The History of IIPA
The International Iridology Practitioners Association is a registered non-profit organization founded in 1982 and governed by volunteer members who make up the Board of Directors. The organization was originally called the National Iridology Research Association, but the name has been changed t

One of IIPA’s most important functions is overseeing the training and certifying of professional Iridologists and Iridology teachers. 其中一個IIPA建議的最重要的職能是監督培訓和認證的專業iridologists和iridology教師。 Our certification program is designed to ensure high standards of Iridology education and practice. 我們的認證計畫的目的是為了確保高標準的iridology教育和實踐活動。

IIPA currently has 5 departments to fulfill it’s goals. IIPA建議,目前有5個部門履行它的目標。 The Administration department is responsible for all administrative duties, legal issues, foreign chapters, policies and proceedures, etc.. 政府部門負責所有行政職務,法律上的問題,外國的章節,政策和proceedures等。 IIPA officers consist of: IIPA建議的人員組成:
Cheryl Matschek, President 謝matschek ,主席
Anita “Trixie” Barnett, V.President 阿妮塔“ trixie ”巴內特,五主席
Marion D. “Micki” Jones, treasurer 馬里昂四“ micki ”瓊斯,庫
Dave Carpenter, Immediate Past President 戴夫木匠,立即過去總統
Please see the Directors section for more information or to contact these people. 請參見董事一節以獲取更多的信息,或者接觸這些人。
The Finance Department is in charge of the budget and all financial plans. 財務部是在主管預算和所有的財務計畫。 This department is headed by Marion D. “Micki” Jones. 這一部由主管馬里昂四“ micki ”瓊斯。
The Certification and Accreditation Department is also headed up by Marion “Micki” Jones who oversees all IIPA educational activities as well as the accreditation of schools and institutions that teach IIPA Comprehensive Iridology. 國家認證認可監督署亦為首的由馬里昂“ micki ”瓊斯誰負責監督所有IIPA建議教育活動,以及為認可學校和機構任教IIPA建議全面iridology 。
The Research Department, headed up by Dr. Peter Guhl, is working with various research projects in the field of iridology. 研究部,為首的由博士,黃匡源guhl ,是工作與各研究領域的項目iridology 。 The department is always looking for interesting ideas and submissions for valid studies. 該署一直在尋找有趣的想法,並提交有效的研究。
The Public Relations Department works with the media and the IIPA website and works hand in hand with our Communications Department. 公共關係部工程與媒體和IIPA建議網站及工務局手與我們的通信部。
Because IIPA is made up of volunteer members we need your help in furthering our goals. 因為IIPA建議是成立的義工成員,我們需要你們的幫助,在推動我們的目標。 If you want to contribute to IIPA by working with one of these Department Directors in some way please notify them and let them know what you feel you can and want to do. 如果你想作出貢獻, IIPA建議由工作之一,這些部董事以某種方式,請通知他們,並讓他們知道什麼你覺得你可以和想做的事。 They will certainly find ways for you to assist Iridology. 他們一定會找到方法,供您協助iridology 。