1997,13⑶:203-209. (SCI: YC049,EI: 98024090088)
Hu,G.H.,Sun D.J.,Yin X.Y.,Tong,B.G.. Hopf bifurcation in wakes behind a rotating and translating circular cylinder. Physics of Fluids,1996,8⑺:1972-1974. (SCI: UU385,EI: 96083262920)
1.Ma DJ,Sun DJ,Yin XY. Solution of the 2d shallow water equations with source terms in surface elevation splitting form. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids,2007. (in press)
2.Qin FH,Sun DJ,Yin XY. Perturbation analysis on gas in a straight micro-channel. Physics of Fluids,2007,19,027103.
3.Ma DJ,Sun DJ,Yin XY. Multiplicity of steady states in cylindrical Rayleigh-Bernard convection.Physics Review E,2006,74,037302.(SCI: 089HD)
4.Cai Y,Ma DJ,Sun DJ,Yin XY. The numerical simulation of two dimensional interface breakup. Progress in Natural Science,2006,16⑸: 554-558. (SCI: 068EV,EI: 06249938664)
5.Ma DJ,Sun DJ,Yin XY. Axisymmetric breaking to travelling waves in the cylinder with partially heated sidewall. Chinese Physics Letter,2006,23 ⑹: 1515-1518. (SCI : 054Ⅵ)
6.Ma DJ,Sun DJ,Yin XY. A global stability analysis of the wake behind a rotating circular cylinder. Chinese Physics Letter,2005,22⑻:1964-1967. (SCI: 953AY)
7.Sun L,Mu M,Sun D,Yin X. Passive mechanism of decadal variation of thermohaline circulation. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans,2005,110 (C7),C07025. (SCI: 951PM)
8.Hu J,Sun D J,Hu G H,Yin X Y. Secondary instabilities of linearly heated falling films. Progress in Natural Science,2005,15⑶:205-212. (SCI: 926YC,EI:05169052976)
9.Hu J,Hu G H,Sun D J,Yin X Y. Instability of liquid film flowing down a linearly heated plate. Progress in Natural Science,2003,13⑻: 568-572. (SCI: 708GJ,EI:03357616020)
10.Sun DJ,Hu GH,Gao Z,Yin XY. Stability and temporal evolution of a swirling jet with centrifugally unstable azimuthal velocity. Physics of Fluids,2002,14⑾. (SCI: 603AQ,EI: 02507266796)
11.Qin FH,Sun DJ,Yin XY. Discussion about the similarity of micro-scale gas flows. International Journal of Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation,2002,3(3-4): 573-576. (SCI: 574RR)
12.Hu G H,Sun D J,Yin X Y,Tong B G. Studies on stability and dynamics of a swirling jet. Acta Mech. Sinica,2001,17⑶: 237-244. (SCI: 466MP,EI: 02096871541)
13.Hu G H,Sun D J,Yin X Y. A numerical study of dynamics of a temporally evolving swirling jet. Physics of Fluids,2001,13⑷: 951-965. (SCI: 411KN,EI: 02096876653)
14.Yin,X Y,Sun D J,Wei M J,Wu J Z. Absolute and convective instability character of slender viscous vortices. Physics of Fluids,2000,12⑸: 1062-1072. (SCI: 303VT,EI: 00055167516)
15.Hu,G.H.,Sun,D.J.,Yin,X.Y.. On the topological bifurcation of flows around a rotating circular cylinder. Acta Mechanica Sinica,1997,13⑶:203-209. (SCI: YC049,EI: 98024090088)
16.Hu,G.H.,Sun D.J.,Yin X.Y.,Tong,B.G.. Hopf bifurcation in wakes behind a rotating and translating circular cylinder. Physics of Fluids,1996,8⑺:1972-1974. (SCI: UU385,EI: 96083262920)