
《來吧,甜蜜的死亡》原名為《Komm, süsser Tod》(德語),是EVA劇場版《The End of Evangelion》的插曲,是劇中第三次衝擊時全體人類肉體LCL化,回歸到Lilith(第二使徒)時的配樂。



《來吧,甜蜜的死亡》的歌名來自巴赫的一首聲樂作品——《Komm, süsser Tod, komm, sel'ge Ruh! 》,不過一般簡稱為“Komm, süsser Tod”。這首“Komm, süsser Tod”曾被斯托科夫斯基改編管弦樂。




《來吧,甜蜜的死亡》被收錄進 同名專輯和紀念EVA十周年的專輯 中。日文版(come sweet death,second impact)被收錄進專輯The world!EVAngelion JAZZ night=The Tokyo III Jazz club=中。


I know, I know I've let you down

I've been a fool to myself

I thought that I could live for no one else

But now through all the hurt and pain

It's time for me to respect

the ones you love mean more than anything

So with sadness in my heart

I feel the best thing I could do

is end it all and leave forever

What's done is done it feels so bad

What once was happy now is sad

I'll never love again my world is ending

I wish that I could turn back time

Cause now the guilt is all mine

Can't live without the trust from those you love

I know we can't forget the past

You can't forget love and pride

Because of that, it's killing me inside

It all returns to nothing

It all comes

tumbling down

tumbling down

tumbling down

It all returns to nothing

I just keep

letting me down

letting me down

letting me down

In my heart of hearts

I know that I couldn't never love again

I've lost everything


Everything that matters to me matters in this world

I wish that I could turn back time

Cause now the guilt is all mine

Can't live without the trust from those you love

I know we can't forget the past

You can't forget love and pride

Because of that, it's killing me inside

It all returns to nothing

It all comes

tumbling down

tumbling down

tumbling down

It all returns to nothing

I just keep

letting me down

letting me down

letting me down

It all returns to nothing

It just keeps

tumbling down

tumbling down

tumbling down

It all returns to nothing

I just keep

letting me down

letting me down

letting me down


tumbling down

tumbling down

tumbling down


letting me down

letting me down

letting me down


tumbling down

tumbling down

tumbling down


letting me down

letting me down

letting me down


I know,I know I've let you down 我知道,我知道,是我讓你失望了

I've been a fool to myself 我一直在欺騙自己

I thought that I could live for no one else 我還以為自己一人也能活下去

but now, through all the hurt and pain 但現在,經歷了這一切的傷與痛

it's time for me to respect 我該好好尊敬一下

the ones you love mean more than anything 你不顧一切地珍愛的那些東西了

so with sadness in my heart 就這樣 悲傷充斥著我的心

I feel the best thing I could do 我覺的自己最該做的

Lilith之卵 Lilith之卵

is end it all 就是結束這一切

and leave forever 然後永別了

what's done is done it feels so bad 一切都無法挽回了 感覺很不好

what once was happy now is sad 曾經快樂的事現在只覺得悲傷

I'll never love again 我不會再愛了

my world is ending 我的末日已經來臨

I wish that I could turn back time 我希望自己能讓一切重來

cos now the guilt is all mine 因為這一切都是我的錯

can't live without the trust from those you love 如果不是相信你所愛的一切那我根本活不下去

I know we can't forget the past 我明白過去的事將難以忘懷

you can't forget love and pride 你放不下曾經的愛和榮耀

because of that 就因為你這樣

it's killing me inside 將我扼殺

it all returns to nothing 一切都化為烏有

it all comes 一切都

tumbling down,tumbling down,tumbling down 倒下來吧,倒下來,倒下來……

it all returns to nothing 一切都化為了烏有

I just keep 就這樣

letting me down 讓我大失所望

letting me down 讓我大失所望

覺醒中的Lilith 覺醒中的Lilith

letting me down 讓我大失所望

in my heart of hearts在我內心深處

I know that I called never love again 我知道自己連愛都不再存在

I've lost everything 我終於失去了所有的一切

everything everything 所有

that matters to me 我和周圍的

matters in this world 所有的一切

I wish that i could turn back time 我希望自己能讓一切重來

cos now the guilt is all mine 因為這一切都是我的錯

can't live without the trust 倘若是沒有了你愛的

from those you love 那我根本活不下去

I know we can't forget the past 我明白過去的事將難以忘懷

you can't forget love and pride 你放不下曾經的愛和榮耀

because of that 就因為你這樣

it's killing me inside 將我扼殺

it all returns to nothing一切都化為了烏有

it just keeps 一切都

tumbling down 落下來

tumbling down 落下來

tumbling down 落下來……

it all returns to nothing一切都化為了烏有

I just keep 一切都

letting me down 讓我大失所望

letting me down 讓我大失所望

letting me down 讓我大失所望

it all returns to nothing一切都化為了烏有

it just keeps 一切都

tumbling down 落下來

tumbling down 落下來

tumbling down 落下來……

it all returns to nothing一切都化為了烏有

it just keep 一切都

letting me down 讓我大失所望

letting me down 讓我大失所望

letting me down 讓我大失所望……


tumbling down 落下來

tumbling down 落下來

tumbling down 落下來


letting me down 讓我大失所望

letting me down 讓我大失所望

letting me down 讓我大失所望



I know,I know I've let you down 我知道,我知道,是我讓你失望了【柳眉凝蹙 佳人不悅】

I've been a fool to myself 我真是個傻瓜【吾之不惠 卻也甚矣】

I thought that I could live for no one else 我還以為自己一人也能活下去【獨立於世 顧影無儔】

but now, through all the hurt and pain 但現在,經歷了這一切的傷與痛【時過境遷 脫胎換骨】

it's time for me to respect 我該好好尊敬一下

the ones you love mean more than anything 你不顧一切地珍愛的那些東西了

【 晝乾夕惕 是時省憶 心愛至極 千金不易】

so with sadness in my heart 就這樣 悲傷充斥著我的心

【寒蟬淒切 憂思不竭】

I feel the best thing i could do 我覺的自己最該做的

【瞻前思後 計上心頭】

is end it all 就是結束這一切

and leave forever 然後永別了

【良會永絕 惟圖終結】

what's done is done it feels so bad 一切都無法挽回了 感覺很不好【昨日之日 欲語又遲】

what once was happy now is sad 曾經快樂的事現在只覺得悲傷【芳草濺淚 青鳥驚心】

I'll never love again 我不會再愛了【心如止水 難起漣漪】

my world is ending 我的末日已經來臨【哀逝鄉異 一死如飴】

I wish that I could turn back time 我希望自己能讓一切重來【滄田桑海 只願從頭】

cos now the guilt is all mine 因為這一切都是我的錯

【引咎自責 不怨青娥】

can't live without the trust from those you love 如果不是相信你所愛的一切那我根本活不下去

【死生契闊 與子成說】

I know we can't forget the past 我明白過去的事將難以忘懷

【昔日過往 耿耿不忘】

you can't forget love and pride 你放不下曾經的愛和榮耀

【尊寵嬌之 佳人矜持】

because of that 就因為你這樣【亦已焉哉 向素如此】

it's killing me inside 將我扼殺【當為情死 不為情怨】

it all returns to nothing 一切都化為烏有【萬物蒼生 化為烏有】

it all comes 一切都【萬物蒼生 化為】

tumbling down,tumbling down,tumbling down 倒下來吧,倒下來,倒下 來……【高屋建瓴 廣廈將傾】

it all returns to nothing 一切都化為了烏有【萬物蒼生 化為烏有】

I just keep 就這樣

letting me down 讓我大失所望

letting me down 讓我大失所望

letting me down 讓我大失所望【此生此世 沉淪不返】

in my heart of hearts在我內心深處【走肉行屍 亦可深省】

I know that I called never love again 我知道自己連愛都不再存在【心如止水 難起波瀾】

i've lost everything 我終於失去了所有的一切【痛失所有】

everything everything 所有

That matters to me 我和周圍的

matters in this world 所有的一切【心中至愛 當世珍寶】

I wish that I could turn back time 我希望自己能讓一切重來【滄田桑海 只願從頭】

cos now the guilt is all mine 因為這一切都是我的錯

【引咎自責 不怨青娥】

can't live without the trust 倘若是沒有了你愛的

from those you love 那我根本活不下去

【死生契闊 與子成說】

I know we can't forget the past 我明白過去的事將難以忘懷

【昔日過往 耿耿不忘】

you can't forget love and pride 你放不下曾經的愛和榮耀

【尊寵嬌之 佳人矜持】

because of that 就因為你這樣

it's killing me inside 將我扼殺

【亦已焉哉 向素如此 當為情死 不為情怨】

it all returns to nothing一切都化為了烏有【萬物蒼生 化為烏有】

it just keeps 一切都

tumbling down 落下來

tumbling down 落下來

tumbling down 落下來……【高屋建瓴 廣廈將傾】

it all returns to nothing一切都化為了烏有【萬物蒼生 化為烏有】

I just keep 一切都

letting me down 讓我大失所望

letting me down 讓我大失所望

letting me down 讓我大失所望【此生此世 沉淪不返】

it all returns to nothing一切都化為了烏有【萬物蒼生 化為烏有】

it just keeps 一切都

Tumbling down 落下來

Tumbling down 落下來

Tumbling down 落下來……【高屋建瓴 廣廈將傾】

it all returns to nothing一切都化為了烏有【萬物蒼生 化為烏有】

it just keep 一切都

Tumbling down 落下來

Tumbling down 落下來

Tumbling down 落下來……【高屋建瓴 廣廈將傾】


Tumbling down 落下來

Tumbling down 落下來

Tumbling down 落下來【高屋建瓴 廣廈將傾】


Letting me down 讓我大失所望

Letting me down 讓我大失所望

Letting me down 讓我大失所望【此生此世 沉淪不返】


