

孟現勇,(男),漢族,(1987.12-),博士(後),博士生導師,香港大學Research Associate,現任中國農業大學資源與環境學院教師。


孟現勇,(男),漢族,(1987.12-),博士(後),博士生導師 ,香港大學Research Associate,2018年7月通過中國農業大學人才引進任中國農業大學資源與環境學院教師 。兼任東亞水環境可持續發展研究中心高級研究員/副主任 ,哈薩克斯坦教育和科學部 (National Center of Science and Technology Evaluation, Ministry of Education and Science,NCSTE) 科學項目及研究提案國際評審專家 ,中國自然資源學會(CSNR)水資源專業委員會委員,美國地球物理聯盟(American Geophysical Union, AGU)會員 ,香港大學職員協會(The University of Hong Kong Staff Association, HKUSA)會員,中國水利學會(CHES)會員。擔任Nature出版集團《Scientific Reports》 期刊編委會委員,瑞士SCI期刊《Water》客座主編及國際SCI期刊《Journal of Mountain Science》科學編輯,同時還任國內外EI和眾多期刊編委 。長期從事大氣驅動場融契約化、陸面模式模擬、參數化方案、水文模型改進套用、 3S集成、非點源污染模擬及修復等方面的研究工作 。建立成果包括建立覆蓋整個東亞地區的氣象數據集CMADS (空間解析度:0.33°,0.25°、0.125°及 0.0625°。時間 解析度:逐日),其源數據利用全國近40000站區域站降水數據、2747站自動站要素對 CMADS源數據場空間進行訂正,可為各種水文模型提供精確必要的氣象數據保障。截止至2019年,CMADS官網已記錄來自全世界近17萬次訪問量,已經收到來自世界範圍內近2630個團隊用戶的申請。CMADS用戶分布範圍已經由中國大陸各類重要科研高校及院所迅速擴展至中國台灣(Tamkang University)、韓國(Sungkyunkwan University、Seoul National University)、日本(Kyushu University)、泰國(Khon Kaen University、Naresuan University)、菲律賓(University of the Philippines)、印度(Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur)、巴基斯坦(The University of Agriculture Peshawar)、俄羅斯(Far Eastern Regional Hydrometeorological Research Institute (FERHRI))、德國(TU Dortmund University、UFZ Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research)、義大利(Polytechnic University of Milan)、加拿大(Memorial University of Newfoundland)、美國(Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University、The University of Nevada、United States Department of Agriculture(USDA)、University of Massachusetts、Massachusetts Institute of Technology)等科研機構 。其以上研究成果已被國內各類權威網站及CCTV央視予以採訪並報導。在國家氣象信息中心作為高級訪問學者期間,作為骨幹成員參加中國氣象局CLDAS中國陸面同化系統建設,對CLDAS產品研發及模式慘數化方案改進做出了重要貢獻 。近年來主持或參與國家科技支撐計畫項目、國家自然科學基金項目等近6項,在各類國際SCI、國內權威核心期刊發表中英文學術論文60餘篇,其中被SCI/EI檢索論文26篇。獲得省部級科技進步獎勵2項, 省部級科技成果1項。省部廳級優秀科技論文一等獎3項,二等獎1項,三等獎2項,軟體登記5項,專利1部。


Meng, X.; Wang, H.; Shi, C.; Wu, Y.; Ji, X.(2018).Establishment and Evaluation of the China Meteorological Assimilation Driving Datasets for the SWAT Model (CMADS).Water,10,1555.

Meng,X.Y., Wang, H., Wu,Y. P., Long, A.H., Wang, J.H., Shi,C.X., Ji,X.N. (2017). Investigating spatiotemporal changes of the land surface processes in Xinjiang using high-resolution CLM3.5 and CLDAS: Soil temperature. Scientific Reports. 7. DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-10665-8.

Meng, X.Y., Wang, H., Lei, X.H., Cai, S.Y., Wu, H.J., Ji, X.N., and Wang, J.H. (2017). Hydrological Modeling in the Manas River Basin Using Soil and Water Assessment Tool Driven by CMADS. Tehnicki Vjesnik-Technical Gazette, 24(2), 525-534.

Meng,X.Y., Yu,D.L., LIU,Z.H. (2015). Energy Balance-Based SWAT Model to Simulate the Mountain Snowmelt and Runoff–Taking the Application in Juntanghu Watershed (China) as an Example. Journal of Mountain Sciences, 12(2), 368-381. DOI:10.1007/s11629-014-3081-6. WOS:000351664200009.

Meng, X., Wang, H. (2017). Significance of the China Meteorological Assimilation Driving Datasets for the SWAT Model (CMADS) of East Asia. Water. 9, (10),765. doi:10.3390/w9100765.

Meng,X.Y., Che,L., Liu,Z.H., Che,N., Ji,X.N. (2017). Towards a Partial Differential Equation Remote Sensing Image Method Based on Adaptive Degradation Diffusion Parameter. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 76, (1): 17651–17667 DOI: 10.1007/s11042-015-2881-1.

Meng,X.Y*. (2016).Snowmelt Runoff Analysis Under Generated Climate Change Scenarios for the Juntanghu River Basin in Xinjiang, China. Tecnología y Ciencias del Agua,7(4),41-54.WOS:00038600990000.

Meng,X.Y. (2018).Spring Flood Forecasting Based on the WRF-TSRM mode. Tehnicki Vjesnik-Technical Gazette.25(1):27-37.

Meng,X.Y.(2018).Simulation and spatiotemporal pattern of air temperature and precipitation in Eastern Central Asia using RegCM.Scientific Reports.8,3639.

Shang Y.Z., Liu,R.H.,Yuntao Ye, Ronghua Liu,Ling Shang, Chunna Liu,Meng,X.Y.et al. (2017).China’s energy-water nexus: Hydropower generation potential of joint operation of the Three Gorges and Qingjiang cascade reservoirs.Energy.2017,142(2018):14-32.

Yao,J.Q.; Liu,Z.H.; Yang,Q.; Meng,X.Y. (2014).Responses of runoff to climate change and human activities in the Ebinur Lake Catchment, western China. Water Resources, 41(6),738-747.WOS:000346601900014.

Xue,L.Q., Zhu,M.B., Yang,C.B., Zhang,L.C., Meng,X.Y. (2017). Study on the characteristics of future precipitation in response to external changes over arid and humid basins. Scientific Reports.7,15148.

Qiu, L., Wu, Y., Wang, L., Lei, X., Liao, W., Hui, Y., Meng, X.Y.(2017) Spatiotemporal response of the water cycle to land use conversions in a typical hilly-gully basin on the Loess Plateau, China, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss.,2017.1-30.doi:10.5194/hess-2017-343.



Water SCI IF=2.069



Journal of Mountain Science SCI IF=1.135


Journal of Hydrology SCI IF=3.727

Scientific Reports SCI IF=4.259


Waste Management & Research SCI IF= 1.631


Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment SCI IF=2.668

Hydrology and Earth System Sciences SCI IF= 4.256

專業任職(Past and Present)

Expert,National Center of Science and Technology Evaluation, Ministry of Education and Science (NCSTE)

Member,American Geophysical Union (AGU)

Member, Chinese Hydraulic Engineering Society (CHES)

Member, The University of Hong Kong Staff Association (HKUSA)



