


姓 名: 周虎

性 別: 男

職 務:

職 稱: 副研究員

通訊地址: 南京市北京東路71號








Hu Zhou, Xinhua Peng, Edmund Perfect, Tiqiao Xiao, and Guanyun Peng. 2013. Effects of organic and inorganic fertilization on soil aggregation in an Ultisol as characterized by synchrotron based X-ray micro-computed tomography. Geoderma

H. Zhou, X. Peng, S. Peth, T.Q. Xiao, 2012. Effects of vegetation restoration on soil aggregate microstructure quantified with synchrotron-based micro-computed tomography, Soil and Tillage Researc

Hu Zhou, Ed Perfect, Yizhong Lu, and Baoguo Li. Multifractal analysis of grayscale and binary soil thin section image. Fractals

Peng, X., Ye, L.L., Wang, C.H., Zhou, H., Sun, B. Temperature- and duration-dependent rice straw-derived biochar: Characteristics and its effects on soil properties of an Ultisol in southern China. Soil & Tillage Research

Hu Zhou, Ed Perfect, Baoguo Li, and Yizhong Lu.. Effect of bit depth on the multifractal analysis of grayscale images. Fractals

Hu Zhou, Ed Perfect, Baoguo Li, Yizhong Lu. 2010. Comments on the “On the Physical Properties of Apparent Two-Phase Fractal Porous Medium”. Vadose Zone Journal.

Hu Zhou, Baoguo Li, and Yizhong Lu. Micromorphological analysis of soil structure under no tillage management in the black soil zone of Northeast China. J MT. Sci

周虎,彭新華,張中彬,王亮亮,肖體喬,彭冠雲. 2011. 基於同步輻射微CT研究不同利用年限水稻土團聚體微結構特徵. 農業工程學報


周虎,呂貽忠,李保國. 2009. 土壤結構定量化研究進展. 土壤學報

周虎,呂貽忠,楊志臣,李保國. 保護性耕作對華北平原土壤團聚體特徵的影響. 中國農業科學

Hu Zhou, Yizhong Lu, Zhichen Yang, Baoguo Li. Influence of conservation tillage on soil aggregates features in North China Plain. Agricultural Sciences in China


主持:1.國家自然科學基金青年基金:基於同步輻射顯微CT的土壤三維結構特徵及其水力性質的LBM模擬(2012 - 2014,26萬);2.所創新學科交叉項目:高產農田土壤團聚體微結構特徵及其形成機制

參加:1.國家自然科學基金:紅壤性水稻土裂隙產生機制及其優勢流(2012 - 2015);2.“十二五”國家科技支撐課題“紅壤地區農田水土保持關鍵技術與示範”(2011 - 2015)。


