排名 | 學校名稱 |
1 | 查洛納博士中學Dr Challoner's High School(Chiltern, UK) |
2 | 倫敦城女子學校City of London School for Girls(City of London, UK) |
3 | 溫布爾登國王學院學校King's College School, Wimbledon(London Borough of Merton, UK) |
3 | 威辛頓女子學校Withington Girls' School(Manchester, UK) |
5 | 布萊頓學院,Brighton,College(Brighton,UK) |
6 | 亨麗埃塔·巴尼特學校The Henrietta Barnett School(London Borough of Barnet, UK) |
7 | 埃琳諾霍莉斯夫人學校The Lady Eleanor Holles School(London Borough of Richmond upon Thames, UK) |
8 | 皇家文理學校(吉爾福德)Royal Grammar School, Guildford(Guildford, UK) |
9 | 皇家文理學校(吉爾福德)Royal Grammar School Guildford(Guildford, UK) |
10 | 牛津中學,Oxford,High,School,GDST(Oxford,UK) |
11 | 諾丁山與伊令中學Notting Hill & Ealing High School GDST(London Borough of Ealing, UK) |
11 | 諾丁山與伊令中學Notting Hill & Ealing High School GDST(London Borough of Ealing, UK) |
13 | 培特文法學校Pate's Grammar School(Cheltenham, UK) |
13 | 聖海倫與聖卡瑟琳學校School of St Helen and St Katharine(Vale of White Horse, UK) |
15 | 倫敦城學校City of London School(City of London, UK) |
16 | 切舍姆文法學校Chesham Grammar School(Chiltern, UK) |
17 | 聖奧爾本斯女子中學St Albans High School for Girls(St Albans, UK) |
18 | 南威爾茨女子文法學校South Wilts Grammar School for Girls(Salisbury, UK) |
19 | 普特尼中學Putney High School GDST(London Borough of Wandsworth, UK) |
20 | 聖麥可天主教文法學校St Michael's Catholic Grammar School(London Borough of Barnet, UK) |
21 | 聖麥可天主教文法學校St Michael's Catholic Grammar School(London Borough of Barnet, UK) |
22 | 溫布爾登中學Wimbledon High School GDST(London Borough of Merton, UK) |
23 | 切姆斯福德郡女子中學Chelmsford County High School for Girls(Chelmsford, UK) |
24 | 班克羅夫特學校Bancroft's School(London Borough of Redbridge, UK) |
25 | 阿貝,學校The,Abbey,School(Reading,UK) |
26 | 南漢普斯德高級中學South Hampstead High School GDST(London Borough of Camden, UK) |
27 | 科利頓文法學校Colyton Grammar School(East Devon District, UK) |
28 | 科爾切斯特皇家文法學校Colchester Royal Grammar School(Colchester, UK) |
29 | 沃靈頓女子中學Wallington High School for Girls(London Borough of Sutton, UK) |
30 | 皇家文理學校(紐卡斯爾)The Royal Grammar School, Newcastle(Newcastle upon Tyne, UK) |
31 | 利物浦藍衣學校The Liverpool Bluecoat School(Liverpool, UK) |
32 | 伍爾弗漢普頓女子中學Wolverhampton Girls' High School(Wolverhampton, UK) |
33 | 伍爾弗漢普頓女子中學Wolverhampton Girls' High School(Wolverhampton, UK) |
34 | 諾維奇學校,Norwich,School(Norwich,UK) |
35 | 愛德華六世國王坎普山女子學校King Edward VI Camp Hill School for Girls(Birmingham, UK) |
36 | 愛德華六世國王學校King Edward VI School(Stratford-on-Avon District, UK) |
37 | 提芬學校Tiffin School(Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames, UK) |
38 | 托馬斯瑞奇爵士學校Sir Thomas Rich's School(Gloucester, UK) |
39 | 國王中學(沃威克)King's High School Warwick(Warwick District, UK) |
40 | 愛德華六世國王漢茲沃思學校King Edward VI Handsworth School(Birmingham, UK) |
41 | 凱特勒姆學校Caterham,School(Tandridge,UK) |
42 | 拉夫堡中學Loughborough High School(Loughborough, UK) |
42 | 威廉珀金斯爵士學校Sir William Perkins's School(Runnymede, UK) |
44 | 賈德學校The Judd School(Tonbridge and Malling, UK) |
45 | 華威學校Warwick School(Warwick District, UK) |
46 | 紐斯特德伍德學校Newstead Wood School(London Borough of Bromley, UK) |
47 | 坦布里奇韋爾斯女子文法學校Tunbridge Wells Girls' Grammar School(Tunbridge Wells, UK) |
48 | 蘭卡斯特女子文法學校Lancaster Girls' Grammar School(Lancaster, UK) |
49 | 布里斯托文理學校Bristol Grammar School(Bristol, UK) |
50 | 伯肯黑德學校Birkenhead School(Wirral District, UK) |
51 | 懷科姆中學Wycombe,High,School(Wycombe,UK) |
52 | 諾丁漢女子高中Nottingham Girls' High School GDST(Nottingham, UK) |
52 | 皇家拉丁學校Royal Latin School(Aylesbury Vale, UK) |
52 | 特懷克羅斯豪斯學校Twycross House School(Hinckley and Bosworth, UK) |
55 | 布羅姆利中學Bromley High School GDST(London Borough of Bromley, UK) |
56 | 中紐卡斯爾中學Central Newcastle High School(Newcastle upon Tyne, UK) |
56 | 豪威爾學校(蘭達夫)Howell's School, Llandaff (GDST)(Cardiff, UK) |
58 | 比肯斯菲爾德中學Beaconsfield High School(South Bucks, UK) |
59 | 格羅斯特女子中學High School for Girls, Gloucester(Gloucester, UK) |
60 | 皇家文理學校(伍斯特)Royal Grammar School Worcester(Worcester, UK) |
60 | 沃靈頓郡文法學校Wallington County Grammar School(London Borough of Sutton, UK) |
62 | 查洛納博士文法學校Dr Challoner's Grammar School(Chiltern, UK) |
63 | 司鐸德高級中學Stroud High School(Gloucestershire, UK) |
64 | 克里斯羅皇家文法學校Clitheroe Royal Grammar School(Ribble Valley, UK) |
65 | 亞姆,學校Yarm,School(Stockton-on-Tees,UK) |
65 | 亞姆學校Yarm,School(Stockton-on-Tees,UK) |
67 | 維斯華斯主教學校Bishop Wordsworth's School(Salisbury, UK) |
68 | 布萊克希斯中學Blackheath High School GDST(London Borough of Greenwich, UK) |
68 | 利茲文法學校The Grammar School at Leeds(Leeds, UK) |
68 | 威勒爾女子文法學校Wirral Grammar School for Girls(Wirral District, UK) |
71 | 瑟比頓高中Surbiton High School(Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames, UK) |
72 | 伊普斯威奇學校Ipswich School(Ipswich Borough, UK) |
73 | 薩頓科爾菲爾德女子文法學校Sutton Coldfield Grammar School for Girls(Birmingham, UK) |
74 | 羅切斯特文法學校The Rochester Grammar School(Rochester, UK) |
75 | 諾維奇,中學Norwich,High,School(Norwich,UK) |
76 | 克羅伊登中學Croydon High School GDST(London Borough of Croydon, UK) |
77 | 女王公園中學Queen's Gate School(Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, UK) |
78 | 伯恩茅斯女子中學Bournemouth School for Girls(Bournemouth, UK) |
79 | 西克比語法學校West Kirby Grammar School(Wirral District, UK) |
80 | 博爾頓學校男生部Bolton School Boys' Division(Bolton, UK) |
81 | 謝菲爾德中學Sheffield High School GDST(Sheffield, UK) |
82 | 聖彼得,學校St,Peter's,School(York,UK) |
83 | 韋謝伊主教文法學校Bishop Vesey's Grammar School(Birmingham, UK) |
84 | 比徹姆學院Beauchamp College(Oadby and Wigston, UK) |
85 | 莫頓霍爾學校Moreton Hall School(Shropshire, UK) |
85 | 瑪麗女王文法學校Queen Mary's Grammar School(Walsall, UK) |
87 | 帕克斯通文法學校Parkstone Grammar School(Poole, UK) |
88 | 韋斯特克利夫女子中學Westcliff High School for Girls(Southend-on-Sea, UK) |
89 | 奧特林厄姆男子文法學校Altrincham Grammar School for Boys(Trafford, UK) |
90 | 斯金納斯學校The Skinners' School(Tunbridge Wells, UK) |
91 | 蘭卡斯特皇家文法學校Lancaster Royal Grammar School(Lancaster, UK) |
92 | 伊普斯維奇女子中學Ipswich High School for Girls, GDST(Babergh, UK) |
93 | 巴斯皇家中學The Royal High School Bath GDST(Bath, UK) |
94 | 瑞得蘭德女子中學Redland High School for Girls(City of Bristol, UK) |
95 | 伯恩文法學校Bourne Grammar School(South Kesteven, UK) |
95 | 斯基普頓女子中學Skipton Girls' High School(Craven, UK) |
97 | 亨利弗洛伊德爵士文法學校Sir Henry Floyd Grammar School(Aylesbury, UK) |
97 | 威廉法爾英格蘭教會綜合學校William Farr Church of England Comprehensive School(West Lindsey, UK) |
99 | 沃恩主教紀念學校The Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School(Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, UK) |
100 | 埃弗特郡高級中學Ilford County High School(London Borough of Redbridge, UK) |
100 | 凱斯特文與斯利福德中學Kesteven and Sleaford High School(North Kesteven, UK) |
102 | 因維克塔文法學校Invicta Grammar School(Maidstone, UK) |
102 | 約瑟夫威廉姆森爵士數學學院Sir Joseph Williamson's Mathematical School(Rochester, UK) |
104 | 瑞朋文法學校Ripon Grammar School(Harrogate, UK) |
105 | 沃恩主教紀念學校The Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School(Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, UK) |
106 | 紹森德女子中學Southend High School for Girls(Southend-on-Sea, UK) |
107 | 徹斯頓費勒斯文法學校Churston Ferrers Grammar School(Torbay, UK) |
107 | 徹斯頓費勒斯文法學校Churston Ferrers Grammar School(Torbay, UK) |
107 | 徹斯頓費勒斯文法學校Churston Ferrers Grammar School(Torbay, UK) |
110 | 貝克斯利文法學校Bexley Grammar School(London Borough of Bexley, UK) |
111 | 什魯斯伯里中學Shrewsbury High School GDST(Shrewsbury, UK) |
111 | 滕德靈技術學院Tendring Technology College(Tendring, UK) |
111 | 瑪麗斯特高中The Marist Senior School(Windsor and Maidenhead, UK) |
111 | 威靈伯勒學校Wellingborough School(Wellingborough, UK) |
115 | 斯綴特姆和克拉珀姆中學Streatham and Clapham High School GDST(London Borough of Lambeth, UK) |
116 | 威靈伯勒學校Wellingborough School(Wellingborough, UK) |
117 | 約翰漢普頓語法學校John Hampden Grammar School(Wycombe, UK) |
118 | 達特福德女子文法學校Dartford Grammar School for Girls(Dartford, UK) |
119 | 赫思費德女子學校Heathfield School for Girls GDST(London Borough of Harrow, UK) |
120 | 拉夫堡文理學校Loughborough Grammar School(Loughborough, UK) |
120 | 朴次茅斯中學Portsmouth High School GDST(Portsmouth, UK) |
122 | 芭克莆羅斯頓斯托文法中學Bacup and Rawtenstall Grammar School(Rossendale, UK) |
122 | 唐賽得學校Downside School(Mendip District, UK) |
122 | 莫爾文聖詹姆斯女子學校Malvern St James Girls' School(Malvern Hills, UK) |
125 | 凱斯特文和格蘭特姆女子中學Kesteven & Grantham girls School(South Kesteven, UK) |
126 | 凱斯托文法學校Caistor Grammar School(West Lindsey, UK) |
127 | 湯利文法學校Townley Grammar School(London Borough of Bexley, UK) |
128 | 西蒙蘭頓女子文法中學Simon Langton Girls' Grammar School(Canterbury, UK) |
129 | 布魯頓女子學校Bruton School for Girls(South Somerset District, UK) |
130 | 沃特福德男子文法學校Watford Grammar School for Boys(Watford, UK) |
131 | 特魯羅,學校Truro,School(Truro,UK) |
132 | 切爾滕納姆學院Cheltenham College(Cheltenham, UK) |
133 | 北哈利法克斯文法學校The North Halifax Grammar School(Calderdale, UK) |
134 | 賽爾文法學校Sale,Grammar,School(Trafford,UK) |
134 | 聖奧古斯丁修道院學校St Augustine's Priory(London Borough of Ealing, UK) |
136 | 阿哈爾中學Al Khair Secondary School(London Borough of Croydon, UK) |
136 | 聖托馬斯貝克特天主教中學St Thomas a Becket Catholic Secondary School(Wakefield, UK) |
138 | 國王學校The King's School(South Kesteven, UK) |
139 | 羅傑曼伍德爵士學校Sir Roger Manwood's School(Canterbury, UK) |
140 | 達文西社區學校da Vinci Community School(Derby, UK) |
140 | 德文波特男子中學Devonport High School for Boys(Plymouth, UK) |
142 | 大衛國王中學The King David High School(Manchester, UK) |
143 | 克利夫頓中學Clifton,High,School(Bristol,UK) |
144 | 帕米特學校Parmiter's School(Three Rivers, UK) |
145 | 紐霍爾學校New,Hall,School(Chelmsford,UK) |
145 | 波克靈頓學校Pocklington School(Pocklington, UK) |
145 | 聖馬里爾伯恩英格蘭教會學校The St Marylebone CE School(City of Westminster, UK) |
148 | 貝塞斯文法學校Beths Grammar School(London Borough of Bexley, UK) |
149 | 大衛王中學King David High School(Liverpool, UK) |
150 | 巴頓柯特文法學校Barton Court Grammar School(Canterbury, UK) |
151 | 格蘭羅拉學院學校Glenlola Collegiate School(Bangor, UK) |
152 | 查恩伍德學院Charnwood,College(Charnwood,UK) |
152 | 查恩伍德學院Charnwood,College(Charnwood,UK) |
152 | 阿普頓霍爾學校Upton Hall School FCJ(Wirral District, UK) |
155 | 哈彭登聖喬治學校St George's School Harpenden(St Albans, UK) |
156 | 聖母阿賓頓學校Our Lady's Abingdon(Vale of White Horse, UK) |
157 | 斯特雷特福德文法學校Stretford Grammar School(Trafford, UK) |
158 | 美術學院Fine Arts College(London Borough of Camden, UK) |
158 | 愛德華六世國王文法學校(勞斯)King Edward VI Grammar school, LOUTH(East Lindsey, UK) |
158 | 瑞得蘭德格林學校Redland Green School(City of Bristol, UK) |
158 | 巴洛羅馬天主教中學The Barlow RC High School(Manchester, UK) |
162 | 梅德斯通文法學校Maidstone Grammar School(Maidstone, UK) |
163 | 猶太人免費學校JFS School(London Borough of Brent, UK) |
164 | 卡隆納主教天主教學院Bishop Challoner Catholic College(Birmingham, UK) |
165 | 聖約翰浸會學校St John the Baptist School(Woking, UK) |
165 | 威爾明頓女子文法學校Wilmington Grammar School for Girls(Dartford, UK) |
167 | 伯納姆文法學校Burnham Grammar School(South Bucks, UK) |
168 | 聖約瑟夫學院,St,Joseph's,College(Reading,UK) |
169 | 聖詹姆斯男子高級中學St James Senior Boys' School(Spelthorne, UK) |
170 | 格雷夫森德文理學校Gravesend Grammar School.(Gravesham, UK) |
171 | 諾斯布里奇豪斯學校North Bridge House School(London Borough of Camden, UK) |
172 | 伊莉莎白女王中學Queen Elizabeth's High School(West Lindsey, UK) |
172 | 陶西德爾伊斯蘭女子中學Tauheedul Islam Girls' high School(Blackburn, UK) |
174 | 聖心瑪利女子學校Sacred Heart of Mary Girls' School(London Borough of Havering, UK) |
175 | 伊曼紐爾學院Emmanuel,College(Gateshead,UK) |
176 | 格瑞夫尼學校Graveney,School(Tooting,UK) |
177 | 霍爾特,中學The,Holt,School(Wokingham,UK) |
178 | 福克斯通女子學校The Folkestone School for Girls(Shepway, UK) |
179 | 亞夫內學院Yavneh,College(Borehamwood,UK) |
180 | 戈登,學校Gordon's,School(Surrey,Heath,UK) |
180 | 奧克伍德公園文法學校Oakwood Park Grammar School(Maidstone, UK) |
180 | 伊莉莎白女王文法學校Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School(Swale, UK) |
183 | 瑞布斯頓霍爾中學Ribston Hall High School(Gloucester, UK) |
184 | 伯肯黑德中學學院Birkenhead High School Academy(Wirral District, UK) |
185 | 阿什莫爾學院Ashmole Academy(London Borough of Barnet, UK) |
185 | 聖彼得天主教學校St Peter's Catholic school(Guildford, UK) |
187 | 富爾,福德學校,Fulford,School(York,UK) |
188 | 奧米斯頓創業學院Ormiston Venture Academy(Borough of Great Yarmouth, UK) |
188 | 斯科爾比學校Scalby,School(Scarborough,UK) |
190 | 紐蘭茲女子學校Newlands Girls' School(Windsor and Maidenhead, UK) |
190 | 佛理布魯姆學院The Fallibroome Academy(Cheshire East, UK) |
190 | 烏爾蘇拉學院伊爾福德校區The Ursuline Academy Ilford(London Borough of Redbridge, UK) |
193 | 卡梅爾學院Carmel,College(Darlington,UK) |
193 | 錢德爾哈姆中學Cheadle Hulme High School(Stockport, UK) |
193 | 攀斯利天主教學院Painsley Catholic College(Staffordshire Moorlands, UK) |
193 | 慈幼會,學校Salesian,School(Runnymede,UK) |
193 | 聖托馬斯莫爾天主教綜合學校St Thomas More Catholic Comprehensive School(London Borough of Greenwich, UK) |
198 | 安達盧西亞學院(布里斯托)Andalusia Academy Bristol(Bristol, UK) |
199 | 拉法主教學校Bishop Luffa School(Chichester, UK) |
200 | 伊莉莎白女王學校Queen Elizabeth School(South Lakeland, UK) |
201 | 庫珀斯公司和科伯恩學校The Coopers' Company and Coborn School(London Borough of Havering, UK) |
202 | 米萊斯,學校Millais,School(Horsham,UK) |
202 | 七國王中學Seven Kings High School(London Borough of Redbridge, UK) |
204 | 塔珀利中學和預科學院Tarporley High School & Sixth Form College(Tarporley, UK) |
205 | 埃芬漢姆的霍華德中學Howard of Effingham School(Mole Valley, UK) |
206 | 曼徹斯特合作學院Cooperative Academy of Manchester(Manchester, UK) |
206 | 達文南特基金學校Davenant Foundation School(Epping Forest, UK) |
206 | 諾頓國王女子學校Kings Norton Girls' School(Birmingham, UK) |
206 | 撒芙倫華登郡高中Saffron Walden County High School(Uttlesford, UK) |
206 | 泰晤士基督教學院Thames Christian College(London Borough of Wandsworth, UK) |
211 | 希斯,賽德,學校Heathside,School(Elmbridge,UK) |
211 | 希斯賽德學校Heathside,School(Elmbridge,UK) |
213 | 哈格利天主教中學Hagley Catholic High School(Bromsgrove, UK) |
214 | 諾頓納奇布爾學校The Norton Knatchbull School(Ashford, UK) |
215 | 老斯旺弗德醫院學校Old Swinford Hospital School(Stourbridge, UK) |
216 | 聖保羅天主教學院St Paul's Catholic College(Mid Sussex, UK) |
217 | 巴爾卡拉斯學校Balcarras,School(Cheltenham,UK) |
217 | 普瑞德佳斯特希利菲爾茲學院Prendergast Hilly Fields College(London Borough of Lewisham, UK) |
217 | 斯維夫西村莊學院Swavesey Village College(Cambridgeshire, UK) |
217 | 科茨沃爾德學校The Cotswold School(Cotswold, UK) |
221 | 聖巴塞洛繆學校St Bartholomew's School(Newbury, UK) |
222 | 聖愛德華學院St Edward's College(Liverpool, UK) |
223 | 聖瑪麗雷德克利夫和坦普爾學校St Mary Redcliffe and Temple School(Bristol, UK) |
223 | 聖安吉拉烏爾蘇拉學校St. Angela's Ursuline School(London Borough of Newham, UK) |
225 | 拉聖聯盟天主教中學La Sainte Union Catholic Secondary School(London Borough of Camden, UK) |
226 | 古姆利豪斯修道院學校Gumley House Convent School fcJ(London Borough of Hounslow, UK) |
226 | 哈登,赫什學校Hardenhuish,School(Wiltshire,UK) |
226 | 伊斯蘭學校,Islamiyah,School(Blackburn,UK) |
226 | 莊園學校Manor House School(North West Leicestershire, UK) |
226 | 烏爾蘇萊恩中學Ursuline High School(London Borough of Merton, UK) |
231 | 達勒姆約翰斯頓綜合中學Durham Johnston Comprehensive School(Durham, UK) |
232 | 聖里昂納多天主教學校St Leonard's Catholic School(County Durham, UK) |
233 | 藍衣學校The,Blue,Coat,School(Oldham,UK) |
234 | 報杭特學校Bohunt,School(East,Hampshire,UK) |
234 | 吉爾福德郡學校Guildford County School(Guildford, UK) |
234 | 岡納斯伯里天主教學校Gunnersbury Catholic school(London Borough of Hounslow, UK) |
234 | 托馬斯哈德耶學校The Thomas Hardye School(West Dorset District, UK) |
234 | 威弗勒姆中學Weaverham High School(Cheshire West and Chester, UK) |
239 | 瑪納夫人學校Lady Manners School(Derbyshire Dales, UK) |
240 | 修道院學校Priory,School(Lewes,UK) |
241 | 格林學校Glyn,School(Epsom,and,Ewell,UK) |
241 | 凱薩琳伯克利夫人學校Katharine Lady Berkeley's School(Gloucestershire, UK) |
241 | 邁頓學校Myton,School(Warwick,District,UK) |
244 | 凱斯,威克,學校Keswick,School(Allerdale,UK) |
245 | 布勒斯伍德學校Bullers Wood School(London Borough of Bromley, UK) |
246 | 拉爾夫,艾倫學校Ralph,Allen,School(Bath,UK) |
247 | 富勒姆克勞斯女子學校Fulham Cross Girls' School(London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham, UK) |
247 | 蘭利公園男子學校Langley Park Boys School(London Borough of Bromley, UK) |
247 | 威爾姆斯洛中學Wilmslow High School(Wilmslow, UK) |
250 | 布倫特伍德烏爾蘇萊恩修道院中學Brentwood Ursuline Convent High School(Brentwood, UK) |
251 | 萬聖學院All Saints Academy(Ingleby Barwick, UK) |
252 | 阿比格蘭奇英格蘭教會學院Abbey Grange CofE Academy(Leeds, UK) |
252 | 克里克維爾高級中Crickhowell High School(Crickhowell, UK) |
252 | 海頓學校Haydon School(London Borough of Hillingdon, UK) |
252 | 聖格雷戈里天主教科學學院St Gregory's Catholic Science College(London Borough of Brent, UK) |
252 | 聖菲利普霍華德學校St Philip Howard School(Arun, UK) |
252 | 貝爾文德專科學校The Belvedere Academy(Liverpool, UK) |
252 | 教會學校The Chantry School(Malvern Hills, UK) |
252 | 威廉法爾英格蘭教會綜合學校William Farr Church of England Comprehensive School(West Lindsey, UK) |
260 | 帕爾默天主教學校The Palmer Catholic Academy(London Borough of Redbridge, UK) |
260 | 帕爾默天主教學校The Palmer Catholic Academy(London Borough of Redbridge, UK) |
262 | 貝克富特學校Beckfoot,School(Bradford,UK) |
263 | 喬治阿博特學校George Abbot School(Guildford, UK) |
263 | 聖約翰馬爾伯勒中學St. John's, Marlborough(Marlborough, UK) |
265 | 斯托克斯利學校Stokesley,School(Hambleton,UK) |
266 | 賽倫塞斯特迪爾帕克學校Cirencester Deer Park School(Cotswold, UK) |
266 | 政府特許學校The Charter School(London Borough of Southwark, UK) |
268 | 金大學校(沃明斯特)Kingdown School, Warminster(Wiltshire, UK) |
269 | 法莫學校Farmor's,School(Cotswold,UK) |
269 | 溫斯頓·邱吉爾學校The Winston Churchill School(Woking, UK) |
271 | 藍衣學校Blue,Coat,School(Coventry,UK) |
272 | 亨利斯王子中學Prince Henrys High School(Wychavon, UK) |
273 | 拉姆齊主教英格蘭教會學校Bishop Ramsey CoE School(London Borough of Hillingdon, UK) |
274 | 福特皮特文法學校Fort Pitt Grammar School(Rochester, UK) |
274 | 塔德卡斯特文理學校Tadcaster Grammar School(Selby, UK) |
276 | 漢利堡中學Hanley Castle High School(Malvern Hills, UK) |
276 | 聖馬丁,學校St,Martin's,School(Brentwood,UK) |
276 | 布羅克斯伯恩學校The Broxbourne School(Hertfordshire, UK) |
279 | 科尼爾斯學校Conyers School(Stockton-on-Tees, UK) |
280 | 愛德華六世國王學校King Edward VI School(St Edmundsbury, UK) |
281 | 阿克靈頓聖克里斯多福英格蘭教會中學Accrington St Christopher's C.E High School(Hyndburn, UK) |
281 | 阿爾希吉拉學校Al-Hijrah,School(Birmingham,UK) |
281 | 格林福德中學Greenford High School(London Borough of Ealing, UK) |
281 | 馬姆斯伯里學校Malmesbury School(Malmesbury, UK) |
285 | 凱薩琳女王學校The Queen Katherine School(South Lakeland, UK) |
286 | 英格蘭烈士學校及預科學院The English Martyrs School and 6th Form College(Hartlepool, UK) |
287 | 迪德科特女子學校Didcot Girls' School(South Oxfordshire, UK) |
287 | 霍斯福斯,學校Horsforth,School(Leeds,UK) |
289 | 亨利王子文法學校Prince Henry's Grammar School(Otley, UK) |
290 | 五月花中學Mayflower High School(Basildon, UK) |
291 | 利文索普學校Leventhorpe School(East Herts, UK) |
291 | 比勒瑞卡學校The Billericay School(Basildon, UK) |
291 | 里奇韋學校和預科學院The Ridgeway School and Sixth Form College(Swindon, UK) |
291 | 里奇韋學校和預科學院The Ridgeway School and Sixth Form College(Vale of White Horse, UK) |
295 | 亞瑟特里學校The Arthur Terry School(Birmingham, UK) |
296 | 聖威爾弗里德英格蘭教會學院St Wilfrids Church of England Academy(Blackburn, UK) |
297 | 奧沙吉爾學校Alsager,School(Alsager,UK) |
297 | 達勒姆學校Dallam,School(South,Lakeland,UK) |
297 | 約翰科爾福克斯爵士學校The Sir John Colfox School(West Dorset District, UK) |
300 | 珀肖爾中學Pershore,High,School(Wychavon,UK) |
301 | 阿爾哈洛斯天主教學院All Hallows Catholic College(Macclesfield, UK) |
302 | 卡特茅斯學院Catmose,College(Rutland,UK) |
302 | 處瓦利學校Chew Valley School(Bath & North East Somerset, UK) |
302 | 康格爾頓中學Congleton High School(Congleton, UK) |
302 | 埃姆布魯克學校The Emmbrook School(Wokingham, UK) |
306 | 托馬斯塔利斯學校Thomas Tallis School(London Borough of Greenwich, UK) |
307 | 帕克豪斯學校Park House School(West Berkshire, UK) |
308 | 阿什莊園學校Ash,Manor,School(Guildford,UK) |
308 | 戴維森英格蘭教會女子中學Davison CE High School for Girls(Worthing, UK) |
308 | 泰瑟靈頓中學Tytherington High School(Macclesfield, UK) |
311 | 瓦帝學校Varndean,School(Brighton,UK) |
312 | 蘭利學校,Langley,School(Solihull,UK) |
313 | 聖托馬斯莫爾天主教學校St Thomas More Catholic School(London Borough of Haringey, UK) |
314 | 聖約翰霍頓天主教自願學院Saint John Houghton Catholic Voluntary Academy(Erewash Borough Council, UK) |
315 | 考靈伍德學院Collingwood College(Surrey Heath, UK) |
316 | 聖克里斯平學校St Crispin's School(Leicester, UK) |
317 | 布蘭斯德·休·法林登天主教學校Blessed Hugh Faringdon Catholic School(Reading, UK) |
317 | 約翰科爾福克斯爵士學校The Sir John Colfox School(West Dorset District, UK) |
319 | 帕克維尤學校Park View School(Chester-le-Street, UK) |
319 | 帕克維尤學校Park View School(Chester-le-Street, UK) |
321 | 莫爾頓,學校Malton,School(Ryedale,UK) |
322 | 漢茲沃思格蘭奇社區體育學院Handsworth Grange Community Sports College(Sheffield, UK) |
323 | 博尚普斯中學Beauchamps High School(Basildon, UK) |
323 | 比德學院Bede,Academy(Blyth,UK) |
323 | 托馬斯塔利斯學校Thomas Tallis School(London Borough of Greenwich, UK) |
326 | 德維斯學校Devizes,School(Devizes,UK) |
327 | 山景女子學校Hillview School for Girls(Tonbridge and Malling, UK) |
327 | 塞文維爾學校Severn Vale School(Gloucester, UK) |
329 | 尼爾-韋德學院Neale-Wade,Academy(Fenland,UK) |
330 | 萬聖學院(切爾滕納姆)All Saints' Academy, Cheltenham(Cheltenham, UK) |
330 | 莫爾廷斯學院Maltings,Academy(Braintree,UK) |
330 | 斯特雷特福德中學Stretford High School(Trafford, UK) |
330 | 達斯頓學校The,Duston,School(Northampton,UK) |
334 | 聖奧古斯丁天主教中學St Augustine's Catholic High School(Redditch, UK) |
335 | 本頓公園學校Benton,Park,School(Leeds,UK) |