

主要從事決策科學與評估方面的研究工作,在“International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems”、“International Journal of Intelligent Systems”等國際、國內期刊以及國際會議上公開發表論文10餘篇。




2000年-2004年:合肥工業大學管理學院工商管理專業 學士;2004年-2009年,合肥工業大學管理學院信息管理與信息系統專業,碩博連讀,並於2009年12月獲合肥工業大學管理學博士學位。





[1] Mi Zhou, Xinbao Liu, Jianbo Yang. Evidential Reasoning Based Nonlinear Programming Model for MCDA under Fuzzy Weights and Utilities. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2010, 25(1): 31-58(SCI檢索;EI檢索)

[2] Xin-Bao LIU, Mi ZHOU, Jian-Bo YANG, Shan-Lin YANG. ASSESSMENT OF STRATEGIC R&D PROJECTS FOR CAR MANUFACTURERS BASED ON THE EVIDENTIAL REASONING APPROACH. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 2008, 1(1): 24–49(SCI檢索;EI檢索)

[3] Mi Zhou,Xin-bao Liu. An Evidence-Based Nonlinear Programming Model for MADA under Fuzzy Uncertainties. Second International Symposium on Intelligent Information Technology Application (IITA), 2008,Shanghai,21-22th,December, Vol. 1: 301-305(EI檢索;ISTP檢索)

[4] 周謐,劉心報,楊劍波. 基於改進的證據推理方法的企業R&D成果驗收評估. 合肥工業大學學報(自然科學版),2009,32(8):1183-1188

[5] Mi Zhou, Xin-bao Liu, Jian-bo Yang, Hao Qu. A Revised Evidential Reasoning Model Based on Interval Information. 6th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD'09, 14-16 August 2009),Vol. 4: 239-243(EI檢索)

[6] Zhou Mi, Liu Xin-Bao, Qu Hao, Pei Feng. A highway express passenger transportation company evaluation system based on the evidential reasoning approach. 2nd International Symposium on Electronic Commerce and Security, ISECS 2009, vol 2: 329-332(EI檢索)

[7] 付振奧,劉心報,程浩,周謐.求解作業車間調度問題的混合QPSO 算法.合肥工業大學學報(自然科學版),2009, 32(3):369-373

[8] Fang Wang, Mi Zhou. Research on the supplier selection in vendor-managed inventory. The 8th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD'11), 2011
[9] Pei Feng, Yan An, Zhou Mi, Liu Xinbao. TOPSIS Method Based on Interval Numbers and Its Interval Analysis. International Conference of Management Engineering and Information Technology (ICMEIT’09), 2009
[10] 孫博,周謐.基於Newsvendor型產品特性的FJSP問題研究. 微計算機信息,2012
[11]張玉蕾,劉林,周謐. 基於多屬性決策的供應鏈排序問題研究. 合肥工業大學學報(自然科學版),2012,3
[12]Mi Zhou, Xinbao Liu, JianboYang, Chang Fang. Group Evidential Reasoning Approach for MADA under Fuzziness and Uncertainties. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, Vol. 6, No. 3 , 2013 (SCI)
[13] Mi Zhou, Xinbao Liu. Evidential reasoning model based on extended attribute, The 9th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery , 2012 (EI)
[14] 朱青,周謐. 證據推理法則在電力系統風險評估中的套用. 電網技術(增刊1),2012
[15]王曉偉,劉林,周謐. 蜂群遺傳算法在一維下料問題中的套用,微型機與套用,2012


