1. 宋敏,劉麗軍.抗草甘膦EPSPS基因的專利保護分析,《中國生物工程雜誌》,2010年第2期,147-152。
2. 宋敏,林祥明,劉麗軍.Cry基因家族的專利分布分析,《生物技術通報》,2010,第1期,1-8。(此文獲得農業部優秀論文一等獎)
3. 宋敏,劉麗軍.實施植物新品種保護戰略發展創新型農業,《農業科技管理》,2009,28(3):37-40
4. 宋敏,王學君,劉麗軍.中國農業植物新品種保護的國際比較研究,《世界農業》,2009年第1期:23-27
5. 劉麗軍,宋敏,屈寶香.中國耕地非農化的區域差異及其收斂性,《資源科學》,2009,31(1):116-122(被中國人民大學報刊資料中心轉載)
6. 宋敏,劉麗軍.我國保護與利用植物遺傳資源的制度選擇,《中國軟科學》,2008年第7期, 14-19
7. Min SONG, Li-Jun LIU, Zhigang WANG and Teruaki NANSEKI. Consumers’ Attitudes to Food Traceability System in China: Evidences from the Pork Market in Beijing, Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 2008 ,53(2),569-574(SCI期刊)
8. Li-Jun LIU, Min SONG, Hiroshi YOKOGAWA and Bao-Xiang QU. Exploring the Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis between Economic growth and Farmland conversion in China. Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 2008 ,53(1),321-327(SCI期刊)
1. Lijun LIU, Min SONG and Zhigang WNG, Consumer Interest in Food Traceability Information: Empirical Evidences from the Pork Market in China, submitted to Food Policy
2. Min SONG and Lijun LIU, Consumer Demand for Immaterial Characteristics: the Example of Food Traceability Information, submitted to Agricultural Economics