2000年7月—2002年8月 中國科學院武漢植物園助理研究員
2002年8月—2008年8月 中國科學院武漢植物園副研究員
2008年8月— 中國科學院武漢植物園研究
2009年 教育部自然科學二等獎
2008年 上海市自然科學二等獎
2006年 湖北省自然科學優秀學術論文二等獎
2005年 中國科學院院長優秀獎
Song, Y., Ke, X.S., Liu, W.Z., Davy, A.J., Liu, G.H*. 2014. Life-history plasticity of riparian annuals pre-adapted to dynamically regulated rivers: mesocosm experiments. River Research and Applications, in press
Wang, Z.X., Yao, L., Liu, G.H., Liu, W.Z. 2014. Heavy metals in water, sediments and submerged macrophytes in ponds around Dianchi Lake, China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
Zhou, W., Wang, Z.X., Xing, W., Liu, G.H*. 2014. Plasticity in latitudinal patterns of leaf N and P of Oryza rufipogon in China. Plant Biology
Liu, W.Z., Liu, G.H., Zhang, Q.F. 2014. Shoreline vegetation in the Danjiangkou Reservoir: characteristics, related factors, and differences with adjacent riverine wetlands. Clean-Soil, Air, Water
Liu, W.Z., Liu, G.H., Liu, H., Song, Y., Zhang, Q.F. 2013. Subtropical reservoir shorelines have reduced plant species and functional richness compared with adjacent riparian wetlands. Environmental Research Letters
Hao, B.B., Wu, H.P., Shi. Q., Liu, G.H., Xing, W. 2013. Facilitation and competition among foundation species of submerged macrophytes threatened by severe eutrophication and implications for restoration. Ecological Engineering
Xia, J., Sun, S.G., Liu, G.H. 2013. Evidence of a component Allee effect driven by predispersal seed predation in a plant (Pedicularis rex, Orobanchaceae). Biology Letters,
Xing, W., Wu, H.P., Hao, B.B., Liu, G.H*. 2013. Metal accumulation by submerged macrophytes in eutrophic lakes at the watershed scale. Environmental Sciences and Pollution Research,
Zhou, W., Wang, Z.X., Davy, A.J., Liu, G.H*. 2013. Geographic variation and local adaptation in perennial Oryza rufipogon across northern border. Journal of Ecology
Xiao, C., Liu, G.H*. 2013. The relationship of seed banks to historical dynamics and reestablishment of standing vegetation in an aquaculture lake. Aquatic Botany
Xing, W., Wu, H.P., Hao, B.B., Huang, W.M., Liu, G.H*. 2013. Bioaccumulation of heavy metals by submerged macrophytes: looking for hyperaccumulator in eutrophic lakes. Environmental Science & Technology
Xing, W., Wu, H.P., Hao, B.B., Liu, G.H*. 2013. Stoichiometric characteristics and responses of submerged macrophytes to eutrophication in lakes along the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Ecological Engineering
Lu, J., Wang, Z.X., Xing, W., Liu, G.H*. 2013. Effects of substrate and shading on the growth of two submerged macrophytes. Hydrobiologia
Xia, J., Lu, J., Wang, Z.X., Hao, B.B., Wang, H.B., Liu, G.H*. 2013. Pollen limitation and Allee effect caused by population size and sex ratio in the endangered Ottelia acuminata (Hydrocharitaceae): implications for conservation and reintroduction. Plant Biology
Wang, X.F., Zhou, W., Lu, J., Wang, H.B., Xiao, C., Xia, J., Liu, G.H*. 2012. Effects of population size on synchronous display of female and male flowers and reproductive output in two monoecious Sagittaria species. PLOS ONE
Lu, J., Wang, H.B., Pan, M., Xia, J., Xing. W., Liu, G.H*. 2012.Using sediment seed banks and historical vegetation change data to develop restoration criteria for a eutrophic lake in China. Ecological Engineering,
Liu, W.Z., Zhang, Q.F., Liu, G.H*. 2012. Influences of watershed landscape composition and configuration on lake water quality in the Yangtze River basin of China. Hydrological Processes
Liu, W.Z., Li, S.Y., Bu, H.M., Zhang, Q.F., Liu, G.H*. 2012. Eutrophication in the Yunnan Plateau lakes: the influence of lake morphology, watershed land use, and socio-economic factors. Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Liu, W.Z., Zhang, Q.F., Liu, G.H*. 2011. Effects of watershed land use and lake morphometry on trophic state of Chinese lakes: Implications for eutrophication control. Clean - Soil, Air, Water
Xing, W., Liu, G.H*. 2011. Iron biogeochemistry and its environmental impacts in freshwater lakes. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin,
Xing, W., Li, D.H., Liu, G.H*. 2010. Antioxidative responses of Elodea nuttallii (Planch.) H. St. John to short-term iron exposure. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
Liu, W.Z., Zhang, Q.F., Liu, G.H*. 2010. Lake eutrophication associated with geographic location, lake morphology and climate in China. Hydrobiologia
Xing, W., Huang, W.M., Liu, G.H*. 2010. Effect of excess iron and copper on physiology of aquatic plant Spirodela polyrrhiza (L.) Schleid. Environmental Toxicology
Xiao, C., Xing, W., Liu, G.H*. 2010. Seed germination of 14 wetland species in response to cold-wet stratification duration and outdoor burial. Aquatic Biology
Xiao, C., Dou, W.F., Liu, G.H*. 2010. Variation in vegetation and seed banks of freshwater lakes with contrasting intensity of aquaculture along Yangtze River, China. Aquatic Botany
Xiao, C., Wang, X.F., Xia, J., Liu, G.H*. 2010. The effect of temperature, water level and burial depth on seed germination of Myriophyiium spicatum and Potamogeton malaianus. Aquatic Botany
Wang, B., Song, Z.P., Liu, G.H., Lu, F., Li, W. 2010. Comparison of the extent of genetic variation of Vallisneria natans and its sympatric congener V. spinulosa in lakes of the middle–lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Aquatic Botany
Dou, W.F., Wang, H.B., Xu, Y., Xing, W., Liu, G.H*. 2009. Effects of water depth and substrate type on growth dynamics and biomass allocation of Oryza rufipogon. Acta Ecologica Sinica,
Wang X.F., Xing W., Wu S.H., Liu G.H*. 2009. Allelopathic effects of seed exudates of four selected wetland species on seed germination and seedling growth of Brassica rapa spp. pekinensis, Oryza rufipogon and Monochoria korsakowii. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin
Liu W.Z., Zhang Q.F., Liu G.H*. 2009. Seed bank of a river-reservoir wetland system and their implications for vegetation development. Aquatic Botany
Liu G.H.*, Li E.H., Yuan L.Y., Li W. 2008. Occurrence of aquatic macrophytes in a eutrophic subtropical lake in relation to toxic wastewater and fish overstocking. Journal of Freshwater Ecology
Li, E.H., Liu, G.H., Li, W., Yuan, L.Y., Li, S.C. 2008. The seed bank of a lakeshore wetland in Lake Honghu: implications for restoration. Plant Ecology,
Li, E.H., Li, W., Liu, G.H., Yuan, L.Y. 2008. The effect of different submerged macrophyte species and biomass on sediment resuspension in a shallow freshwater lake. Aquatic Botany
Yuan, L.Y., Liu, G.H., Li, W., Li, E.H. 2007. Seed bank variation along a water depth gradient in a subtropical lakeshore marsh, Longgan Lake, China. Plant Ecology
Liu G.H., Li W., Li E.H., Yuan L. Y., Davy A. J. 2006. Landscape-scale variation in the seed banks of floodplain wetlands with contrasting hydrology in China. Freshwater Biology
Liu G.H., Luo L.M., Wang B., Li W., Song Z.P. 2006. Comparison of genetic variation in populations of wild rice, Orzya rufipogon, plants and their soil seed banks. Conservation Genetics,
Liu G.H.*, Li W., Zhou J., Liu W.Z., Yang D., Davy A.J. 2006. How does the propagule bank contribute to cyclic vegetation change in a lakeshore marsh with seasonal drawdown? Aquatic Botany
Liu G.H., Zhou J., Li W., Cheng Y. 2005. The seed bank in a subtropical freshwater marsh: implications for wetland restoration. Aquatic Botany
Liu G.H.*, Zhou J., Huang D.S., Li W. 2004. Spatial and temporal dynamics of a restored population of Oryza rufipogon in Huli Marsh, South China. Restoration Ecology
汪秀芳, 邢偉, 蕭蕆, 王海賓, 周雯, 劉貴華*. 2011. 濕地植物普通野生稻和慈姑之間的化感作用. 植物科學學報
蕭蕆, 劉文治, 劉貴華*. 2011. 丹江口庫區灘涂與入庫支流植被與土壤種子庫:水傳播潛力探討. 植物生態學報
王海賓, 魯靜, 劉貴華*. 2011. 頂芽、節數和埋藏深度對六種沉水植物斷枝再生能力的影響. 湖泊科學
魯靜, 周虹霞, 田廣宇, 劉貴華*. 2011. 洱海流域44種濕地植物的氮磷含量特徵. 生態學報
徐洋, 劉文治, 劉貴華*. 2009. 生態位限制和物種庫限制對湖濱濕地植物群落分布格局的影響. 植物生態學報,
劉貴華, 肖蕆, 張全發. 2007. 土壤種子庫在長江中下游受損濕地恢復與生物多樣性保護中的潛在作用. 自然科學進展
劉貴華, 劉幼平, 李偉. 2006. 淡水濕地種子庫的小尺度空間格局. 生態學報
劉文治, 張全發, 李天煜, 李偉, 吳文穎, 劉貴華*. 2006. 丹江口庫區濕地植被的數量分類和排序. 武漢植物學研究
劉文治, 張全發, 劉貴華*, 李天煜, 李偉, 吳文穎. 2005. 丹江口庫區濕地水生維管束植物的區系研究. 武漢植物學研究
劉貴華,袁龍義,蘇睿麗,李偉. 2005. 儲藏條件和時間對六種多年生濕地植物種子萌發的影響. 生態學報,
劉貴華, 李偉, 王相磊, 張學江. 2004. 湖南茶陵湖裡沼澤種子庫與地表植被的關係. 生態學報
劉貴華, 周進, 李偉, 郭友好. 2002. 普通野生稻種群恢復的生態學研究 II. 種群動態. 植物生態學報
劉貴華, 王海洋, 周進, 郭友好. 2001. 湖南茶陵普通野生稻保護區優勢種的空間分布和生態位分析. 植物生態學報
劉貴華, 周進, 王海洋, 郭友好. 2000. 不同處理對普通野生稻種子萌發及水位對幼苗存活的影響. 武漢植物學研究
戰略性先導科技專項(A類): 水稻起源傳播遺傳學 2011-2015
重點學科領域及院開放實驗室經費: 引江濟漢對植物影響 2011-2013
中國科學院項目:生物對全球變化的回響與適應規劃研究 2010-2015
財政部戰略生物資源科技支撐運行專項:濕地植物專類園 2010-2011
國家自然科學基金:種子水播格局及其對消落區種子庫和地表植被的影響 2010-2012
雲南省社會發展科技計畫項目:彌苴河河口濕地恢復關鍵技術研究及工程示範 2009-2010
國家水專項-湖泊主題-滇池項目:湖泊生態系統自然修復途徑、關鍵技術與工程示範 2008-2010
國家自然科學基金:濕地植物對水環境的繁殖適應對策 2007-2009
中國科學院知識創新工程重要方向項目:遷地保護水生植物的傳粉障礙及其對適合度的影響 2007-2009
國家科技支撐計畫項目:重大工程建設區生態恢復整治技術研究 2006-2010
中國科學院“院長獎獲得者科研啟動專項資金”:水生植物種子對水環境變化的生態適應策略 2006-2009
國家高技術研究發展計畫:滇池入湖河流水環境治理技術與工程示範 2006-2008
湖北省科技基礎條件專項:水生植物種質資源圃和基因庫建立 2004-2006
中國科學院重要方向項目:水生植物對富營養化回響與湖泊穩態轉換機制研究 2002-2005
國家重點基礎研究發展規劃項:湖泊富營養化過程與藍藻水華暴發機理研究 2002-2007