
為華南植物園環境退化與生態恢復領域首席科學家,恢復生態學研究組首席科學家,2004年成為中國科學院“百人計畫”入選者,2009年獲得“國家傑出青年基金”,2010年獲批享受國務院特殊津貼 ,2014年入選“國家百千萬人才工程" 。主要研究興趣包括植物及土壤生物對“溫室效應”的反應及其反饋作用,生態系統食物網中生物之間的相互作用。正主持國家自然科學基金重點項目、面上項目各一項,主持中國 科學院方向性項目一項。已發表SCI論文50餘篇,分別發表在生態學、林學、土壤生態學優秀刊物Nature communication, Ecology, Functional Ecology,Forest Ecology and Management, New Phytologist, Ecological Modeling, Soil Biology & Biochemistry, Plant and Soil, Soil Science Society of America Journal上,其中8篇發表在農業和土壤科學最優秀的刊物Soil Biology & Biochemistry上。
現為Soil Biology & Biochemistry, Journal of Plant Ecology、 土 壤、熱帶亞熱帶植物學報等期刊編委。
1991年9月-1994年9月 華南植物研究所生態室,研究實習員;
1994年10月-1995年9月 美國國際熱帶林業研究所,訪問學者;
1995年10月-1996年8月 華南植物研究所生態室,助理研究員;
2000年1月-2002 年4月 加州大學Santa Cruz分校,博士後;
2002年4月-2004年7月 加州大學Davis分校,博士後;
2004年7月至2016年3月 中國科學院華南植物園,研究員;
2016年3月至今 河南大學,“攀登計畫”特聘教授。
現為廣東鶴山森林生態系統國家野外科學觀測研究站暨中國科學院鶴山丘陵綜合開放試驗站站長,河南大學特聘教授;Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 《生態學報》、《植物生態學報》、《生物多樣性》、《土壤》、《熱帶亞熱帶植物學報》、《植物科學學報》、《套用與環境生物學報》、等期刊編委,Journal of Plant Ecology以及 Ecological Processes期刊副主編。
Zhang WX, Hendrix PF., Dame LE., Burke RA., Wu JP., Neher DA., Li JX., Shao YH., Fu SL*(通訊作者). 2013. Earthworm Facilite carbon sequestration through unequal amplification of carbon stabilization compared to mineralization.Nature Communications.
Zhao, J., Shao, Y., Wang, X., Neher, D.A., Xu, G., Li, Z.,Fu SL*(通訊作者).2013. Sentinel soil invertebrate taxa as bioindicators for forest management practices. Ecological Indicators,24 , pp. 236-239.
Shao, Y.,Zhang, W.,Liu, Z.,Sun, Y.,Chen, D.,Wu, J.,Zhou, L.,Fu SL*. 2012.Responses of soil microbial and nematode communities to aluminum toxicity in vegetated oil-shale-waste lands.Ecotoxicology, 21 (8) , pp. 2132-2142.
Zhao J, Wang XL, Shao YH, Xu GL, Fu SL*(通訊作者).2011. Effects of vegetation removal on soil properties and decomposer organisms. Soil Biology & Biochemistry,43(5): 954-960.
Wang XL, Zhao J, Wu JP, Chen H, Lin YB, Zhou LX, Fu SL*(通訊作者).2011. Impacts of understory species removal and/or addition on soil respiration in a mixed forest plantation with native species in southern China. Forest Ecology & Management, 261(6) : 1053-1060.
Wu JP, Liu ZF, Wang XL, Sun YX, Zhou LX, Lin YB, Fu SL*(通訊作者).2011. Effects of understory removal and tree girdling on soilmicrobial community composition and litterdecomposition in two Eucalyptus plantations in South China. Functional Ecology, DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2435.2011.01845.x.
Zhang CL, Fu SL*(通訊作者).2010. Allelopathic effects of leaf litter and live roots exudates of Eucalyptus species on crops. Allelopathy Journal, 26(1) : 91-99.
Chen DM, Zhang Y, Lin YB, Zhu WX, Fu SL*(通訊作者).2010.Changes in belowground carbon in Acacia crassicarpa and Eucalyptus urophylla plantations after tree girdling.Plant and Soil, 326(1-2): 123-135.
Chen DM, Zhou LX, Rao XQ, Lin YB, Fu SL*(通訊作者). 2010. Effects of root diameter and root nitrogen concentration on in situ root respiration among different seasons and tree species.Ecologial Research, 25: 983-993.
Zhang WX, Hendrix PF, Snyder BA, Molina M, Li JX, Rao XQ, Siemann E, Fu SL*(通訊作者), 2010. Dietary flexibility aids Asian earthworm invasion in North American forests.Ecology, 91(7): 2070-2079(生態科學前10%期刊)
1.Zhang WX, Hendrix PF., Dame LE., Burke RA., Wu JP., Neher DA., Li JX., Shao YH., Fu SL*(通訊作者). 2013. Earthworm Facilite carbon sequestration through unequal amplification of carbon stabilization compared to mineralization.Nature Communications.
2.Zhao, J., Shao, Y., Wang, X., Neher, D.A., Xu, G., Li, Z.,Fu SL*(通訊作者).2013. Sentinel soil invertebrate taxa as bioindicators for forest management practices. Ecological Indicators,24 , pp. 236-239.
3.Shao, Y.,Zhang, W.,Liu, Z.,Sun, Y.,Chen, D.,Wu, J.,Zhou, L.,Fu SL*. 2012.Responses of soil microbial and nematode communities to aluminum toxicity in vegetated oil-shale-waste lands.Ecotoxicology, 21 (8) , pp. 2132-2142.
4.Zhao J, Wang XL, Shao YH, Xu GL, Fu SL*(通訊作者).2011. Effects of vegetation removal on soil properties and decomposer organisms. Soil Biology & Biochemistry,43(5): 954-960.
5.Wang XL, Zhao J, Wu JP, Chen H, Lin YB, Zhou LX, Fu SL*(通訊作者).2011. Impacts of understory species removal and/or addition on soil respiration in a mixed forest plantation with native species in southern China. Forest Ecology & Management, 261(6) : 1053-1060.
6.Wu JP, Liu ZF, Wang XL, Sun YX, Zhou LX, Lin YB, Fu SL*(通訊作者).2011. Effects of understory removal and tree girdling on soilmicrobial community composition and litterdecomposition in two Eucalyptus plantations in South China. Functional Ecology, DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2435.2011.01845.x.
7.Zhang CL, Fu SL*(通訊作者).2010. Allelopathic effects of leaf litter and live roots exudates of Eucalyptus species on crops. Allelopathy Journal, 26(1) : 91-99.
8.Chen DM, Zhang Y, Lin YB, Zhu WX, Fu SL*(通訊作者).2010.Changes in belowground carbon in Acacia crassicarpa and Eucalyptus urophylla plantations after tree girdling.Plant and Soil, 326(1-2): 123-135.
9.Chen DM, Zhou LX, Rao XQ, Lin YB, Fu SL*(通訊作者). 2010. Effects of root diameter and root nitrogen concentration on in situ root respiration among different seasons and tree species.Ecologial Research, 25: 983-993.
10.Zhang WX, Hendrix PF, Snyder BA, Molina M, Li JX, Rao XQ, Siemann E, Fu SL*(通訊作者), 2010. Dietary flexibility aids Asian earthworm invasion in North American forests.Ecology, 91(7): 2070-2079(生態科學前10%期刊)