1984.7-1988.7 哈爾濱工業大學 電氣工程系微特電機專業 學士學位
1990.7-1993.3 哈爾濱工業大學 電氣工程系微特電機專業 碩士學位
1996.7-1999.9 哈爾濱工業大學 機械工程系機械電子工程專業 博士學位
1999.9-2001.9 東南大學 無線電工程系信息與通信工程博士後流動站 博士後
1988.7-1990.7: 哈爾濱工業大學 電氣工程系 電機實驗室 實驗員/實驗室主任
1993.3-1996.3: 哈爾濱工業大學 實驗學院 教師/團委書記
2001-至今: 哈爾濱工業大學 電氣工程系 教師/系主任
中國電源學會照明電子委員會 委員;全國石油和化學工業電氣技術委員會 委員;高等學校機電類學科教學委員會委員電氣自動化學科教學委員會-建築電氣與智慧型化分委員會 委員;高等學校機電類學科教學委員會委員電氣自動化學科教學委員會--電力電子與電力傳動分委員會 委員;黑龍江省現代電力傳動與電氣節能工程技術研究中心 副主任;黑龍江省建設廳建設信息技術與計算機套用委員會 委員。擔任《IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics》、《IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery》、《Journal of Power Electronics》(韓國)、《中國電機工程學報》、《電工技術學報》、《電力系統自動化》、《電力設備自動化》、《電子學報》、《華南理工大學學報》 等雜誌審稿人。
(1) 電力線通信理論與技術; (2) 智慧型電網通信; (3) 匯流排通信與組網技術; (4) 建築電氣智慧型化; (5) 無線能量傳輸與能源網際網路。
3低壓配電網電力線載波通信網路中局部路由重構方法 發明專利
4低壓配電網電力線通信系統數據包的路由轉發方法 發明專利
5 農業大棚生產環境的監控終端發明專利
6多功率電感鎮流器的載波智慧型化檢測控制裝置 發明專利
7單功率電感鎮流器的載波智慧型化檢測裝置及檢測方法 發明專利
9一種塔式起重機無線聲光報警系統及報警控制方法 發明專利
10可視化塔式起重機擺動監測儀 實用新型專利
11塔式起重機的基座與塔身組合機構 實用新型專利
12單繩三段式水平吊臂翻折緩衝自鎖裝置 實用新型專利
13單繩雙吊點水平吊臂收放與摺疊機構 實用新型專利
15單相照明數位元組能器 實用新型專利
16窄帶電力線通信通用透傳裝置 實用新型專利
智慧型小區系統工程技術導論,電子工業出版社, 2002.9
《全國住宅小區智慧型化系統示範工程建設要點與技術導則》(試行稿) 第一主筆起草人,1999年12月建設部正式頒布。2001年11月修改為《國家康居示範工程智慧型化系統示範小區建設要點與技術導則》(修改稿)重新發布。
LIU Xiaosheng, ZHANG Rui, ZHU Honglin, WANG Juan. Modeling method for battery distribution path optimization of EV charging and swapping service. Electric Power Automation Equipment. 2015(6),Vol.39,No.13, 10~16
LIU Xiaosheng, ZHENG Jian, HAI Tianxiang, ZHU Honglin, XU Dianguo. Reliability and Real-time Study of GOOSE Network Based on EtherCAT. Automation of Electric Power Systems. 2015(7), Vol.39,No.13,109~115
Liang Zhang, Xiaosheng Liu, Jiajin Qi, Yan Zhou, Dianguo Xu. Study of improved hierarchical ant colony routing algorithm for low-voltage power line communication. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society. 2014,Vol.29,No.2 318-324
Bo Liu, Xiaosheng Liu, Dianguo Xu. Power Quality Measuring Data Compression Based on New Distance Measurement. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society. 2013,Vol.28,No.9 129-136
Liu, xiaosheng, Pang, Jiwei; Xu, Dianguo; Zhang, Pengyu; Zhao, Zhenfeng. Research on the reliability and real-time of process layer GOOSE network scheme in smart substation based on spider web topology structure .Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society. v 28, n SUPPL.1, p 245-250, May 2013
Huang Nantian,Xu Dianguo,Liu Xiaosheng. Identification of power quality disturbances based on adaptive generalized S-transform and probabilistic neural networks. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society.2013(3), v28, n SUPPL.1, p209-216,
Liu Xiaosheng, Pang Jiwei, Zhang Liang, Xu Dianguo. A High Reliability and Determinacy Architecture of Smart Substation Process Level Network Based on Cobweb Topology. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. 2013(9), Vol.29, no.2,p 842-850, SCI:1.519(2013)
Liu Xiaosheng, LIU Jianping, LIU Bo. Realization Method of AFDX Virtual Links Layer Based on FPGA. Computer Engineering. 2012(10), Vol.38, No.19, 233-238
Zhang Liang, Liu Xiaosheng, Zhou Yan, Xu Dianguo. A Novel Routing Algorithm for Power-Line Communication over a Low Voltage Distribution Network in a Smart Grid. Energies. 2013(6),Vol. 6, No. 3, p 1421-1438, SCI:1.844
Liu Xiaosheng, Zhang Liang, Zhou Yan. Performance Analysis of Novel Power Line Communication Mode. TRANSACTIONS OF CHINA ELECTROTECHNICAL SOCIETY. 2012(11), Vol.27, No.11, 271-277.
Liu Xiaosheng, Zhang Liang, Xu Dianguo. Networking algorithm and communication protocol of novel power line communication based on cobweb. Power System Protection and Control. 2012(8), Vol.40, No.16, 27-33, 41
Liu Xiaosheng, Zhang Liang, Zhou Yan, Lin Jianwei, Xu Dianguo. Reliability Analysis of Artificial Cobweb Structure for Power-line Communication of Low-Voltage Distribution Networks. Proceedings of the CSEE. 2012, Vol.32, No.28, 142-151
Huang Nantian, Liu Xiaosheng, Xu Dianguo, Lin Lin. Power Quality Disturbances Recognition Based on Hyperbolic S-Transform and Rule-Based Decision Tree. International ReView of Electrical Engineering(I. R. E. E. ).2011(11-12). Vol.6, No.7
Huang Nan, Xu Dianguo, Liu Xiaosheng. Identification of Power Quality Complex Disturbances Based on S-Transform and SVM. TRANSACTIONS OF CHINA ELECTROTECHNICAL SOCIETY. 2011(10), Vol.26, No.10, 23-30
Huang Nantian, Xu Dianguo, Liu Xiaosheng. Power Quality Data Compression Based on Pattern Similarity Measurement. TRANSACTIONS OF CHINA ELECTROTECHNICAL SOCIETY. 2011(10), Vol.26, No.10, 39-46,61
Liu Xiaosheng, Wu Jin, He Ye, Zhang Jie, End System Design of Aircraft Data Network Based on AFDX. Measurement & Control Technology. 2011(12), Vol.30, No.2, 78-82
Nantian Huang, Xiaosheng Liu, Dianguo Xu. Review of Channel Characterization for Power Line Communications. Advanced Materials Research. 2010, Vols.108-111, 771-776
Nantian Huang, Xiaosheng Liu, Dianguo Xu and Jian Sun. Design of A Novel High Performance Digital Fault Recorder. Advanced Materials Research. 2010, Vols.108-111,470-475
Liu Xiaosheng, Zhou Jin. Key Control Algorithms for Tower Crane Running. Science Technology and Engineering. 2010(8), Vol.10, No.24, 5889-5894,5928
Qi Jiajin, Chen Xueping, Liu Xiaosheng. AdVanced of Research on Low-Voltage Power Line Carrier Communication Technology. Power System Technology. 2010(5). Vol.34. No.5, 161-172
Qi Jiajin, Liu Xiaosheng, Zhang Liang. A power-line carrier communications relay algorithm for low-Voltage distribution. Power system protection and control. 2010(7), Vol.38, No.14, 73-78
Liu Xiaosheng, Zhou Jin, Sun Jian, Zhang Liang. Monitor and security system of tower crane and its key technology. Construction Machinery, 2010(10), 93-96
Huang Nantian, Xu Dianguo, Liu Xiaosheng. Electric power quality disturbance classification based on modified multilayer feedforward neural network. ournal of Electronic Measurement and Instrument. 2009(10). Vol.23, No.10, 62-67
Liu Xiaosheng, Li Guijiao, Qi Jiajin. Frequency- hopping communication system over power line based on FPGA Frequency- hopping communication system over power line based on FPGA. Electric Power Automation Equipment. 2009(3), Vol.29 No.3, 110-114
Qi Jiajin, Xu Dianguo, Zhou Yan, Liu Xiaosheng. Characteristics Model and Routing Algorithmof Power Line Communications oVer Low Voltage Distributions. Proceedings of the CSEE. 2009(6), Vol.29, No.16, 56-62
Qi Jiajin, Liu Xiaosheng, Xu Dianguo, Li Yan, Mou Yingfeng. Simulation study on cluster-based routing algorithm and reconstruction method of power line communication over lower-Voltage distribution. Proceedings of the CSEE. 2008(2). Vol.28. No.4, 65-71
Qi Jiajin, Liu Xiaosheng, Wu Di, Yu Yan, Xu Dianguo. Study on Power Line Communication Routing Method For Low-Voltage Distribution. Chinese Journal of Electron Devices. 2008(6). Vol.31, No.3, 1033-1038
Qi Jiajin, Liu Xiaosheng, Li Guijiao, Xu Dianguo. Channel coding methods of narrow-band LV power line communication. Electric Power Automation Equipment. 2008, Vol.28, No.3. 78-81
Liu Xiaosheng, Xiong Sijun, Qi Jiajin. InterleaVer Technique for Power Line Communication Based on Chaotic Frequency Hopping. Automation of Electric Power Systems,. 2008(7), Vol.32, No.14, 55-58,72
Liu Xiaosheng, Qi Jiajin, Song Qitao, Li Yan, Xu Dianguo. Method of constructing power line communication networks oVer low-Voltage distribution networks based on ant colony optimization. Proceedings of the CSEE. 2008(1), Vol.28, No.1, 71-76
Xu Dianguo, Wang Yifeng, Zhang Xiangjun, Liu Xiaosheng. Development Status of Lighting Electronics Technology. China Illuminating Engineering Journal. 2007(12). Vol. 18, No.4, 60-70
Xu Dianguo, Zhang Xiangjun, Liu Xiaosheng, Wang Yifeng. DeVelopment Status and Future of Lighting Electronics Technology. Power Electronics. 2007(10), Vol.41, No.10, 2-9
Qi Jiajin, Liu Xiaosheng, Yu Yan, Xu Dianguo. Study on Network Construction Clustering Method of Power Line Communication over Low-Voltage Networks Based on ST7540. Electron Device. 2007(8). Vol.30, No.4, 1510-1514
Liu Xiaosheng, Song Qitao, Qi Jiajin, Li Yan, Xu Dianguo Ant colony optimization arithmetic of constructing power line communication networks based load balance. TTransactions of China Electrotechnical Society. 2007(12). Vol.1, No.7, 111-115
Liu Xiaosheng, Wu Di, Li Guijiao, Xu Dianguo. Design of Power Line Communication Module for Lighting System. Power Electronics. 2007(10).Vol.41, No.10, 22-24
Liu Xiaosheng, Liu Fangde, Qi Jiajin, Xu Dianguo. The Distributed Architectural Design of Street Lamp Controlling System. Power Electronics. 2007(10). Vol.41, No.10, 18-21
Liu Xiaosheng, Qi Jiajin, Xu Dianguo. Simulation Study on Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum Communication over Power Lines. Chinese Journal of Electron DeVice. 2007(8). Vol.30, No.4, 1472-1476
Liu Xiaosheng, Li Guijiao, Qi Jiajin. Design of Multi-Frequency Power Line Communication System Based on ST7538. Chinese Journal of Electron Devices. 2007(2). Vol.30, No.1, 278-282
Liu Xiaosheng, Zhang Di, SONG Qiao, Xu Dianguo. An AC Chopper for Alterable Inductive Load. Power Electronics. 2007. Vol.41, No.10, 120-122
Liu Xiaosheng, Zhou Yan, Qi Jiajin. Method study of automatic routing for power line communication. Proceedings of the CSEE. 2006(11), Vol.26, No.21, 76-81
Mou Yingfeng, Xu Dianguo, Qi Jiajin, Liu Xiaosheng, Li Yan. Reconfiguration of power line communication networks based on initialization algorithms in MAC layer. Proceedings of the CSEE. 2006(12), Vol.26, No.25, P65-70
Qi Jiajin, Liu Xiaosheng, Yu Yan, Li Yan, Xu Dianguo. Design of remote power-metering monitoring system based on power line communication. Chinese Journal of Electron Devices. 2006(12), Vol.29, No.4, 1118-1122
Qi Jiajin, Liu Xiaosheng, Li Yan, Zhang Di. Xu Dianguo Research on monitoring lighting system for tunnel based on dynamic dimming strategy. Electric Application. 2006(12), Vol.25, No.12, 123-127
Liu Xiaosheng, Li Yan, Xu Dianguo. Monitoring&Management Information System for Remote Digital Street Lighting Based GIs. Electric Drive. 2004(10),Vol.34, 242-245
Liu Xiaosheng, Mu Yingfeng, Qi Jiajin. Design and Realization of Cluster Controller in Road Lighting System. China Illuminating Engineering Journal. 2004(6), Vol.15, No.2, 38-41
Liu Xiaosheng, Qi Jiajin, Mou Yingfeng, Xu Dianguo. The Total Frame Design of Real- time Networking Accurately Monitoring System for Road Lamp. Electric Drive.2004(12),Vol.34, No.182, 3-6
Liu Xiaosheng, Qi Jiajin, Xu Dianguo. Design of Supervising System and Cluster Controller for Digital Networking Lighting. Electric Drive. 2004(10). Vol.34, 246-250
Xu Dianguo, Mou Yingfeng, Liu Xiaosheng, Guan Xiurong. The DeVelopment of Home Networks and the Applications of Corresponding Technology. Electric Drive. 2003(10). Vol. 33, No.5, 4-1
Zhou Yan, Liu Xiaosheng, Zhang Xiankui, Yang Lemin. Study on the tangent cracksof quartz with laser beam cutting. Laser Journal. 2003(8). Vol.24, No.4, 73-75
Zhou Yan, Liu Xiaosheng. Investigation on Wear Mechanism of Plasma- sprayed Ceramic under Water-lubricated Condition. China Mechanical Engineering. 2003(3). Vol.14, No.6, 519-522
Zhou Yan, Liu Xiaosheng, Yang Lemin. Study on the surface appearance of laser beam cutting fused quartz crystals. Laser Journal. 2003(6). Vol.24, No.3, 70-72
R. Zhang; L.J. Shan; J.J. Qi; H.L. Zhu; X.S. Liu.The Choice of Optimal Path for Power Battery Distribution Based on the Improved Ant Colony Optimization.in Proc. International Conference on Computer Science and Technology, Yunnan, China,2014, Aug. 16-17
Liu Xiaosheng; Li Yanxiang; Wang Juan; Zhu Honglin; Xu Dianguo. Multipath blind routing algorithm for low-voltage power line communication based on improved clustering. The 4th International Conference on Instrumentation & Measurement Computer Communication and Control. Harbin, China. 2014, Sep. 18-20
Xiaosheng Liu; Juan Wang; Yanxiang Li; Haitao Wu; Rui Zhang; Honglin Zhu. Design of Narrow-Band High Speed Power-Line Communications System Based on G3-PLC in Smart Grid. World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation. Shenyang, China. 2014, Jun. 29-Jul. 4,O98-6
Liu Xiaosheng; Zhu Honglin; Zhang rui; Xu Dianguo. Design a Novel Controller with Remote Upgrading Based on GPRS of Tower Crane. World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation. Shenyang, China. 2014, Jun. 29-Jul. 4, ,P39-2
Liang Zhang, Xiaosheng Liu, Xu Dianguo. Design of Mine Safety Monitoring System Based on Dynamic Networking Technology of Power Line Communication. 8th Academic Annual Meeting on Power Electronics and Power Transmission. 2014, April 12-13, 8th Academic Annual Meeting on Power Electronics and Power Transmission, China
Xiaosheng Liu, Honglin Zhu,Dianguo Xu. The Research on Reliability and Real-time of the Scheme of Process Layer GOOSE Network in Smart Substation Based on Artificial Cobweb Topology Structure. INTERNATIONAL POWER ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE -ECCE ASIA (IPEC-Hiroshima 2014). May 18-21, 2014, p3002-3006. Hiroshima, Japan
Y Li, J W Pang, X S Liu, W Wang. High Reliable and Deterministic Substation Automation System Network Based on Cobweb Architecture .The 7th IET international conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives(PEMD2014). 8-10,April 2014. Manchester, UK
Liu Xiaosheng, Hai Tianxiang, Zheng Jian. Analysis on In Vulnerability and Real-Time Performance for Smart Grid Network International Conference on Computer. Networksand Communication Engineering. 2013(5), Beijing, 726-729
Liu Xiaosheng, Zheng Jian, Hai Tianxiang. Research on Intelligent Substation Redundant Communication Network Based on AFDX. International Conference on Computer.Networksand Communication Engineering 2013(5), Beijing, 730-733
Liu Xiaosheng, Ren Huifen, Zhao Zhenfeng, Zhang Pengyu. EtherCAT Technology for the Network of Smart Substation. 2012 IEEE 7th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference - ECCE Asia. 2012(6), Harbin, China. 2300-2304
Liu Xiaosheng, Zhang Pengyu, Zhao Zhenfeng, Ren. Study on Reliability of a Novel Electric Power Data Network for Smart Grid. 2012 IEEE 7th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference - ECCE Asia. 2012(6), Harbin, China. 2305-2310
Liu Xiaosheng, Wang Yuqiang, Huang Nantian, Hu Yue. The Networked Virtual Test System for Servo Motor and Drive Based on LabVIEW. 2012 IEEE 7th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference - ECCE Asia. 2012(6), Harbin, China. 2357-2361
Liu Xiaosheng, Weiqi Wang, Jian Zheng, Tianxiang Hai, Liang Zhang and Bo Liu. Tangential Connection Clustering Routing Algorithm for L-PLC Based AMR Systems.2012 IEEE 7th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference - ECCE Asia. 2012(5), Harbin, China. 2932-2936
Liu Xiaosheng, Zhang Peng-yu, Ren Hui-fen, Zhao Zhenfeng. Applying AFDX to ImproVe the Real-time Performance of Substation Communication Network. 2012 IEEE 7th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference - ECCE Asia. 2012(6), Harbin, China. 2962-2967.
Liu Xiaosheng, Wang Xinku, Huang Nantian, Xu Dianguo. Power Quality Data Compression Based on Pattern Similar Measurement and LZW Compressed Encoding. Electric Power Automation Equipment. 2012, Vol.32, No.3, 53-57
Zhang Liang, Liu Xiaosheng, Zhou Yan, Xu Dianguo. Artificial Cobweb Intelligent Routing Algorithm for Low-Voltage Power Line Communication. The second International Conference on Intelligent Computing for Sustainable Energy and Environment (ICSEE’2012). 2012(9), Shanghai, Vol.0355
Zhang Pengyu, Zhou Yan, Liu Xiaosheng, Pang Jiwei. A Novel Fast and Deterministic Substation Communication Network Architecture Based on AFDX. Proceedings of IECON 2012 - 38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society and 2012 6th IEEE International Conference on E-Learning in Industrial Electronics (ICELIE).2012(10), Montreal, Canada, 109-114
Liu Xiaosheng, Zhang Liang Zhou Yan, Xu Dianguo. Performance Analysis of Power Line Communication Network Model Based on Spider Web. ICPE 2011-ECCE Asia. 2011(6), Shilla Jeju, Korea
N. T. Huang, Y. J. Zhang, D. G. Xu, Liu Xiaosheng, and J. J. Qi. Power Quality Disturbances Classification by Ensemble and Hybrid Neural Networks. 2010 InternationalConference on Power System Technology. Hangzhou,2011(10), 24-28
Liu Xiaosheng, Liang Zhang, Jianwei Lin. Communication Network-oriented Analysis of Transmission Mechanism of Nature Orb-web. 2010 First International Conference on PerVasiVe Computing, Signal Processing and Applications (PCSPA2010). 2010(9), Harbin, China, 224-229
Nantian Huang, Dianguo Xu, Liu Xiaosheng and Lin Lin. Power Quality Disturbances Classification based on S-transform and Probabilistic Neural Network. 2010 International Conference on Life System Modeling and Simulation&2010 International Conference on Intelligent Computing for Sustainable Energy. 2010(9), Wuxi, China, Vol.97, 207-212.
Huang Nantian, Xu Dianguo, Liu Xiaosheng. Power quality disturbances recognition based on HS-transform. 1st International Conference on PerVasiVe Computing, Signal Processing and Applications, PCSPA 2010, Harbin, China, 2010(9)
Huang Nantian, Xu Dianguo, Liu Xiaosheng. Power quality disturbance recognition sing stransforms and FCM-based decision tree. 2009 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Intelligent Systems, ICIS 2009(11). 32-236
Huang Nantian, Xu Dianguo1, Liu Xiaosheng, Qi Jiajin. Power quality disturbance recognition based on S-transform and SOM neural network. 12009 2nd International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, CISP'09. 2009(10), Tianjin, China
Liu Xiaosheng, Mou yingfeng, Xu Dianguo Instrument-Oriented Power Line Communication Networks Technologies. ISIST'2004, Xian, China. 2004(8), Vol.3, 1117-1121
Mou Yingfeng, Liu Xiaosheng, Xu Dianguo. Novel Data Acquisition and Control Network for Digital HID Ballast Based on Dynamic Reconfiguration Power Line Communication. ISIST2004. 2004(8), Vol.3, 1106-1111
Xu Dianguo, Mou Yingfeng, Liu Xiaosheng, Zhang Weiqiang. Performance of Reliable Intelligent Power Line Communication Network for Digital HPS Ballast Remote Monitor and Control. IECON2003. 1268-1271
Xu Dianguo Mou Yingfeng, Liu Xiaosheng, Zhang weiqiang. Reliable Distributed Power Line Communication Networks for New Public Lighting Managment System. INDIN2003 (Proceeding of the 2003 IEEE ). Banff, lberta, Canada, 2003(8)
Dianguo Xu, Yingfeng Mou, Xiaosheng Liu. A NoVel Intelligent Control Method in MAC Protocol for the Robustness of Power Line Communication Networks. Proceeding of the 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control. Houston, Texas, 2003(8), 586-591
1.LIU Xiaosheng, ZHANG Rui, ZHU Honglin, WANG Juan. Modeling method for battery distribution path optimization of EV charging and swapping service. Electric Power Automation Equipment. 2015(6),Vol.39,No.13, 10~16
2.LIU Xiaosheng, ZHENG Jian, HAI Tianxiang, ZHU Honglin, XU Dianguo. Reliability and Real-time Study of GOOSE Network Based on EtherCAT. Automation of Electric Power Systems. 2015(7), Vol.39,No.13,109~115
3.Liang Zhang, Xiaosheng Liu, Jiajin Qi, Yan Zhou, Dianguo Xu. Study of improved hierarchical ant colony routing algorithm for low-voltage power line communication. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society. 2014,Vol.29,No.2 318-324
4.Bo Liu, Xiaosheng Liu, Dianguo Xu. Power Quality Measuring Data Compression Based on New Distance Measurement. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society. 2013,Vol.28,No.9 129-136
5.Liu, xiaosheng, Pang, Jiwei; Xu, Dianguo; Zhang, Pengyu; Zhao, Zhenfeng. Research on the reliability and real-time of process layer GOOSE network scheme in smart substation based on spider web topology structure .Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society. v 28, n SUPPL.1, p 245-250, May 2013
6.Huang Nantian,Xu Dianguo,Liu Xiaosheng. Identification of power quality disturbances based on adaptive generalized S-transform and probabilistic neural networks. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society.2013(3), v28, n SUPPL.1, p209-216,
7.Liu Xiaosheng, Pang Jiwei, Zhang Liang, Xu Dianguo. A High Reliability and Determinacy Architecture of Smart Substation Process Level Network Based on Cobweb Topology. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. 2013(9), Vol.29, no.2,p 842-850, SCI:1.519(2013)
8.Liu Xiaosheng, LIU Jianping, LIU Bo. Realization Method of AFDX Virtual Links Layer Based on FPGA. Computer Engineering. 2012(10), Vol.38, No.19, 233-238
9.Zhang Liang, Liu Xiaosheng, Zhou Yan, Xu Dianguo. A Novel Routing Algorithm for Power-Line Communication over a Low Voltage Distribution Network in a Smart Grid. Energies. 2013(6),Vol. 6, No. 3, p 1421-1438, SCI:1.844
10.Liu Xiaosheng, Zhang Liang, Zhou Yan. Performance Analysis of Novel Power Line Communication Mode. TRANSACTIONS OF CHINA ELECTROTECHNICAL SOCIETY. 2012(11), Vol.27, No.11, 271-277.
11.Liu Xiaosheng, Zhang Liang, Xu Dianguo. Networking algorithm and communication protocol of novel power line communication based on cobweb. Power System Protection and Control. 2012(8), Vol.40, No.16, 27-33, 41
12.Liu Xiaosheng, Zhang Liang, Zhou Yan, Lin Jianwei, Xu Dianguo. Reliability Analysis of Artificial Cobweb Structure for Power-line Communication of Low-Voltage Distribution Networks. Proceedings of the CSEE. 2012, Vol.32, No.28, 142-151
13.Huang Nantian, Liu Xiaosheng, Xu Dianguo, Lin Lin. Power Quality Disturbances Recognition Based on Hyperbolic S-Transform and Rule-Based Decision Tree. International ReView of Electrical Engineering(I. R. E. E. ).2011(11-12). Vol.6, No.7
14.Huang Nan, Xu Dianguo, Liu Xiaosheng. Identification of Power Quality Complex Disturbances Based on S-Transform and SVM. TRANSACTIONS OF CHINA ELECTROTECHNICAL SOCIETY. 2011(10), Vol.26, No.10, 23-30
15.Huang Nantian, Xu Dianguo, Liu Xiaosheng. Power Quality Data Compression Based on Pattern Similarity Measurement. TRANSACTIONS OF CHINA ELECTROTECHNICAL SOCIETY. 2011(10), Vol.26, No.10, 39-46,61
16.Liu Xiaosheng, Wu Jin, He Ye, Zhang Jie, End System Design of Aircraft Data Network Based on AFDX. Measurement & Control Technology. 2011(12), Vol.30, No.2, 78-82
17.Nantian Huang, Xiaosheng Liu, Dianguo Xu. Review of Channel Characterization for Power Line Communications. Advanced Materials Research. 2010, Vols.108-111, 771-776
18.Nantian Huang, Xiaosheng Liu, Dianguo Xu and Jian Sun. Design of A Novel High Performance Digital Fault Recorder. Advanced Materials Research. 2010, Vols.108-111,470-475
19.Liu Xiaosheng, Zhou Jin. Key Control Algorithms for Tower Crane Running. Science Technology and Engineering. 2010(8), Vol.10, No.24, 5889-5894,5928
20.Qi Jiajin, Chen Xueping, Liu Xiaosheng. AdVanced of Research on Low-Voltage Power Line Carrier Communication Technology. Power System Technology. 2010(5). Vol.34. No.5, 161-172
21.Qi Jiajin, Liu Xiaosheng, Zhang Liang. A power-line carrier communications relay algorithm for low-Voltage distribution. Power system protection and control. 2010(7), Vol.38, No.14, 73-78
22.Liu Xiaosheng, Zhou Jin, Sun Jian, Zhang Liang. Monitor and security system of tower crane and its key technology. Construction Machinery, 2010(10), 93-96
23.Huang Nantian, Xu Dianguo, Liu Xiaosheng. Electric power quality disturbance classification based on modified multilayer feedforward neural network. ournal of Electronic Measurement and Instrument. 2009(10). Vol.23, No.10, 62-67
24.Liu Xiaosheng, Li Guijiao, Qi Jiajin. Frequency- hopping communication system over power line based on FPGA Frequency- hopping communication system over power line based on FPGA. Electric Power Automation Equipment. 2009(3), Vol.29 No.3, 110-114
25.Qi Jiajin, Xu Dianguo, Zhou Yan, Liu Xiaosheng. Characteristics Model and Routing Algorithmof Power Line Communications oVer Low Voltage Distributions. Proceedings of the CSEE. 2009(6), Vol.29, No.16, 56-62
26.Qi Jiajin, Liu Xiaosheng, Xu Dianguo, Li Yan, Mou Yingfeng. Simulation study on cluster-based routing algorithm and reconstruction method of power line communication over lower-Voltage distribution. Proceedings of the CSEE. 2008(2). Vol.28. No.4, 65-71
27.Qi Jiajin, Liu Xiaosheng, Wu Di, Yu Yan, Xu Dianguo. Study on Power Line Communication Routing Method For Low-Voltage Distribution. Chinese Journal of Electron Devices. 2008(6). Vol.31, No.3, 1033-1038
28.Qi Jiajin, Liu Xiaosheng, Li Guijiao, Xu Dianguo. Channel coding methods of narrow-band LV power line communication. Electric Power Automation Equipment. 2008, Vol.28, No.3. 78-81
29.Liu Xiaosheng, Xiong Sijun, Qi Jiajin. InterleaVer Technique for Power Line Communication Based on Chaotic Frequency Hopping. Automation of Electric Power Systems,. 2008(7), Vol.32, No.14, 55-58,72
30.Liu Xiaosheng, Qi Jiajin, Song Qitao, Li Yan, Xu Dianguo. Method of constructing power line communication networks oVer low-Voltage distribution networks based on ant colony optimization. Proceedings of the CSEE. 2008(1), Vol.28, No.1, 71-76
31.Xu Dianguo, Wang Yifeng, Zhang Xiangjun, Liu Xiaosheng. Development Status of Lighting Electronics Technology. China Illuminating Engineering Journal. 2007(12). Vol. 18, No.4, 60-70
32.Xu Dianguo, Zhang Xiangjun, Liu Xiaosheng, Wang Yifeng. DeVelopment Status and Future of Lighting Electronics Technology. Power Electronics. 2007(10), Vol.41, No.10, 2-9
33.Qi Jiajin, Liu Xiaosheng, Yu Yan, Xu Dianguo. Study on Network Construction Clustering Method of Power Line Communication over Low-Voltage Networks Based on ST7540. Electron Device. 2007(8). Vol.30, No.4, 1510-1514
34.Liu Xiaosheng, Song Qitao, Qi Jiajin, Li Yan, Xu Dianguo Ant colony optimization arithmetic of constructing power line communication networks based load balance. TTransactions of China Electrotechnical Society. 2007(12). Vol.1, No.7, 111-115
35.Liu Xiaosheng, Wu Di, Li Guijiao, Xu Dianguo. Design of Power Line Communication Module for Lighting System. Power Electronics. 2007(10).Vol.41, No.10, 22-24
36.Liu Xiaosheng, Liu Fangde, Qi Jiajin, Xu Dianguo. The Distributed Architectural Design of Street Lamp Controlling System. Power Electronics. 2007(10). Vol.41, No.10, 18-21
37.Liu Xiaosheng, Qi Jiajin, Xu Dianguo. Simulation Study on Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum Communication over Power Lines. Chinese Journal of Electron DeVice. 2007(8). Vol.30, No.4, 1472-1476
38.Liu Xiaosheng, Li Guijiao, Qi Jiajin. Design of Multi-Frequency Power Line Communication System Based on ST7538. Chinese Journal of Electron Devices. 2007(2). Vol.30, No.1, 278-282
39.Liu Xiaosheng, Zhang Di, SONG Qiao, Xu Dianguo. An AC Chopper for Alterable Inductive Load. Power Electronics. 2007. Vol.41, No.10, 120-122
40.Liu Xiaosheng, Zhou Yan, Qi Jiajin. Method study of automatic routing for power line communication. Proceedings of the CSEE. 2006(11), Vol.26, No.21, 76-81
41.Mou Yingfeng, Xu Dianguo, Qi Jiajin, Liu Xiaosheng, Li Yan. Reconfiguration of power line communication networks based on initialization algorithms in MAC layer. Proceedings of the CSEE. 2006(12), Vol.26, No.25, P65-70
42.Qi Jiajin, Liu Xiaosheng, Yu Yan, Li Yan, Xu Dianguo. Design of remote power-metering monitoring system based on power line communication. Chinese Journal of Electron Devices. 2006(12), Vol.29, No.4, 1118-1122
43.Qi Jiajin, Liu Xiaosheng, Li Yan, Zhang Di. Xu Dianguo Research on monitoring lighting system for tunnel based on dynamic dimming strategy. Electric Application. 2006(12), Vol.25, No.12, 123-127
44.Liu Xiaosheng, Li Yan, Xu Dianguo. Monitoring&Management Information System for Remote Digital Street Lighting Based GIs. Electric Drive. 2004(10),Vol.34, 242-245
45.Liu Xiaosheng, Mu Yingfeng, Qi Jiajin. Design and Realization of Cluster Controller in Road Lighting System. China Illuminating Engineering Journal. 2004(6), Vol.15, No.2, 38-41
46.Liu Xiaosheng, Qi Jiajin, Mou Yingfeng, Xu Dianguo. The Total Frame Design of Real- time Networking Accurately Monitoring System for Road Lamp. Electric Drive.2004(12),Vol.34, No.182, 3-6
47.Liu Xiaosheng, Qi Jiajin, Xu Dianguo. Design of Supervising System and Cluster Controller for Digital Networking Lighting. Electric Drive. 2004(10). Vol.34, 246-250
48.Xu Dianguo, Mou Yingfeng, Liu Xiaosheng, Guan Xiurong. The DeVelopment of Home Networks and the Applications of Corresponding Technology. Electric Drive. 2003(10). Vol. 33, No.5, 4-1
49.Zhou Yan, Liu Xiaosheng, Zhang Xiankui, Yang Lemin. Study on the tangent cracksof quartz with laser beam cutting. Laser Journal. 2003(8). Vol.24, No.4, 73-75
50.Zhou Yan, Liu Xiaosheng. Investigation on Wear Mechanism of Plasma- sprayed Ceramic under Water-lubricated Condition. China Mechanical Engineering. 2003(3). Vol.14, No.6, 519-522
51.Zhou Yan, Liu Xiaosheng, Yang Lemin. Study on the surface appearance of laser beam cutting fused quartz crystals. Laser Journal. 2003(6). Vol.24, No.3, 70-72
52.R. Zhang; L.J. Shan; J.J. Qi; H.L. Zhu; X.S. Liu.The Choice of Optimal Path for Power Battery Distribution Based on the Improved Ant Colony Optimization.in Proc. International Conference on Computer Science and Technology, Yunnan, China,2014, Aug. 16-17
53.Liu Xiaosheng; Li Yanxiang; Wang Juan; Zhu Honglin; Xu Dianguo. Multipath blind routing algorithm for low-voltage power line communication based on improved clustering. The 4th International Conference on Instrumentation & Measurement Computer Communication and Control. Harbin, China. 2014, Sep. 18-20
54.Xiaosheng Liu; Juan Wang; Yanxiang Li; Haitao Wu; Rui Zhang; Honglin Zhu. Design of Narrow-Band High Speed Power-Line Communications System Based on G3-PLC in Smart Grid. World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation. Shenyang, China. 2014, Jun. 29-Jul. 4,O98-6
55.Liu Xiaosheng; Zhu Honglin; Zhang rui; Xu Dianguo. Design a Novel Controller with Remote Upgrading Based on GPRS of Tower Crane. World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation. Shenyang, China. 2014, Jun. 29-Jul. 4, ,P39-2
56.Liang Zhang, Xiaosheng Liu, Xu Dianguo. Design of Mine Safety Monitoring System Based on Dynamic Networking Technology of Power Line Communication. 8th Academic Annual Meeting on Power Electronics and Power Transmission. 2014, April 12-13, 8th Academic Annual Meeting on Power Electronics and Power Transmission, China
57.Xiaosheng Liu, Honglin Zhu,Dianguo Xu. The Research on Reliability and Real-time of the Scheme of Process Layer GOOSE Network in Smart Substation Based on Artificial Cobweb Topology Structure. INTERNATIONAL POWER ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE -ECCE ASIA (IPEC-Hiroshima 2014). May 18-21, 2014, p3002-3006. Hiroshima, Japan
58.Y Li, J W Pang, X S Liu, W Wang. High Reliable and Deterministic Substation Automation System Network Based on Cobweb Architecture .The 7th IET international conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives(PEMD2014). 8-10,April 2014. Manchester, UK
59.Liu Xiaosheng, Hai Tianxiang, Zheng Jian. Analysis on In Vulnerability and Real-Time Performance for Smart Grid Network International Conference on Computer. Networksand Communication Engineering. 2013(5), Beijing, 726-729
60.Liu Xiaosheng, Zheng Jian, Hai Tianxiang. Research on Intelligent Substation Redundant Communication Network Based on AFDX. International Conference on Computer.Networksand Communication Engineering 2013(5), Beijing, 730-733
61.Liu Xiaosheng, Ren Huifen, Zhao Zhenfeng, Zhang Pengyu. EtherCAT Technology for the Network of Smart Substation. 2012 IEEE 7th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference - ECCE Asia. 2012(6), Harbin, China. 2300-2304
62.Liu Xiaosheng, Zhang Pengyu, Zhao Zhenfeng, Ren. Study on Reliability of a Novel Electric Power Data Network for Smart Grid. 2012 IEEE 7th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference - ECCE Asia. 2012(6), Harbin, China. 2305-2310
63.Liu Xiaosheng, Wang Yuqiang, Huang Nantian, Hu Yue. The Networked Virtual Test System for Servo Motor and Drive Based on LabVIEW. 2012 IEEE 7th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference - ECCE Asia. 2012(6), Harbin, China. 2357-2361
64.Liu Xiaosheng, Weiqi Wang, Jian Zheng, Tianxiang Hai, Liang Zhang and Bo Liu. Tangential Connection Clustering Routing Algorithm for L-PLC Based AMR Systems.2012 IEEE 7th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference - ECCE Asia. 2012(5), Harbin, China. 2932-2936
65.Liu Xiaosheng, Zhang Peng-yu, Ren Hui-fen, Zhao Zhenfeng. Applying AFDX to ImproVe the Real-time Performance of Substation Communication Network. 2012 IEEE 7th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference - ECCE Asia. 2012(6), Harbin, China. 2962-2967.
66.Liu Xiaosheng, Wang Xinku, Huang Nantian, Xu Dianguo. Power Quality Data Compression Based on Pattern Similar Measurement and LZW Compressed Encoding. Electric Power Automation Equipment. 2012, Vol.32, No.3, 53-57
67.Zhang Liang, Liu Xiaosheng, Zhou Yan, Xu Dianguo. Artificial Cobweb Intelligent Routing Algorithm for Low-Voltage Power Line Communication. The second International Conference on Intelligent Computing for Sustainable Energy and Environment (ICSEE’2012). 2012(9), Shanghai, Vol.0355
68.Zhang Pengyu, Zhou Yan, Liu Xiaosheng, Pang Jiwei. A Novel Fast and Deterministic Substation Communication Network Architecture Based on AFDX. Proceedings of IECON 2012 - 38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society and 2012 6th IEEE International Conference on E-Learning in Industrial Electronics (ICELIE).2012(10), Montreal, Canada, 109-114
69.Liu Xiaosheng, Zhang Liang Zhou Yan, Xu Dianguo. Performance Analysis of Power Line Communication Network Model Based on Spider Web. ICPE 2011-ECCE Asia. 2011(6), Shilla Jeju, Korea
70.N. T. Huang, Y. J. Zhang, D. G. Xu, Liu Xiaosheng, and J. J. Qi. Power Quality Disturbances Classification by Ensemble and Hybrid Neural Networks. 2010 InternationalConference on Power System Technology. Hangzhou,2011(10), 24-28
71.Liu Xiaosheng, Liang Zhang, Jianwei Lin. Communication Network-oriented Analysis of Transmission Mechanism of Nature Orb-web. 2010 First International Conference on PerVasiVe Computing, Signal Processing and Applications (PCSPA2010). 2010(9), Harbin, China, 224-229
72.Nantian Huang, Dianguo Xu, Liu Xiaosheng and Lin Lin. Power Quality Disturbances Classification based on S-transform and Probabilistic Neural Network. 2010 International Conference on Life System Modeling and Simulation&2010 International Conference on Intelligent Computing for Sustainable Energy. 2010(9), Wuxi, China, Vol.97, 207-212.
73.Huang Nantian, Xu Dianguo, Liu Xiaosheng. Power quality disturbances recognition based on HS-transform. 1st International Conference on PerVasiVe Computing, Signal Processing and Applications, PCSPA 2010, Harbin, China, 2010(9)
74.Huang Nantian, Xu Dianguo, Liu Xiaosheng. Power quality disturbance recognition sing stransforms and FCM-based decision tree. 2009 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Intelligent Systems, ICIS 2009(11). 32-236
75.Huang Nantian, Xu Dianguo1, Liu Xiaosheng, Qi Jiajin. Power quality disturbance recognition based on S-transform and SOM neural network. 12009 2nd International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, CISP'09. 2009(10), Tianjin, China
76.Liu Xiaosheng, Mou yingfeng, Xu Dianguo Instrument-Oriented Power Line Communication Networks Technologies. ISIST'2004, Xian, China. 2004(8), Vol.3, 1117-1121
77.Mou Yingfeng, Liu Xiaosheng, Xu Dianguo. Novel Data Acquisition and Control Network for Digital HID Ballast Based on Dynamic Reconfiguration Power Line Communication. ISIST2004. 2004(8), Vol.3, 1106-1111
78.Xu Dianguo, Mou Yingfeng, Liu Xiaosheng, Zhang Weiqiang. Performance of Reliable Intelligent Power Line Communication Network for Digital HPS Ballast Remote Monitor and Control. IECON2003. 1268-1271
79.Xu Dianguo Mou Yingfeng, Liu Xiaosheng, Zhang weiqiang. Reliable Distributed Power Line Communication Networks for New Public Lighting Managment System. INDIN2003 (Proceeding of the 2003 IEEE ). Banff, lberta, Canada, 2003(8)
80.Dianguo Xu, Yingfeng Mou, Xiaosheng Liu. A NoVel Intelligent Control Method in MAC Protocol for the Robustness of Power Line Communication Networks. Proceeding of the 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control. Houston, Texas, 2003(8), 586-591