個人簡介周源,女,1966年8月生,生物醫學博士、資深科學家,技術總監。 1990年從北京醫科大學畢業以後,在北京首都醫科大學附屬宣武醫院臨床免疫科工作3年。 1994年赴美攻讀博士學位。主攻生長激素在體內外細胞生物學信號傳導。1998年獲博士學位。 1998年至2001年,在美國life technology生命技術公司產品研發部門工作. 歷任助理科學家,科學家,資深科學家,產品研發部經理. 2001年至2005年,就職於Eurogentec美國分部,領導抗體的研發和市場化管理。 2007年至2010年,就職於美國Amunix醫藥公司任臨床醫藥產品開發部高級經理,參與研製治療兒童侏儒症的長效生長激素藥品VRS-317,其衍生公司VERSARTIS 於2014年3月在NASDAQ 成功上市 (NASDAQ: VSAR)。 2010年至現在,創立美國AbboMax生物醫藥公司,從事並領導相關醫藥產品的科研和臨床套用產業化。 教育程度:1990年,中國北京醫科大學基礎醫學專業,醫學學士。1998年,美國賓夕法尼亞州立大學生物醫學專業,博士。科研活動:美國細胞生物學協會會員(ASCB #38985)美國癌症研究協會資深會員 (AACR#110600)美國科學促進協會會員(AAAS #12817503)獲獎情況:1998年,美國USDA科學基金(TheUSDAGrantreward, Graduate Student Program atthe Penn State Univ. Title: The signaling of chronic administration of growthhormone in vivo).1994年,北京市科技進步獎二等獎(TheSecond Prize of Science and Technology Improvement, awarded by Beijing HealthBureau, 1994: Title: Detection of anti-double-stranded DNA (ds-DNA)antibodies by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Method).1993年, 北京市科技進步獎二等獎(TheSecond Prize of Science and Technology Improvement, awarded by Beijing HealthBureau, 1993: Title: A fast, sensitive ELISA method for detecting hiddenrheumatoid factors (hRF) in the patients with autoimmune disease).專利情況 :延長並維持近期發現的有治療功用的蛋白質在急性T淋巴白血病治療中的生物活性(Prolong thebiological activity of the recently discovered potential protein in TALL patients (in Preparation). 相關的發表論文:·HongWang, Charles Owens, Nidhi Chandra, Mark R. Conaway, David L. Brautigan, andDan Theodorescu (2010), Phosphorylationof RalB is important for bladder cancer cell growth and metastasis. CancerRes. 70(21):8760-9. ·ClaudiaP. Hernandez, Kevin Morrow, Lluis A. Lopez-Barcons, Jovanny Zabaleta, RosaSierra, Cruz Velasco, John Cole, and Paulo C. Rodriguez (2010). Pegylated arginase I: a potentialtherapeutic approach in T-ALL. Blood.115(25): 5214–5221. ·ZhouYuan, Xin Wang, Hongzhi Liu (2008), A Novel Method of Developing aHigh-Affinity Monoclonal Antibodies to Capture Native or Pegylated HumanGranulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor (G-CSF), Proceedings of the 99th AnnualMeeting of the American Association for Cancer Research; 2008 Apr 12-16. ·ZhouY.Xu, H etal (2006) Midkine, Apotential Tumor Biomarker is Enhanced in Huh7 And HepG2 Human Hepatoma Cells. Proceedings of the 46thAnnual Meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology; 2006; December 9-13. ·ZhouY.WangX, Hadley J,CoreySJ,Vasilatos-Younken R (2005) Regulation of JAK2 protein expressionby chronic, pulsatile GH administration in vivo: a possible mechanism forligand enhancement of signal transduction.Gen Comp Endocrinol. 144(2): 128. ·Zhou Y. SungJ,HongA(2005) The enhancement of serine/threonine kinaseactivity is associated with the p53-PUMA apoptotic pathway. Proceeding of the AmericanAssociation for Cancer Research. Volume 46(S): 1286.·ZhouY,CeciliaPo,VeronicaWei,AnitaHong,Yun-JuanChoi,Lindy Kauffman (2004) A Study of Fluorophore Labeled Cell-Permeable Peptides inCancer Research.ProcAmerAssocCancer Research, 45(s): 1011.·Zhou Y. Sung J, Po C, Hong A, Zhihe Liu, Chien-an Andy Hu,(2004) Phosphorylation of PUMA isAssociated with Apoptotic induced Leukemia Cells, Mol Bio Cell, 15(s):737.·Zhou Y, SungJ, Hong, A, (2003) The development and application of monoclonal antibodies tophospherine and phosphothreonine. MolBio Cell, 14(s): 154.·Zhou Y, Sung J, Hong, A,Chen,K,ShihJC,Cases O,VitalisT(2003) A New Tool to RevealTrace amine signaling pathway: An antibody to b-phenethylamine. MolBio Cell, 14(s): 128.·Hong, A,Zhou,Y.Diwu, Z.(2003) Phosphopeptides and their biological applications.CHIMICAOGGI,Chemistry today. June 2003, 57.·Vasilatos-Younken R, Zhou Y, Wang XH, McMurtry JP,Rosebrough RW, Decuypere E, Buys N, Darras V, Geyten SVD and Tomas F (2000)Altered thyroid hormone metabolism with chronic growth hormone (GH) enhacement in vivo: Consequences for skeletalmuscle growth.J.Endocrinol. 166(3): 609.·Wang XH, Zhou Y, Day JR, Beard JL, Vasilatos-Younken R.(2000) Evidence of a role for neuropeptide Y and monoamines in mediating theappetite-suppressive effect of GH. J Endocrinol. 166(3): 621-630.·Ashwell CM, McMurtry JP, Wang XH, Zhou Y,Vasilatos-Younken R (1999) Effects of growth hormone and pair-feeding on leptinmRNA expression in liver and adipose tissue. DomestAnimEndocrinol.17(1): 77.·Zhou Y,WangXH, McMurtry JP, Vasilatos-YounkenR (1998) Induction and activation of JAK2 protein occur with chronic exposureto GH, despite lack of an anabolic response in chicken skeletal muscle. J PoultSci 77(1): 33.·Vasilatos-Younken R, Wang XH, Zhou Y, Day JR, McMurtryJP, Rosebrough RW, Decuypere E, Buys N, Darras V, Beard JL, Tomas F (1999) Newinsight into the mechanism and actions of growth hormone (GH) in poultry.DomestAnimEndocrinol. 17 (2-3), 181-190, Review.·YuNai-ChangandZhouYuan(1998) Detection of anti-double-stranded DNA (ds-DNA) antibodies by PCRmethod. Chinese Journal of Immunology,14(1): 43。·余乃昌,徐陸亭 ,周源,等。套用PCR技術檢測血清抗雙鏈DNA抗體。中國免疫學雜誌. 1998年01期 ·劉恕,劉桂榮,周源,等. .隱性類風濕因子的測定方法及臨床意義.中華內科雜誌,1993,32:531-533