






1.Jin-Song Zhao,Jia Zheng, Rong-Qing Zhou*,Bi Shi, Microbial community structure of pit mud in a Chinese strong aromatic liquor fermentation pit, Journal of the Institute of Brewing 2013,118(4):356-360.

2.Xiaofei, Ding. Chongde Wu., Jun Huang., Hui Li., Rongqiang Zhou*, Eubacterial and archaeal community characteristics in the man-made pit mud revealed by combined PCR-DGGE and FISH analyses. Food research international 2014, 62:1047-1053.

3.Chongde Wu, Jun Huang, Rongqing Zhou* .Progress in engineering acid stress resistance of lactic acid bacteriaAppl Microbiol Biotechnol mini-review2014,98 1055-1063.

4.Rui-Ying Cui, Jia Zheng. Chong-De Wu, Rong-qing Zhou*. Effect of different halophilic microbial fermentation patterns on the volatile compound profiles and sensory properties of soy suace moromi Eur Food Res Technol 2014:239:321-331.

5Qiang Xia, Chongde Wu, Jun Huang, Rongqing Zhou *. Selection and application of potential whole- cell enzymes in the esterification of Huangshuui, a by-production formed during Chinese liquor –making.Institute of Brewing &Distilling, 2014: 120 45-51.

6.Qiang Xia, Huawei Yuan, Chongde Wu,Jia ZhengSuyi, Zhang , Caihong Shen, Bin Yi and Rongqing Zhou *. An improved and validated samples cleanup method for analysis of ethyl carbamate in Chinese liquor. Journal of Food Science 2014: 9: 1854-1860.

7.Liqiang Zhang , Chongde Wu, Xiaofei Ding, Jia Zheng, Rongqing Zhou *.Characterisation of microbial community in Chinese liquor fermentation starters Daqu using nested PCR-DGGE.World J Microbiol Biotechnol, 2014: 30:3055-3063.

8.Jia Zheng Chongde Wu, Junhuang Rongqing Zhou *,Xue pin Liao Spatial distribution of bacterial communities and related biochemical properties in Luzhou-flavor liquor-fermented grains IF 1.791 Journal of food science 2014, 12:

9. Xiao fei Ding, Chong de, WU, Li qiang, Zhang, Jia Zheng., Rongqing, ZhouCharacterization of eubacterial and archaeal community diversity in the pit mud of Chinese Luzhou –flavor liquor by nested PCR-DGGE. World J Microbiol Biotechnol, 2014: 30:605-612

10.Jia Zheng, Ru liang, Jun Huang, Rui Ping, Zhou, Zhe –Jun Chen, Chong de Wu , Rongqing Zhou*, Xue pin Liao Volatile compounds of raw spirits from different distilling of Luzhou-flavor spirit .Food science and technology research, 2014,20: 283-293.

11.Chongde Wu., Jia Zheng, Jun Huang., Rongqing Zhou*. Reduced nitrite and biogenic amine concentrations and improved flavor components of Chinese sauerkraut via co-culture of Lactobacillus plantarum and Zygosaacharomyces rouxii.Ann Microbiol 2014,64:847-857

12. Jia,Zheng., Ru, Liang, Chong de,Wu., Rongqing Zhou*., Xuepin,Liao. Discrimination of different kinds of Luzhou-flavor raw liquors based on their volatile features. Food research international 2014, 56:77-84.

13.Jia,Zheng, Ru,liang., Liquang, Zhang.,Chongde, Wu., Rongqing, Zhou., Xuepin, Liao. Characterization of microbial communities in strong aromatic liquor fermentation pit muds of different ages by combined DGGE and PLFA analyses. Food research international 2013, 54:660-666.

14.Jia Zheng, Chongde Wu, Jun Huang, Rongqing Zhou*, Xuepin Liao. Analysis of volatile compounds in Chinese soy sauces moromi cultured by different fermentation processes. Food Science and Biotechnology. 2013.22(3):605-612.

15.Jia Zheng, Chongde Wu, Jun Huang, Rongqing Zhou*, Xuepin Liao. Development of a rapid discrimination tool for Luzhou-flavor pit mud by Kohonen artificial neural network. Food Analytical Methods. 2014, (Doi10.1007/s12161-0140040-3)

16.Xiaofei,Ding., Chongde,Wu.,Jun, Hung., Rongqing Zhou*.,Interphase microbial community characteristics in the fermentation cellar of Chinese Luzhou-flavor liquor determined by PLFA and DGGE profiles. Food research international 2015, 72:16-24.

17.趙金松,鄭佳吳重德,石碧,周榮清* 基於磷酸脂肪酸技術研究醬香大曲微生物群落結構

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19.趙金松,陳澤軍,吳重德,黃鈞,石碧,周榮清*,濃香型大曲曲區塊部位微生物群落結構與風味組分差異的研究釀酒科技 2013,12:9-12

20.夏強,唐利,梁如,鄭佳,袁華偉,吳重德,黃鈞,周榮清*.影響SPE-GC/MS 法檢測發酵食品中氨基甲酸乙酯因素的研究。食品工業科技,2014.10:66-70.

21.吳重德,黃鈞,周榮清*調控乳酸菌酸脅迫抗研究進展.微生物學報2014, 7:721-727.


23.劉琨毅,陳帥,鄭佳,黃鈞,張宿義,易彬,周榮清*,基於PLFA指紋圖譜表征濃香型酒糟醅微生物群落結構,套用生態學報,第23卷,第6期, 1620-1628頁,2012

24.劉琨毅,盧中明,鄭佳,趙金松,黃鈞,周榮清*濃香型白酒窖泥微生物群落PLFA指紋圖譜方法,套用與環境生物學報,第18卷,第5期, 831-1837頁,2012

25.謝菲,李從虎,鄭佳,陳欣,黃鈞,周榮清* 角蛋白酶菌株的分離篩選與鑑定,微生物學報,第50卷,第4期,537-541頁,2011

26.吳冬梅,何翠容,牛美燦,彭昱雯,鄭佳,金揚,黃鈞,周榮清*螢光原位雜交( FISH)技術研究窖泥微生物群落,食品與發酵工業,第38卷,第4期, 15-19頁,2012

27陳帥,鄭佳,劉琨毅,彭昱雯,黃鈞,易彬,趙金松,周榮清*.紅曲酯化酶促反應及其代謝產物特徵,食品與發酵工業,第38卷,第2期, 47-51頁,2012

28秦臻,鄭佳,彭昱雯,金揚,黃鈞,周榮清* 生物標記法剖析傳統釀造用大曲微生物群落結構,食品科學,第32卷,第11期, 165-170頁,2012




2. 一種利用生物標記物估算傳統固態發酵過程真菌生物量的方法(201010509950.9)



4.一株在高鹽環境中除去黃麴黴毒素B1的嗜鹽四聯球菌的使用 (201110004940.4)


6. 基於微生物共培養的白酒黃水利用方法(ZL201010137749.2)

7. 曲醅收放料除塵裝置( ZL201020107691.2)

8. 一種固態發酵翻醅裝置(ZL201020658240.8)



l特色川菜調味品的現代生物技術改造提升研究與標準示範(四川省重大科研項目,No. 07SG111-009)

l現代生物技術改造提升傳統發酵食品—特色泡菜、豆瓣的集成研究與標準示範(四川省重大項目,No. 2008NZ0014)

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l多相微生物態技術提高濃香型白酒質量的研究(四川省重大科研項目,No. 2008NZ0014)





