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周傳,男,研究員,博士生導師;中國科學院動物研究所昆蟲行為與神經調節研究組組長 。 2005年在清華大學生物系獲得學士學位。2005-2010年在北京生命科學研究所進行博士研究。2011-2015年在霍華德休斯醫學研究所詹寧斯研究校園進行博士後研究。 自2005年始一直研究以果蠅為模型研究社會行為的神經機制,主要集中在果蠅爭鬥和失戀行為的分子和神經機制,果蠅求偶行為中信息素和求偶歌感受的神經環路機制等。申請人以第一作者身份在Neuron、Elife、Nature Neuroscience、Journal of Neuroscience等著名期刊發表研究論文。曾獲得首屆吳瑞獎 。入選中科院新百人計畫,2016年獲國家優秀青年基金資助 。




2011年~2015年,Janelia Research Campus/HHMI,博士後研究,導師Bruce Baker;





Chuan Zhou#, Romain Franconville, Alexander G. Vaughan, Vivek Jayaraman and Bruce Baker# (2015). Central Neural Circuitry Mediating Courtship Song Perception in Male Drosophila. Elife 4:e08477 (#corresponding author)

Chuan Zhou, Carmen C. Robinett, Geoffrey W. Meissner, and Bruce S. Baker (2014). Central Brain Neurons Expressing doublesex Regulate Female Receptivity in Drosophila. Neuron 83:149-63 (This work was highlighted by: Neuron 83: 3-5; Nature 512: 138-9, 2014; Nature Reviews Neuroscience 15: 496, 2014; Current Biology 24: R812-4, 2014)

Alexander G. Vaughan, Chuan Zhou, Devanand S. Manoli, Bruce S. Baker (2014). Neural Pathways for the Detection and Discrimination of Conspecific Song in D. melanogaster. Current Biology 24:1039–1049

Xinhua Liang, Yi Rao and Chuan Zhou# (2014). The Neuronal Basis of How Sexual Experience Modulates Male Aggression. National Science Review 1: 473-474 (#corresponding author)

Chuan Zhou*, Hai Huang*, Susy M. Kim*, Hsuanwen Lin, Xianglan Meng, Kyung-An Han, Ann-Shyn Chiang, JingW. Wang, Renjie Jiao, and Yi Rao (2012). Molecular Genetic Analysis of Sexual Rejection: Roles of Octopamine and Its Receptor OAMB in Drosophila Courtship Conditioning. Journal of Neuroscience 32:14281-14287 (*co-first authors)

Chuan Zhou, Yong Rao, Yi Rao (2008). The Neurotransmitter Octopamine is Essential for Aggression in Drosophila. Nature Neuroscience 11:1059-67


Chuan Zhou#, Romain Franconville, Alexander G. Vaughan, Vivek Jayaraman and Bruce Baker# (2015). Central Neural Circuitry Mediating Courtship Song Perception in Male Drosophila. Elife 4:e08477 (#corresponding author)


Chuan Zhou, Carmen C. Robinett, Geoffrey W. Meissner, and Bruce S. Baker (2014). Central Brain Neurons Expressing doublesex Regulate Female Receptivity in Drosophila. Neuron 83:149-63 (This work was highlighted by: Neuron 83: 3-5; Nature 512: 138-9, 2014; Nature Reviews Neuroscience 15: 496, 2014; Current Biology 24: R812-4, 2014)


Alexander G. Vaughan, Chuan Zhou, Devanand S. Manoli, Bruce S. Baker (2014). Neural Pathways for the Detection and Discrimination of Conspecific Song in D. melanogaster. Current Biology 24:1039–1049


Xinhua Liang, Yi Rao and Chuan Zhou# (2014). The Neuronal Basis of How Sexual Experience Modulates Male Aggression. National Science Review 1: 473-474 (#corresponding author)


Chuan Zhou*, Hai Huang*, Susy M. Kim*, Hsuanwen Lin, Xianglan Meng, Kyung-An Han, Ann-Shyn Chiang, JingW. Wang, Renjie Jiao, and Yi Rao (2012). Molecular Genetic Analysis of Sexual Rejection: Roles of Octopamine and Its Receptor OAMB in Drosophila Courtship Conditioning. Journal of Neuroscience 32:14281-14287 (*co-first authors)


Chuan Zhou, Yong Rao, Yi Rao (2008). The Neurotransmitter Octopamine is Essential for Aggression in Drosophila. Nature Neuroscience 11:1059-67


