作者: 竺乾威 馬國泉
出版社: 復旦大學出版社出版年: 2000-5
頁數: 601
定價: 48.00元
裝幀: 平裝
ISBN: 9787309025316
Chapter One From the end of the 19th century to the 30s of the 20th cetntury
1. The Study of Administration――Wooodrow Wilson
2. Politics and Administration――Frank J. Goodnow
3. Scientific Management――Frederick W.Tnylor
4 Bureaucracy――Max Weber
5. Notes on the Theory of Organization――Luther Gulick
Chapter Two The 40s of the 20th century to the 70s of the 20th century
6. Bureaucratic Structure and Personality――Robert K. Merton
7. A Theory of Human Motivation――A.H.Maslow
8. Power and Administration――Norton E. Long
9. Parkinson’s Law or the rising Pyramid――C.Northcote Parkinson
10. The Human Side of Enterprise――Douglas Murray McGregor
11. The Science of“Muddling Through”――Charles E. Lindblom
12. Organizations and the System Concopt――Daniel Katz & Robert L. Kahn
13. Policy Analysts:A New Professional Role in Government Service――Yehezkel Dror
14. The Life Cycle of Bureaus――Anthony Downs
15, Public Administraton in a Time of Revolution――Dwlght Waldo
16. The Peter Principle――Laurence J.Peter&Raymond Hull
17. Towards a New Public Administration――H.&George Frederickson
18. Organization Design:a Situational Perspective――Jay W.Lorsch
19. Histoncal Trends in Leadeship Theory and Researeh――Ralph M. Stogdill
20. Public and Private Management:Are They fundamentally Alike in all
unimportant Respects?――Graham T.Allison