

傅邱雲,教授, 博士生導師 研究所(實驗室):教育部敏感陶瓷工程中心



職稱:教授, 博士生導師




華中科技大學“華中學者”特聘教授。主持並完成國家自然科學基金面上項目、國家863目標導向項目等國家與省部級項目10餘項,與企業合作開發項目20餘項。授權中國發明專利20餘項、美國發明專利2項;在Advanced Materials(影響因子19.6)、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces(影響因子7.5)、Applied Physics Letter、Journal of the European Ceramics Society、Journal of the American Ceramics Society、Sensors and Actuators B等發表SCI 論文50餘篇;國內外會議大會報告與特邀報告多次;擔任中國電子學會元件分會委員、青年科學家俱樂部委員、中國矽酸鹽學會特種陶瓷分會理事等多種學術兼職。2011年獲“教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計畫”資助,2010年獲“武漢市創新人才”資助,2009年度華中科技大學“校十佳青年”。


2002/04 – 2005/07,德國德勒斯登工業大學(TU Dresden),電子信息與技術系,博士

1997/09 – 2000/07,華中科技大學,電子科學與技術系,碩士

1990/09 – 1994/07,華中理工大學,固體電子學系,學士


2010/10 – 今,華中科技大學,光學與電子信息學院,教授

2006/05 – 2010/10,華中科技大學,電子科學與技術系,副教授

2005/07 – 2009/03,德國弗朗霍夫光微系統研究所(Fraunhofer IPMS),科學工作者(Scientist)

2000/08 – 2002/03,烽火通信公司微電子中心,晶片設計工程師

1994/08 – 1997/08,武漢郵電科學研究院固體器件所,助理工程師




1. 國家十三五重點研發計畫:高性能電磁介質及元器件開發

2. 國家十三五重點研發計畫:高性能無源敏感薄膜材料Si 基異質異構集成方法及感測器晶片研發

3. 國家863目標導向項目:片式熱敏材料及熱敏電阻元件製備技術

4. 國家863計畫前沿探索項目:低溫共燒多功能敏感陶瓷元件研發及套用

5. 國家自然科學基金面上項目:用於磁電存儲器的室溫可逆電場調控多鐵異質結交換偏置效應研究

6. 國家自然科學基金面上項目:無線無源阻抗負載聲表面波感測器基礎問題研究

7. 國家自然科學基金面上項目:電泳沉積法製備納米磁電多鐵性複合薄膜的研究

8. 國家自然科學基金面上項目:阻抗負載聲表面波感測器的二維能量控制問題

9. 國家產業化項目:片式熱敏元件相關係列產品產業

10. 國際合作項目:厚膜集成溫濕敏感測器製備


[1] Effects of BaCO addition on the microstructure and electrical properties of La-doped barium titanate ceramics prepared by reduction-reoxidation method, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, pp.113-118, (38) 2018.

[2] Multiple Interfacial FeO@BaTiO(VDF-HFP) Core-Shell-Matrix Films with Internal Barrier Layer Capacitor(IBLC)Effects and High Energy Storage Density, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 9, 40792-40800, 2017.

[3] Self-assembled core-shell CoFeO@BaTiO particles loaded P(VDF-HFP) flexible films with excellent magneto-electric effects, Applied Physics Letters, 111, 032903, 2017.

[4] Abnormal reoxidation effects in Ba-excess La-doped BaTiO ceramics prepared by the reduction-reoxidation method, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 1-7, (00)2017.

[5] Preparation and electrical properties of ZnO-BiO-based multilayer varistors with base metal nickel inner electrodes, Journal of the American Ceramic Society,1-9, (00)2017.

[6] Nanocrystalline semiconducting donor-doped BaTiO ceramics for laminated PTC thermistor, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, pp.1523-1528, (37) 2017.

[7] Enhanced HS gas sensing properties of undoped ZnO nanocrystalline films from QDs by low-temperature processing, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Volume 224, Pages 153–158, 2016.

[8] Effects of BN on phase compositions and electrical properties of ZnO–BiO varistors prepared by the reduction–reoxidation method, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, pp.609-614, (36) 2016.

[9] Nanocrystalline SnO film prepared by the aqueous sol–gel method and its application as sensing films of the resistance and SAW HS sensor, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Volume 217, Pages 119–128, 2015.

[10] ZnO varistor ceramics prepared by the reduction–reoxidation method, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, pp.3025-3031, (35) 2015.

[11] Physically Flexible, Rapid-Response Gas Sensor Based on Colloidal Quantum Dot Solids, Advanced Materials, Volume 26, Issue 17, pages 2718–2724, May 7, 2014.

[12] A surface acoustic wave HS gas sensor employing nanocrystalline SnO thin film, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Volume 176, Pages 746–752, 2013.

[13] An integrated passive impedance-loaded SAW sensor, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Volume 187, Pages 215–220, 2013.

[14] Preparation and microwave dielectric properties of 3ZnO·BOceramics with low sintering temperature , Journal of the European Ceramic Society, pp.521-524, (32)2012.

[15] Time-dependent oxygen vacancy distribution and gas sensing characteristics of tin oxide gas sensitive thin films, Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 150(1), pp.330-338, 2010.


[1] 傅邱雲,周東祥,龔樹萍,胡云香,鄭志平,羅為,劉歡,趙俊,付明,包漢青,邱傳貢,電子學會,2015年電子學會科技進步獎一等獎。

[2] 周東祥, 傅邱雲, 胡云香, 龔樹萍, 劉歡, 鄭志平,湖北省人民政府,2010年湖北省技術發明一等獎。




