

劉文博 ,男,武漢大學化學與分子科學學院,教授,博士生導師,中組部第六批“青年千人計畫”入選者。


2002.9–2006.7, 南開大學化學學院基地班,本科,導師李弘教授

2006.9–2011.7, 中科院上海有機化學研究所,博士,導師戴立信院士,游書力研究員

2011.7–2011.12, 中科院上海有機化學研究所,研究助理

2012.1–2016.2 美國加州理工學院(Caltech),博士後,合作導師:Brian M. Stoltz

2015.5, 中組部第六批“青年千人計畫”入選者





2016.2- 武漢大學引進人才項目, 中組部千人計畫項目(青年組)


1. Liu, W.-B. (co-first author); Noriko Okamoto (co-first author); Eric J. Alexy, Allen Y. Hong, Kristy Tran, and Brian M. Stoltz. "Enantioselective γ-Alkylation of α,β-Unsaturated Malonates and Ketoesters by a Sequential Ir-Catalyzed Asymmetric Allylic Alkylation/Cope Rearrangement". J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, DOI: 10.1021/jacs.6b02153.

2. Toutov, A. A (co-first author); Liu, W.-B. (co-first author); Betz, K. N.; Fedorov, A.; Stoltz, B. M.;* Grubbs, R. H.* “C–H bond silylation of aromatic heterocycles by an earth-abundant metal catalyst”. Nature, 201 5, 518, 80.

3. Toutov, A. A (co-first author); Liu, W.-B. (co-first author); Betz, K. N.; Stoltz, B. M.;* Grubbs, R. H.* “Catalytic C–H bond silylation of aromatic heterocycles”. Nature Protocols, 201 5, 10, 1897.

4. Liu, W.-B.; Reeves, C. M.; Virgil, S. C.; Stoltz, B. M.* “Construction of Vicinal Tertiary and All-Carbon Quaternary Stereocenters via Ir-Catalyzed Regio-, Diastereo-, and Enantioselective Allylic Alkylation and Applications in Sequential Pd-Catalysis”. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 10626.

5. Liu, W.-B.; Reeves, C. M.; Stoltz, B. M.* “Enantio-, Diastereo- and Regioselective Iridium-Catalyzed Asymmetric Allylic Alkylation of Acyclic β-Ketoesters”. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013 , 135, 17298 .

6. Liu, W.-B.; Zheng, C.; Zhuo, C. X.; Dai, L.-X.; You, S.-L.* “Iridium-Catalyzed Allylic Alkylation Reaction with N-Aryl Phosphoramidite Ligands: Scope and Mechanistic Studies”. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 4812.

7. Liu, W.-B.; Zheng, C.; Zhuo, C. X.; Dai, L.-X.; You, S.-L.* “Asymmetric N-Allylation of Indoles Through the Iridium-Catalyzed Allylic Alkylation/Oxidation of Indolines”. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012, 51, 5183.


