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劉文川, 男,教授、導師,2002年9月 – 2005年10月:利默里克大學(愛爾蘭)人力資源管理博士,1997年9月 – 2000年3月:東北大學(中國)。


姓名: 劉文川 性別: 男

Education 教育背景

2002年9月 – 2005年10月:利默里克大學(愛爾蘭)


1997年9月 – 2000年3月:東北大學(中國)


1990年9月 – 1994年7月:東北大學(中國)

工學學士, 工業企業管理工程專業

Academic Experiences 學術經驗

2007年 7月 - 2007年 9月:訪問教授


2007年 1月 - :副教授 (一級)


2006年 8月 - 2008年 9月:愛爾蘭政府博士後


2005年 8月 – 2006年 7月:研究員 (高級講師級待遇)

愛爾蘭,利默里克大學, 愛爾蘭軟體工程國家研究中心

2002年 6月 – 2002年10月:講師


1999年12月 – 2002年 5月:助教


Indicative Publications 學術成就


Li, Shusen and Liu, Wenchuan (2001), Corporate Organisation and Culture, Liaoning (P.R.China): Liaohai Press, ISBN 7-80669-103-0


Flood, P., Wenchuan Liu and Guthrie, J. (2006). Measuring Workplace Innovation: A Review of the High Performance Literature, Forum on the Workplace of the Future, Research Series, Number 5.

P. Flood, Wenchuan Liu and J. Guthrie (2006). Measuring Workplace Innovation, National Centre for Partnership and Performance: Dublin.

P. Flood, J. Guthrie, Wenchuan Liu and S. Mac Curtain (2005). High Performance Work Systems in Ireland: The Economic Case, National Centre for Partnership and Performance: Dublin


Liu, Wenchuan, Flood, P., Guthrie, J. Armstrong, C, MacCurtain, S. and Mkamwa, T. (2007). HPWS Change and Organisational Outcome Change: The Experience of Irish Firms in 2004 and 2006. 5th International Conference of the Dutch HRM Network. Tilburg University, The Netherlands. November 9 – 10, 2007.

Flood, P., Guthrie, J. Liu, Wenchuan, O’Regan, C., Armstrong, C, MacCurtain, S. and Mkamwa, T. (2007). High Performance Work Systems, Partnership and Organizational Effectiveness: Evidence from Ireland. 10th Annual Conference of the Irish Academy of Management. Belfast. September 3 – 5, 2007.

Guthrie, J., Flood, P., Liu, Wenchuan, and MacCurtain, S. (2007). Does Money Matter? The Influence of Compensation Level, Form and Structure on Labor Productivity. The 2007 Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. August 3-8, 2007. Armstrong, C., Flood, P., Guthrie, J. Liu, Wenchuan, MacCurtain, S. and Mkamwa, T. (2007). Valuing Diversity: The Impact of High Performance Management Practices on Firm Level Performance in Ireland. 9th IHRM Conference. Tallinn, Estonia, June 12-15, 2007.

Guthrie, J., Flood, P., Liu, Wenchuan, and MacCurtain, S. (2007). Does Money Matter? The Influence of Compensation Level, Form and Structure on Labor Productivity. The 2007 Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. August 3-8, 2007.

O’Connell, L., Liu, Wenchuan and Flood, P. (2006). Ireland’s National Workplace Strategy: High performance through Partnership — An examination of the evidence. Industrial Participation Association (in press)

Selvarajan, T.T., Ramamoorthy, N., Guthrie, J., Flood, P., MacCurtain, S. and Liu, Wenchuan (2006). The Role of Human Capital Philosophy in Promoting Firm Innovativeness and Performance: Test of a Causal Model. International Journal of Human Resource Management. (in press)

Guthrie, J., Flood, P., Wenchuan Liu and Mac Curtain, S. (2006). HRM and Organizational Performance: A comparison of Foreign and Locally-owned firms, Paper presented at the Copenhagen Business School Conference on HRM and Knowledge-related Performance, Copenhagen, September 21-22, 2006.

Liu, Wenchuan, Guthrie, J., Flood, P., and MacCurtain, S. (2006). Unions and the Adoption of High Performance Work Systems: Does Employment Security Play a Role? The 2006 Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Atlanta, Georgia. August 11-16, 2006.

Guthrie, J., Liu, Wenchuan, Flood, P., and MacCurtain, S. (2006). High Performance Work Systems, Productivity and Innovation: A Comparison of MNCS and Indigenous Firms. The 2006 Academy of International Business Annual Meeting. Beijing, China. June 23-16, 2006.

Selvarajan, T.T., Ramamoorthy, N., Guthrie, J., Flood, P., Liu, Wenchuan, & MacCurtain, S. (2005). The influence of Firm Characteristics, Industry Environment, Firm Strategy, and Top Management HRM philosophy on Innovativeness and Firm Performance. The 4th International HRM Conference. University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands. 4th-5th Nov., 2005.

Flood, P., Guthrie, J., Liu, Wenchuan and MacCurtain, S. (2005). High performance work system in Ireland. Human Resources Management Track of the Annual Conference of the Irish Academy of Management, Galway, Ireland, 7th-9th September, 2005

Liu, Wenchuan, Flood, P., Guthrie, J., and MacCurtain, S. (2005). Utilization and Effectiveness of High Performance Work Systems in Ireland: Do Irish and Multinational Firms Differ? V International Workshop of HRM. Seville, Spain. 18th-21st May, 2005.

Liu, Wenchuan (2004). The cross-national transfer of HRM practices in MNCs: an integrative research model. International Journal of Manpower. Vol. 25 No. 6. pp. 500-517.

Flood, P., Ramamoorthy, N. and Liu, Wenchuan. (2003). Knowledge and Innovation: Diffusion of HRM Systems. Beta. Scandinavian Journal of Business Research. 17:59-68.

Liu, Wenchuan (2003). A multi-disciplinary analysis model of the transferability of HRM practices to Chinese subsidiaries in MNCs. 7th Conference on International Human Resource Management, University of limerick, Limerick, Ireland. 4th-6th June, 2003.

Liu, Wenchuan and Li, Shusen (2000). Research report of Corporate Culture of high-tech corporation, Liaoning Science. (in Chinese)

Liu, Wenchuan and Li, Shusen (1999). “Application of SBC on DOWN Group”, Journal of Northeastern University (social science version). (in Chinese)

Research Funds研究基金

�69,450 from Irish Research Council of Humanities and Social Science (IRCHSS) (2006-2008), Director.

�45, 000 from NCPP & Equality Authority, Ireland (05/2006 – 12/2006). Principal Investigator (PI)

�39, 000 from Lero (Irish Software Engineering Research Centre) (2005).

Main Awards/Honors獲獎

*2005-2006 博士後獎 (愛爾蘭自然科學基金) (Euro 39,000)

*2004 中國教育部 優秀自費留學生獎 (US$ 5,000) (編號:2004-201)

*2002-2005 Dean Scholarship, Kemmy Business School, University of Limerick, Ireland 愛爾蘭利墨里克大學商學院院長獎學金 (Euro 22,000)

*2000 東北大學成人教育學院 優秀教師

*1999-2000 東北大學優秀碩士畢業生

*1998 華為公司獎學金 (2,000 元)

*1998-1999 優秀碩士研究生

*1997-1998 優秀研究生幹部

*1993-1994 東北大學優秀本科畢業生

*1993-1994 優秀學生獎學金

*1992-1993 優秀學生獎學金及優秀學生幹部

*1991-1992 優秀學生獎學金

*1990-1991 優秀學生獎學金

Academic Membership參加的學術組織

美國管理學會 (AOM), 會員(人力資源管理,管理研究方法 分部)

美國國際企業研究學會 (AIB),會員

愛爾蘭管理學會 (IAM),會員

Media Research Profile媒體報導(研究)

Managing Manpower, Sunday Independent, 23 July, 2006 (L. Daly).

Maximising performance through HR practice, Irish Independent, 15 September 2005 (C. Molloy).

Survey finds good HR practice adds to bottom line, Irish Times, 17 June 2005 (C. dooley).



