2000年-2005年,英國University of Salford, 表面工程專業,博士學位;
1. 趙卓,周艷文,劉悅,真空科學與技術,“非平衡磁控濺射二維磁場分布模似計算”Vol. 30 No. 3, Nay-Jun 2010, 2652. Yanwen Zhou,Zhou Zhao, Yue Liu and Peter Kelly, “Numerical simulation of magnetron fields under unbalanced and closed-field unbalanced magnetron and the effect on the feature of plasma”, Frontier of Applied Plasma Technology, Volume2, July 2009, 15-19.
3. Yanwen Zhou,Zhuo Zhao, Yie Liu, “Numerical Simulation of Magnetron Fields in Unbalanced and Closed-Field Unbalanced Magnetron”, Plasma Application & Hybrid Functional Materials, Vol.18, March 2009, 17-18.
4. Yanwen Zhou,Zhuo Zhao, “Properties of Multi-Component CrBMoS Coatings by Pulsed Magnetron Sputtering from Powder Targets”, Materials Science & Technology 2009 Conference & Exhibition, October 25-29, 2009, Pittsburgh, US.
5. Y. Zhou, PJ Kelly, QP Sun, ‘The Characteristics of the Plasma in the Powder Rig‘,Thin Solid Films, 516 (2008) 332-337.
6. PJ Kelly, A A Onifade, Y Zhou, ect., ‘The Influence of Pulse Frequency and Duty on the Deposition Rate in Pulsed Magnetron Sputtering’ Plasma Process. Polym. 2007, 4, 246-252.
7. PJ Kelly, Y Zhou‘Zinc Oxide-Based Transparent Conductive Oxide Films Prepared by Pulsed Magnetron Sputtering From Powder Targets: Process Features and Film Properties’,J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 24(5) Sep/Oct. 2006 1782-1789.
8. PJ Kelly, Y Zhou, etc., ‘Pulsed Magnetron Sputtering of Powder Targets: a New Development tool for multi-component Costings’, 48 SVC Annual Technical Conference Porceedings, (2005) ISSN 0737-5921.