

《出嫁的日子》是由李炳逸執導的喜劇片, Cho Mi-Ryeong、Kim Seung-Ho、Choi Hyeon等參加演出。 該片講述了在出嫁的日子裡,因女方父親以為男方有殘疾,而讓別人和女兒掉包,結果假新娘和新郎結為夫妻的喜劇故事。


在成為法律with an influential family is all very well,但學者孟的磁阻to嫁給他的女兒to a跛子outweighs他的野心和我計畫通過貨幣來了女兒的女僕IP包(CHO我ryeong)的新娘。我們的婚禮,我讓他產生EON at the婚禮大廳,顯現himself to be a出色的年輕人沒有hint of a跛行。學者孟是utterly flabbergasted and dismayed,but it is too跳動:the女僕IP包成為我永恆的妻子。


“the first Korean電影to receive an award at an海外電影節”

沒有疑問的,《婚禮的手claim to區別in the history of Korean電影lies in the fact that it was the first to Win an award albeit in a小調category at an海外電影節(喜劇獎at the亞洲電影節)。although this may not from our current看起來像多的立場,這是來自韓國的電影獎received the Recognition of Foreign電影節for the first time in History and,因此,交付給tremendous刺激to those in the domestic電影產業。It is true that韓國演員,導演,和其他工業的個人誰是製作的電影在鄉村ravaged by殖民占領and Civil War were in the交手的複雜toward更先進的深劣電影工業。雖然擁抱received by the婚禮did not fully治癒這個綜合體,它provided the basis on which to build a certain level of about the Potential of Korean信心未來的電影。The Export of Korean電影became more主動in the years that followed and in the early 60 several were even submitted to such prestigious節日有威尼斯,柏林,and坎城。

of course,the婚禮你足夠優秀藝術in itself to be recognized as an important part of Korean cinematic歷史。喜劇是一種unfamiliar in the history of Korean電影,但婚禮succeeded in garnering陽性反應both from評論家and at the Box Office。這作為the Foundation for the continued creation of喜劇電影在韓國。在進一步的區別of this is the fact that its電影衍生的時刻是不是slapstick but from諷刺和諷刺,支持它牢牢in the傳統民歌的地方色彩豐富的戲劇學院。the performance of金勝嗬,有男人的貪婪使他自己的misfortune圖,elicits the觀眾的笑聲。


