
北京丙酸桿菌是樂華愛 金石雲 程光勝 趙玉峰 王大耜定名的丙酸桿菌屬中的一個新種。

拉丁菌名Renoides spartinacae sp. nov.
定名人樂華愛 金石雲 程光勝 趙玉峰 王大耜
NomenclaZhou Huiling, Xiao Changsong, Zhou Yuguang, and Wang Dasi
ArticleA New Bacterial Genus --- Renoides gen. nov.
作者樂華愛 金石雲 程光勝 趙玉峰 王大耜 方心芳
AuthorZhou Huiling, Xiao Changsong, Zhou Yuguang, and Wang Dasi
作者單位中國科學院微生物研究所細菌分類學實驗室沼 氣組, 北京 100080
摘要從沼氣 發酵液中, 分離出幾株丙酸菌. 該菌為革蘭氏陽性, 不形 成芽孢的兼性厭氧. 厭氧培養在BPYL培養基上細胞為球形 , 在BPY培養基上細胞則為桿狀. 能利用20多種糖和醇產 酸, 產生柄酸和乙酸. 水解七葉苷, 還原硝酸鹽, 過氧化 氫酶陽性, 不液化明膠, 不產生吲哚. 不利用D-阿拉伯糖 和木糖產酸.該菌株屬於丙酸桿菌屬中的一個新種, 定名 為北京丙酸桿菌 --- Propionibacterium beijingense sp. nov.
AbstractA strain of Gram negative curved bacterium, No.9, was isolated from the inside of root of Spartina anglica grown on the sea shore of Rutung County,Jiangsu Province. The cells of bacterium. No. 9 are kidney shaped mostly, some are vibroid in shape. Cell diameter is 0.5-0.7 micrometer,the length of the outside curve, 1.1-2.5 micrometer. There are small spines at the surface of the cells. No gas vacuoles exists in cellsbut B-hydroxybutyric acid granules. Non-motile. Chemoorganothroph and facultative chemolithotroph, CO2 as carbon source and H2 as energy source.Acetic acid, butyric acid, succinic acid, malic acid, citric acid, fumaric acid, 2,3-butylene glycol, proline, phenylalanine, casein and betaine are usedas carbon sources. Formic acid, methanol, propoinic acid, iso-butyric acid, valeric acid, iso-valeric acid, caproic acid, malonic acid, methanol,glycine, arginine, or hippuric acid does not be used as carbon source. Metabolism respiratory, nover fermentative. In media without combined nirrogen,microaerophilic growth will occur and molecular nitrogen will be fixed. Catalase and oxidase positive. Acid is produced from xylose, arabinose,glucose, fructose, galactose, mannose, lactose, rhamnose, sorbitol and 2, 3-butylene glycol. No acid is produced from ribose, maltose, sucrose,melibiose, cellubiose, trehalose, melizitose, raffinose, inuline, starch, dextrin, glycogen, ethanol, erythritol, glycerol, adonitol, mannitol,sorbitol, dulcitol, salicin and inositol. Growth occurs in broth containing 0-4.5% NaCl. Temperature range for growth is 10-41'C, optimum,30-35'C Growth pH range is 6.0-9.5, optimum, 7.5-8.0. GC content in DNA is 68.4 mol %. According to Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology(1984), bacterium No.9 belongs to the group of non-motile Gram negative curved bacteria. Although it is quite similar to Microcyclus. there aresome differences obviously as above memtioned. We propose a new Genus name, Renoides gen. nov., and a new species name, Renoides spartin acae sp. nov.,for bacterium No.9. The culture is deposited in Type Culture Collection, Institute of Microbiology, Academic Sinica, with a catalogue number AS 1.1761.
關鍵字丙酸桿 菌屬, 北京丙酸桿菌
期刊微生物學報 27(2):105-109, 1987.
PublicationActa Microbiologica Sinica (Chinese; English Abstract), 26(4):pp.289-294, 1986.
PlaceRutung County, Jiangsu Province, China
採集地中國科學院微生物研 究所細菌分類學實驗室沼氣組厭氧發酵裝置沼氣發酵液
EnvironmentThe bacterium isolated from the inside of root of the Yellow Sea seabeach at Spartina anglica grown on the sea shore
Habitatsubtropical moist monsoon climate grass seabeach
Hostthe inside of root of Spartina anglica
採集人樂華愛 金石雲 程光勝 趙玉峰 王大耜
Isolation PersonZhou Huiling
保存單位中國科學院微生物研究所細菌分類學實驗室沼氣組, 北京 100080
Preservation UnitType Culture Collection, Institute of Microbiology, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China
Speciman No.No.9
NoteThe strain belonging to Chemoorganothroph and facultative chemolithotroph organism and molecular nitrogen will be fixed.This bacterium have well potencial ability for agricultural biological fertilizer.
備註該菌能產生大量的丙酸, 丙酸是一種對人類 無毒副作用的天然的食品防腐劑, 有巨大的套用前景.


